
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Random passerby

    Looking forward to the full release of this english patch
    Maybe after this you can translate another key side story called Kud wafter

  • Redeyes260

    Once Tomoyo After is finished you guys should work on MOAR KEY NOVELS! I found a completed English patch for Little Busters! And the game itself. Took me 3 hours to install and reinstall it trying to figure out what I didn’t do right. In the end I got it working and spent from 11:30 AM to 9:00 PM playing Rin’s first route. Still waiting for them to finish LB! ecstasy so I can get me some Rin H-scenes… (I guess I have a think for girls with red eyes.(Go figure my name as well *rolls eyes*))

    A group is already translating “Rewright” (I think that’s the name) by Key, so maybe you guys could find another novel people haven’t done by them yet? I can only imagine the quality of the translations once Tomoyo After is out… Muahahahahahah!

    • Redeyes260

      *a thing….
      *Rin H-scenes in English, I mean.

      • Daniel

        The latest one is called Rewrite!. There aren’t too many visual novels by Key that are left to be translated. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Kud Wafter (which is a Little Busters! spin-off) and Air are the only ones not fully translated. However, I know Air’s translation project had a c&d a while back, which stopped most everyone from doing it.

        Anyway, I was just posting to show support. I’ve kept checking back for the past month and thought I should make a comment. Good luck with the translation and I look forward to the release.

        • Though I don’t know for sure, I think that the Air C&D was due to game distribution. I have no intention of dealing with such matters and my understanding is that Doki does not either. I am merely working on a translation, and that would appear to be acceptable for both parties.

          Thanks for stopping by! Hopefully I’ll be able to provide more frequent updates in a little bit…

    • Trust me, I love Key stories more than anyone, but I’m going to maintain Doki’s stance of one project at a time. Feel free to speculate, but I can’t comment that far in the future. Sorry!

  • Jon

    Lol, why are you guys saying they should do more then they already are? Takes a lot of time to make these releases up to snuff.

    • Redeyes260

      We’re planning ahead? If you read what we said then let it sink in a little, we were saying AFTER Tomoyo After was finished. Because Tomoyo is sexy… And awesome… and I want more Tomoyo, I say they must (Key) make another Tomoyo game with better endings and more Tomoyo…

      *Composes self and de-wrinkles suit*

      We know it takes a lot of time. We were tossing out future ideas on other Visual Novels they could do after finishing this one up.

      • Hey, be nice to Jon. He’s a good guy.

        • Redeyes260

          Had no intention in coming off angry, but I suppose the caps lock on ‘after’ assumed I was irked. :I Was meant as a simple reply, no hatred or ill intent intended 🙂

          Even if you can’t comment that fat into the future, Clannad Man, you can’t even speculate about the possibility of doing another Key visual novel? Hah…

          ….I said Tomoyo 5 times in *TECHNICALLY* One sentence. Holy god. I’ll probably be kicked.

  • Jon

    If clannad man says so ;>. And didn’t mean any offense Redeyes260, just stating my opinion.

  • Ruu

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    ┬─┬ノ(º _ ºノ)

  • Random passerby

    It is actually good that the admins of this projects are still alive(Not afk or calling off projects)
    The fact i still see people chatting here daily means that this project is still moving foreword.
    Do you know when could you finish translating at the current speed(in months/years)

    • The answer to that question is, “Yes.” I can also visualize the number of months and years it will take for the project to be completed at current speed.

      Unfortunately, that date is classified, and will continue to be until the game’s release. So sorry. I would say if I could.

      (Hey, I don’t even need to use both hands!)

  • Random passerby

    Before I go here is a CGS OF THE FOLLOWING VN
    Tomoyo After
    Kud Wafter

  • Jon

    Clannadman, posting so many moe pictures on one page is going to give some poor soul a heart attack!

  • Jon

    NOES! Must…. hang… on…. for tomoyo after….. is being translated….

  • as the fates continue to whittle away at our sanity. we must hold on.

  • Random passerby

    Hmm i wonder what will the comment be when translations is completed

    • I would hope I’d be capable of something pretty amazing, if I can somehow survive to that point. Hmm…

      Clannad Man imagines the completion of the project in the [near/distant] future. He pictures himself in an empty white room with a chair and a cot, himself saying,


      as he spins around in his swivel office chair, his hands bound by a tied white cloth behind his back.

      It would seem as if he has gone insane.

      Well crap. That’s not what I expected. I figured you all would go insane, but if I do, the project stalls! I cannot let that happen! We must fight this insanity together, Doki Legion!

      As for your question, passerby, I guess you’re just going to need to stick around to find out! 😉

  • Pawprint

    “Kud Wafter”? Could we possibly get a sillier name?

    • “Pawprint Wafter”, maybe?
      ◔ ◡ ◔

    • Aah, Pawprint! For what do I owe this pleasure? I don’t recall you posting here for many, many moons. Regardless for your reason, welcome!

      Kud Wafter. Yep. Just goes to show you they didn’t take into account English-speaking perception when they made that title. It’s a crime that every time I hear the name of that game and picture the cute girl on the cover, I also picture someone having taken a dump while the wind wafts it over in my general direction. Yeeeech. Thanks Key. That’s one thing you should have thought about a bit more before release.

      • Pawprint

        Aah, Pawprint! For what do I owe this pleasure?

        Holo told me to keep an eye on you….

        • Holo? Sending you as a spy? Ha!

          If such is the case, then tell him this: Since the beginning of the year, this page has been the most popular on all of Doki in terms of both unique page views and comments, outside of the home page and completed projects page. I’d say that’s pretty impressive for a group of fans that has been given little more than our word that the project is being actively worked on. It is also a testament to their devotion to Key, Doki, and the overall popularity of this project. And, as updates about the project spread, their numbers have been growing at an impressive rate.

