
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • NeWbY

    So much animo for a game, I’m surprised ;o
    And these are only the people posting on Doki. There are a lot more than just those posting here I bet xD

  • XheCo

    So thank you, and thank you and thank you. I don’t know more foreign form to say thank so I can only say thank you or GomatCiasYou a mix of my principals languages

  • Antharyx

    When you guys do release the patch, how will it be released, will you make another blog post or add on to this one? etc

    • I would certainly assume that the patch will be released on the front page of Doki with a fair amount of pomp and circumstance. After all, it is the most ambitious project Doki has taken on. As I previously mentioned, when it is released, you WILL know about it.

      Staff Update: This is going to be a busy week for everyone, as some of the kiddies have exams to attend to. However! …we hope to achieve another milestone this Tuesday. My fingers are crossed, hoping everything goes according to schedule.

  • Exclusiveness

    ~Creeping to see what people are saying~ Oh hello. My heart is throbbing fast about this project again D: Keep on the good work go go go<3

  • Antharyx

    Anyone know where this song is from? It’s not from the Tomoyo After OST or the Clannad OST.

    • Antharyx

      Whoops, my bad, didn’t even copy/paste it.

      • This song title, ‘Love Song’, is the second track on the Tomoyo After OST. However, this specific rendition of the song is from an official Key album released… wait for it… BEFORE the Tomoyo After OST. It is the final song performed by Riya on the album appropriately titled, ‘Love Song’. The album’s catalog number is KSLA-0019, While the Tomoyo After OST is listed as KSLA-0020. Both albums were released under the Key Sounds Label in 2005.

        In addition, the English lyrics posted under that song on the YouTube page are not for ‘Love Song’, but rather for ‘Over’, the second track of the CLANNAD Image Vocal Album “Sorarad”. ‘Over’ is considered to be Kyou’s secondary theme in the series, after ‘Sore ha Kaze no Youni’.

        FYI: Though my knowledge of Key works is quite extensive, my audio expertise is primarily directed towards the albums officially released by Key. This is because determining a complete list of fan-made doujin albums is virtually impossible. (That’s not to say I don’t know of doujin albums, but I only own a handful of them.) The official album list can be found via the link below or by clicking on my name on any post:

  • I’m searching Tomoyo After OST,,
    can someone who have it share it to me?

    I’ve tried from Nyaa, but no luck, the songs are broken and only some that can be repaired.

  • the_zet-saber

    looking forword to the releas. first time posting since i started checking this out in oct. thnx for everyone working hard

  • Jon

    Hey clannadman,First off keep up the hard work! And second, is there a full image of your picture of your avatar on the blog site? Because that may be the greatest image ever~

    • Hi Jon… so it seems you want to take my K&K girls away from me, eh? Do you know how hard it was to get them to pose for me like that? Poor Kotomi-chan almost died of embarrassment!


      OK! Fine! I’ll give you the picture. Alas, I have forgotten the name of the fine photographer, but kudos to him (her? rly?) for this spectacular shot. I’ve actually been hiding my copy for quite awhile, so you better cherish it!

      Clannad Man's Profile Pic #2


  • Redeyes260

    I knew about Baka-Suki’s translations from ages ago, but when they stopped translating I lost most of my hope.. I’m glad that I can look forward to playing this game. I’ve seen people talking about it but I won’t know what it’s like until I play it. Supposedly there are H-scenes in Tomoyo After.. Is that true or just doujin-lovers making stuff up?

  • Exclusiveness

    My daily check up on this project. I just finished the manga of Tomoyo After as well. I cried T.T

    • And you’ve only brushed the surface of it! No spoilers now, you hear?

      • Exclusivenes

        Promise no spoilers! xD Wish I could discuss the ending as well though haha 🙁

        • Redeyes260

          There is a Tomoyo After manga? How much of the story does it cover?

