
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Jon

    Clannad Man and Doki translators, thank you for all you’re hard work! I love you all in the least gay way possible >.> But seriously thanks i have been wanting to play this since 2010, and my Japanese is far from good enough to be able to play this!

  • Relax

    i want to download eng sub

    • …and I’d like to be having sex on a beach right now. Unfortunately, I’m not on a beach, and the patch needs additional work put into it. We should both take the advice of your namesake and wait awhile longer for our wishes to come true.

  • Antharyx

    Will any walkthrough be made? I have one that’s in japanese right now, and it’s working for the partial patch, but I’m wondering if there will be an english walkthrough made once your complete english patch comes out.

    • Quite honestly, I haven’t thought about that yet. The VN Staff has a simple, incomplete walkthrough available which has been used for reference purposes. I suppose it is possible that someone may revise it and subsequently release it, but those plans have not yet been made. I would venture to guess if outside interest is high enough, a staff member may be willing to complete it.

  • Xi

    I haven’t mentioned this the last time I posted but I have to thank you Clannad Man.

    If not for your diligent work on responding to these many tedious and repetitive questions I would have given up on Tomoyo After. Because you continue to answer and show there’s care in this project I know I can look forward to this release.

    Of course I’m not overlooking what the staff in the project are doing. I’m thankful towards them as well. I just appreciate how you are acting as the public face of the project.

    Thank you,

    • Thank you Xi. I really appreciate your kind words. My time at Doki has been a very pleasant experience; it has been both pleasurable and enlightening to interact with the staff and site visitors alike.

      Anyone who has seen my posts/comments knows that I am a big fan of Clannad and a firm believer in the moral of the ~After Story~ arc. I feel honored to have been approached by the staff to lead this translation project. Imagine being a huge Clannad fan and being asked to get involved with the (quasi-) sequel’s translation. WOW, right?!

      I think it is important to keep fans updated on the VN Team’s progress, at least to some extent. Sure, I’d like the big reveal to be a surprise, but you’re all fans too, right? I’d much rather share my joy with all of you than keep quiet like a mute. It means a lot to me that that people like you appreciate the work put into this from both myself and the VN Team. There is no greater gift a fansubber can ask for than to be given thanks from fans.

      BTW, I am a big advocate of buying games/shows/movies/other licensed products in order to support the dedicated men and women who produce them, and do so myself. (…ESPECIALLY from Key! They have a good chunk of change from me, lol!) At the same time I understand my place; I am no one’s social conscience but my own. However you decide to get the game, I hope that we are able to enjoy the upcoming translation patch together, as a community. Ultimately, you’re all the reason why fan translations are possible. To you, for enabling me to enjoy the epic emotion of Clannad, I offer my most sincere thanks.

      – The Clannad Man

  • siverstorm

    Good luck with everything else that needs to be finished.

    I bet it’ll be a quality release like everything else Doki does 🙂

  • Exclusiveness

    I know it probably sounds stupid to ask. But any estimate on when full translation will be complete? I got the Partial English and my Japanese is minimal 🙁 And I finished like up to where it’s Japanese. So yeah any estimate? Sorry for trouble of asking :/

    • PrettyCoolGuy

      I would try to emulate CM’s witty response right now, but i feel nothing would come close to the true original, so i will leave this question open to be answered by him.

    • To answer your question: Yes. I do have a date in mind. Unfortunately, Doki is keeping that date a secret – exclusive to all but a select few. Even most of the VN Staff doesn’t know the official release date. To tell everyone before the staff knows would just be unfair to them.

      But hey, maybe I’ll drop a hint or two sometime soon…

  • Exclusiveness

    All I can say is. The sooner the better. My heart can’t take so much wait. Cheering you and the staff to getting the job done 😀

  • Exclusiveness

    I must have no life. ._. I keep coming checking on this. anyways always supporting and checking on the progress xD. Sorry if I am a nusiance 😀

  • WP

    I sit in this desk in computer programming class, while the teacher teaches us a language the superintendent never gave him a chance to learn. He’s just reading the textbook aloud and shaking his head.

    I sit in this desk and play checkers in the middle of class and no one notices, because other than the two weird guys who really like board games, no one else is awake or paying attention. That guy’s playing Ridge Racer, that guy’s texting his girlfriend, that guy’s eating a sandwich…And that guy’s playing Clannad. Huh? Another person playing Clannad? That’s something.

    But, I have to finish my game of checkers.

    And so, Clannad Man, know the untold thousands are waiting…but we can wait longer as long as there are board games.

    • If you type “Tomoyo After” in a search engine and restrict the time to the last month, you’ll find several references to people playing Clannad or asking for a Clannad patch. I guess its possible that a ripple effect is forming and people want to play/read the story from the beginning. While not necessarily surprising, I must say I didn’t think about a correlation with searches of Clannad until I searched myself a few days ago. Makes sense though.

      You know, if you were playing Othello, I could call you Kyon. Or Koizumi.

      As for your esteemed classmate, you tell him that the Clannad Man wishes him well on his journey. Also tell him that using a guide is cheating. Oh, and tell him that if he doesn’t save the best for last (Nagisa & ~After Story~), I will be very, very displeased. And I will know, because I’m the Clannad Man.