          Surely Holo will look upon these facts in a positive light! Meanwhile, I look forward to providing the Doki Legion with more updates in the coming weeks.

  • Winwaker

    So Clannad Man, 5 is the magic number? Hmm… could it be 5 weeks or 5 months?, I highly doubt to be 5 days or 5 years. This is quite a mystery we must solve for the sake of our minds! jeje

    See ya guys and have a nice day.

    • Oh, I love when people put 2 & 2 together without asking directly! This is all so much more fun that way. Though, I don’t remember anyone saying anything about weeks.

      Also, I could also be separating the amount of time on one hand. 3 years, 1 month. 1 year, 3 months. I could add in my toes for the heck of it. 15 months. (I’m not a mutant, so sorry.)

      Then again, it is possible that the actual time is less than that.

      But do not despair that there is a mystery left to be solved. I haven’t forgotten my promise to provide a code at some point. Keep your pencils handy!

      • Winwaker

        yeah I know, I was just guessing and trying to be positive jeje.

        btw, I forgot to thank you all of the team that are making this translation possible, keep it up!

  • Random passerby

    Ah Japan where english speaking locals are highly endangered….
    Also here is the Link to tomoyo after(Jap/ENGRISH)
    The partial english patch is dead maybe you can help?

    • i think working from partial patch will be a pain in the ass more than from a scratch, afaik….

    • That partial English Patch originated from Baka-Tsuki, whom Doki took over the project from. They are responsible for maintaining their own partial patch. As the VN Team has substantially reworked the scenes included in the partial patch to improve quality, it will not be offered here. Sorry.

  • Pramit much is done? least 75% is done right?

    • Ruu

      I want to say something silly before Clannad Man does D:. To your question Pramit, about this much is done
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ +Translation lost since all the data was in that single table”

    • Enough has been done where I felt as though I should begin answering questions for people on a consistent basis. As for a percentage that has been completed, your guess is as good as mine.

      Not really, of course. I know exactly how much has been done. Just felt like using an expression.

      • Jon

        So, it wouldn’t be a guess ;>. In your case the saying should go “Your guess is inferior to my facts”.

        • Not so, my dear Jon. I still cannot predict the exact time when the patch will be released. The additional information I hold allows me to make a much more accurate guess, but a guess nonetheless.

  • Jon

    Touché. Now for no apparent reason have a star fish.

  • Random passerby

    It is unfortunate that most of us here cant help you at all.We dont know Japanese and we are screaming at you to give out the patch.Meh I cant even buy you a coffee 🙁

  • Redeyes260

    @Clannad Man – Oh boy if I was in that situation with Tomoyo… The one reason I hate fantasy is due to it not being real. If only there was a way to input yourself into a show or a game and play as that main character… God.

    @Index – You’re a game behind buddy, after doing it the first time either she’d catch on and do it too or get really sad thinking I wanted to.. No.. I’ll take her and everything she has to offer for mineself.

    Ich Liebe Dich, Tomoyo

    *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

  • martinez

    >Tomoyo After: It’s a Wonderful Life Original SoundTrack – 01 Light colors.flac

    Seems legit

    • martinez! Long time to see. Welcome to my humble abode, which also serves as the hotbed for the coolest Key Katz on ze internets. Make yourself at home, and enjoy listening to those smooth Tomoyo After tunes…

  • Forvaine

    After lurking around here for a while, dodging tables and what not, I’d like to thank everyone working on this project. I’m really looking forward to playing Tomoyo after, as probably everyone is. And just like a lot of others, I really regret not being able to help translate as I don’t have a clue about Japanese.

    I’d also like to thank everyone here for making these replies so hilarious that I keep laughing every time I visit this page.

    During this time, one question remained for me as I didn’t see an answer to this. How much playing time will Tomoyo After have? Is it like Clannad itself, or like the after story arc in clannad?

    Anyway, I’ll keep on checking and laughing in the meantime.

    P.S.: Imagine reading Dear Shining Memories, then, two days later, reading Clannad Man’s post on how it is advised to not read it before playing the game. Makes me want to flip some tables over myself…

    • Don’t worry. I read it, too. But it’s okay.

    • Humor is the best medicine, from my point of view. I’m glad you’re enjoying your time here.

      I’d say that Tomoyo After is shorter than Clannad, which can max out at 300 hours of play if you search for all the Easter Eggs. A good run through with Tomoyo After is probably 30 hours or so for one solid play, though it can be done in less time if you rush through it.

      BTW, reading Dear Shining Memories isn’t a game killer, but it reduces the suspense the game tries to build. I would still strongly suggest not reading the manga first in order to get the most out of the VN, but its not like it is going to kill your enjoyment of it either.

  • Random passerby

    All of the sudden i have the urge to post tomoyo rule 34s…

  • Exclusiveness

    From the shadows, I come. I come here to give my thanks and support. Go go go go!

  • Random passerby

    Lol clannadman .I thought tomoyo after has a lot of hcg….

  • UPDATE! Yay~!

    So I thought the VN Editing Team had just hit a major milestone, so I was looking through the file list to verify. And, son of a gun, I missed one.

    Dang it! Well, at least I caught the mistake.

    So now work has begun on that image. I suggested putting an Easter Egg in it. Not sure if it will make the cut, though.

    Speaking of Easter Eggs, who would have guessed a certain object of Tomoyo’s in Clannad would play a role in Tomoyo After…

    Tomoyo and Kuma-kun

  • Love easter eggs. always a fun thing to find in any game.

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