          • Yes, there are two, as pictured below:

            Tomoyo After Manga w/ Game

            The one on the left (Clannad: ~Tomoyo Dearest~) is unique because it covers the story of Clannad from Tomoyo’s perspective, with Tomoyo’s route taking precedence over the others. The one on the right (Clannad: Tomoyo After ‘Dear Shining Memories’) concerns Tomoyo’s story from the end of the Tomoyo arc in Clannad throughout several of the main points in Tomoyo After.

            However, many parts of the game are left out of ‘Dear Shining Memories’, to the point where reading it before the game release would amount to it being a glorified spoiler. While I admit it is entertaining, my suggestion would be to hold off reading it for a little bit.

  • Berserkguard

    I also just want to say thanks guys… Clannad’s my absolute favorite anime and I’ve been waiting far too long to play Tomoyo After. Even tried playing it with text hooking & copy/pasting into translation websites, but as you can imagine the translations came out all screwed up… So keep up the awesome work! =D

  • Redeyes260

    Can’t reply to your Tomoyo After game/books/manga so I’ll make a new post.

    Are any of them available in English? I have quite literally, 0% ability to read Japanese and no money to get a tutor for years. I would like to read all three (play the game) but if I can’t understand the language then what’s the point? :P… I wouldn’t bother reading the ‘Dear Shining Memories’ until after I played the game itself anyways, same goes for the other two. Tomoyo is my 3rd waifu, and I need all material related to her that I can read, or else I’ll have a seizure, metaphorically speaking. 😉

    • I am unaware of any official translation for those manga. I believe there is a fan translation of ‘Dear Shining Memories’ somewhere on the internet, but again, I would play the game before reading it. I am unaware of a fan translation for ~Tomoyo Dearest~, but it is possible one exists.

      You’re THIRD wife? I didn’t know it worked that way. I’m happy with Nagisa around and Kyou as a good friend. Stop hogging all the waifu!

      • Redeyes260

        Tomoyo as my 3rd waifu as in she comes third on my list. First is Holo from Spice and Wolf, then Moka (inner) from Rosario + Vampire, then comes Tomoyo. :P…

        I can do a more detailed search for a fan translation of Dear Shining Memories. I would more so like one for Tomoyo Dearest, I’d even buy the 360 game version, even though I own a PS3, so that I can go somewhere to enjoy the pictures and gameplay while making random decisions (if it works like the VN) since it’d all be Japanese.

        • I really like the Xbox 360 version of Tomoyo After. It is the most current edition of the game (CS) and includes extended storylines. Also, everyone (including Tomoya!) has their voice included in the game, and the images are all presented in 1080P with options to enable either ‘computer style’ graphics (brighter, clear, simplistic) or ‘HD’ graphics (additional shading, minor background movement such as dust, a more time specific color scheme) specifically made for the console. Overall, I felt it was very well done and a great buy.

          • Redeyes260

            I’ll have to look into getting it then! 🙂

            I did a more tedious search and found links to “Der Shining Memories” but the links were broken. Had found links for Tomoyo Dearest on a Spanish site, but the links expired I guess. There really is no translations to English for either of them on the web, which surprises me a lot. I guess I could buy the original Japanese versions and try to see if some scanlation group will translate it. I cannot stress the need for more Tomoyo material!

  • Jon

    Clannad man, i will cherish this picture for life! Behind Nagisa and Tomoyo, Kotomi and Kyo are my fav <3.

    • Nagisa is mine, and Kyou might as well be. Kotomi is Holo’s #1, and you’re probably going to need to fight several thousand others here in order to claim Tomoyo as your own. Just sayin’… Good Luck! =P

      Also, enjoy the pic. I like that one a lot, but I have a substantial amount of other ‘Key’ pics to choose from if I so desire.

  • PrettyCoolGuy

    If Most of us here knew japanese, well, we wouldnt be here. Dont fret, it should be easy to find at the very least english translations for the manga. There are many english-only tomoyo fans like us. As for the xbox game(you probably werent even refering to this), unless you have a JTAG or other wise modified xbox(like me XD), there is no use even trying to change the game files like that.

    • Redeyes260

      I replied to Clannad Man’s post to my post above ^… But still, I’d want the game even if only to have it so that at one point in my life I maybe play it.

      • I have a Japanese Xbox 360 I use just for Region 2 and region free games such as Halo: Reach. As you could probably guess, Clannad and Tomoyo After are top plays. Got the console dirt cheap too! =D

        • PrettyCoolGuy

          I do use my jtag every now and then for japanese games, but i meant that the jtag is needed to actually translate the game. I dont know japanese -___-

  • AAAH, Friday! Who doesn’t like Fridays? No more waking up early to go to work. No need to worry about stuff to do in the evenings. There’s even a picture with Yui teaching Ushio how to play guitar on Doki’s front page. What a wonderful day!

    Except for one thing, that is. And this isn’t a knock on Fridays, but its always the day I search for items on the internets. For the past year, one item has continuously eluded me:

    OOOOHHHH, how I have searched! But alas, the packages are always sold out…

    I’m specifically trying to find the CD included in this package, but finding the whole package for sale will do. If anyone could help me find the CD or Full Package for sale (that is where is is still for sale and not sold out), I would be very grateful. Grateful enough to provide a small prize or perhaps some classified Tomoyo After information…

    [But Clannad Man, I thought it was against the rules to post requests!]

    Bah! Typically, yes, but this is an extraordinary circumstance, so as official ‘VN Head Boy‘, I’m going to look the other way just this once. Consider it an act for the advancement of Clannad both domestically and abroad.

    If you have any info related to the whereabouts of the aforementioned CD / Product Package, please post them below or send me a message in the Forums. Thanks! ^_^

    • Redeyes260

      Clannad Man, I don’t think the ability to buy it is anywhere on the web now. I’ve searched through 20 pages and counting on 3 different tabs using the Japanese, phonetic and English writings. (Using the phonetic writing I only got 1 page of links, all useless.)

      I am finding exactly as you’ve found, which is pretty much that It’s “Out of stock”. I think your best bet is to contact Key about it, because if anything, they might have an idea of where you might be able to get it, and if anything they might even have a copy. I know they aren’t the ones that manufactured it, but it’d at least be a start. I’ve even tried looking for download links to it specifically but no dice..

      No intention of sounding mean or anything, but I mean, this seems like an impossible quest unless you were to go to Japan yourself and ask the entire Japanese population until you come across someone who has it. This is by far the only thing I’ve never found on the internet, and It’s irritating me! :P.

      I’ll continue searching as much as possible, if I don’t reply about it then I didn’t find anything else.. No classified Tomoyo After information for me.. 🙁

      *puts on Tomoyo After OST music for calming effect and luck*

      • Thank you for your effort Redeyes. I thought that the combined efforts of the Doki Legion might have been enough to find the disk… Certainly it is better than one guy looking. Anywho, thanks for helping.

        • Redeyes260

          I see what you did there, Clannad Man. More like blood red contacts 😉 Scares some people but I like ’em.

          Anyways no problemo, if there’s any other way I could possibly be of service then sure. I mostly have free time on my hands as it is.

  • PrettyCoolGuy

    I feel fer ya, man. Unfortunately, i searches have turned up nothing. zilch, nada, squat. I wish i could come in right here and say “I wish i could come in right here and say ‘oh wait, here it is www.(insert_fantastical_website_here).com'”, (i did mean to repeat that part up there, as a sort of misdirection) but sorry. If i find it, ill be sure to let you down gently, then strap you to the link rocket destined to lift your spirits. And so ends the terribly forced, drawn out metaphor.

  • if i had a lot of free time i would help you, but even on days off, my plate is almost always full

    • That’s OK. I’ve done plenty of searching on my own. I just thought someone might have had some insider information on the whereabouts of the disk. No harm in asking, right?

      Oh well, I should get back to answering questions for Tomoyo After soon. I can’t go about turning this into my own personal search forum.

      Or can I? Hmm…

      • Nope. No I can’t. It is decided. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

        By the way, Happy Cinco de Mayo to all the Señors & Señoritas out there! May your Mexican fiesta be filled with joy this day.

  • Jon

    Searched for hours, no go :<. Sorry Dokiman~

  • ThatOneGuysBro

    I must apologise Mr. Clannad Man for i have failed you. I scoured every inch of this accursed internet but my search only uncovered the accursed “Out Of Stock” sign that has defeated so many others who have undertaken this quest. I am deepply sorry.
    However, i can take refuge in knowing that you shall bring us this visual novel in full english for all to enjoy and for that i am thankful.

    • That is OK. Perhaps if someone stumbles across it one day they could notify me of it. It’s frustrating to have an entire collection with the exception of one lone disk.

      Regardless, everyone will receive the VN patch as soon as it is deemed ready. Fingers crosses for continued progress.

  • it is an obvious sign that the fates are conspiring against our valiant efforts. we must not let them have the final say.

  • Exclusiveness

    Here is my daily go go motivation speech for you guys 😀 Go go go!

  • Pramit

    hi…its been a it going? 🙂

    • Oh, the usual. Some progress made, some delays due to school/work, some more progress because of time off… one big balancing act, this is.

      It seems that the big staff discussion today has revolved around ‘Goo Pots’, as they prefer to say. This doesn’t have diddly-squat to do with anything, but it is a Staff update nonetheless. Does this help?

  • >Wednesday 27th April 2011
    Any progress in your apparently-not-very-active search for a translator since then?

    • Hmm, an Anon from 4chan. Is troll or no? ‘Hmm’ indeed…

      As it is difficult to judge your level of troll, here are two answers for you. Choose the one you prefer:

      1) Not at all. We’ve been waiting patiently for over a year now and no one wants to help. “ME! ME! ME!” everyone screams. Well you know what? If someone would volunteer every once in awhile, MAYBE WE WOULD BE DONE BY NOW! But no, everyone wants something for nothing. So we wait, and wait we shall. Resistance is futile.

      2) Actually, we have several translators but have been using this post for the past year as a sort of message board relating to Tomoyo After. Why not use the Forums instead, where a page has specifically been created and stickied just for this very purpose? Who knows, ask the first 300 people who posted here instead.

      So yeah, take your pick. Meanwhile, I will prepare myself for inexplicably finding a mention of this post on some anime or VN discussion website. “Clannad Man over at Doki says they don’t have any translators for Tomoyo After! What a bunch of lazy SOBs!” Oh, that should be fun to deal with…

    • this guy clearly didn’t afraid with Tomoyo kick (¬‿¬)

  • Gabriel

    how do you install this game on windows 7 64x? i have tried installing and the games loads normally when i dont change the region to japanese. however, the text is all in symbols eg: ^&%$#$^

    but when I change the region to jap, the games doesnt even load, it only shows a black screen.

    Also, when I was installing, it said something about directx

    Thanks in advance

    • Well, I would suggest changing the region to Japanese first so that you can be guided through the installation process, but it is giving you problems. I have never had problems installing something when I have switched my language settings to unicode or Japanese. Also, if you have Windows 7, you already have an updated version (v10) of Direct X. However, it does not have dx3d_##.dll files, which were needed for some old Direct X games. When prompted to install Direct X with Tomoyo After, do it. Don’t worry, your OS will still register you as having installed Direct X 10.

      You may also need to change your system locale, if you haven’t done so already.

  • Xi

    This is completely irreverent to everything regarding this project but who wants to make the 666th comment?

    • Gabriel

      yes i am aware that it is irrelevant to this project but if i cant install the game, then how can i use this patch?

    • Looks like Gabriel got it. It seems that he will be OK though, since he is an archangel.

      Gabriel, Xi wasn’t saying that your post was irrelevant, he was talking about his own comment! =P

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