      • WP

        I actually saw that first, since I watched the anime 😀 I went back to the VN to see the rest of Tomoyo’s story, then played Kyou’s and Ryou’s. Misae’s was pretty cool too, but hey…

        “Is that a dating sim?”
        “Uh, we’re playing checkers.”

        • I’ve played some pretty intense games of checkers myself. The games can end in a draw. Never knew that until I did it.

          Kyou’s route is very difficult to get to, especially if you make the wrong selection at the beginning and don’t know you made the wrong decision. My first time playing the VN, it took me a LONG time to complete.

  • Oh ye of little faith...

    Silly desi. Just because you don’t see something doesn’t necessarily mean its nonexistant. Have a little faith in us, will ya? XD

  • Exclusiveness

    Creeping. For progress. I shall lurk here all day everyday til I see a change. My life depends on you Doki rawr. I do not want to die without finishing Tomoyo After.(≧ω≦)

  • XheCo

    It’s long time since I post (actually it’s my second post), but i wanted to say thank you to the staff for keep working for this VN, so we can play, because, it look like a very “keyish” novel, and I wanted to ask or pledge if doki fansub can give this to a spanish translation fansub (if exist) after you finish, because no everyone can read english.

    P.S. Nice picture of Haruhi.

    • XheCo

      Last thing, the H scenes are very strong?, because I’m under 18 and I got a little trauma for playing fate/stay night.

      • I only played the partial patch but there was a bit of H – scenes in the begining. Must say i was a bit suprised by it (good kind of suprised for me since im a bit ero xD). I was probably suprised since i didnt know it had H – scenes in it. Dont know what you mean by strong but there is no way you wont understand what they are doing, and man are they doing it if yaaa know what i mean ;). But i would probably say from a scale where 1 is a peck on the forehead to 10 where its a p0rn it would be a solid 9.

      • The H-Scenes in Tomoyo After are limited and don’t add much (if anything) to the story, so feel free to skip by them if you like. You won’t be missing anything.

        PS – It’s about time for Haruhi S3, no?

        • WP

          I liked Haruhi S1 and the movie a lot. And I read all the fan-translated novels too.

          How did you feel about the Endless Eight thing?

          • Would have been much better as a 3 episode arc, 4 max. And, assuming that Kyoto Ani. did this, they should have animated an extra episode or two as compensation… But eight episodes? That’s just too much for all but the insane.

            FYI, I thought the original light novel version was fine though. Even with the anime, I enjoyed picking out the slight discrepancies between the episodes. They really did start to blend together after awhile, and I had a difficult time sorting out which was which. That’s probably the effect they were going for, but they went overboard, lol

  • XheCo

    If you want to know what is strong, search fate/stay night cg in google, then compare the h cgs on f/sn with the tomoyo after and tell me which is strong please, becuase I don’t like very much the hentai.
    But I’m gonna play the VN anyways,I just want some preparation to the scenes, thank you beforehand if you help, and thank you anyways for your quick reply

    • I played After story some 7-8 months ago but i remember finding some of the h-scenes very , *ahem* intense… ( and one of the actually made me laugh)
      I would say just as strong if not stronger than Fate stay night. Havent played fate stay night at all but judging from some of the cg’s i saw i would say prepare yourself.

    • I hear ya. H-Scenes aren’t really my forte either, but Key uses them just for the sake of making their games edgier for a certain crowd… they should have learned from the success of Clannad and the other Key CS games that the story is what keeps people coming back or more, not a handful of H-Scenes thrown in for the hell of it.

      But alas, it’s in the game. W/E. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

  • On a totally different note. Im one of those people that sometimes find waiting for something good is half the fun. And you Ser Clannad Man have defenetly made the waiting fun with your fast responds and very funny/witty comments. So i give you Ser Clannad and Doki ofcourse my sincerest thanks for working on this awsome project!

    Thank you!

  • Exclusiveness

    Hmm. So I wonder where and when that hint will come at me. I must decipher it as soon as I can 😮

  • AzaiKyousuke

    e…minna-san, imamade arigatou
    e…(what the hell am i talking about? i don’t even understand japanese…T.T)

    well anyway
    i would like thank you to all of doki staff (either in the vn segment or the anime segment) for all of your hard work

    i played clannad when i’m still in my third year of middle school (about 4 years ago i guess) plus clannad is my first vn.

    at first i though “what’s the good of this…?” or “this is boring…” but as i progressed with the story, i found myself addicted by it, and surprisingly i found myself crying beacuse of the story (especially in the scene when [CENSORED], i had to stop playing for awhile because the tears made my eyesight blur).

    for your information, i used to be someone who always think of everything negatively. every things seems so bad for me. and i don’t have any friends.

    but when i read clannad, i just realize how great it is to have many friends. or about the bad things that will happen if you kept thinking negatively

    anyway clannad has changed me (i know this is weird)

    and when i know there’s a spin off, especially about tomoyo (you know how sad their story right ? forced to be separated by the school just because their status and grades are too different, honestly, that’s pissing me off, even though i’m satisfied with the ending)
    i’m desperately trying to find the english patch, until just now one of my friends tell me about this site.

    so “Thank you very much” is what i want to say to all of the staff.

    oh and about the release date of the english patch
    i support the “no publication” thing
    why ?
    because it will teach us how to be more patient (i guess…)

    well that’s all i want to say

    keep the good work

    • Exclusiveness

      Patience isn’t within us who seek to complete something so good my young fellow comrade :/

    • Xubilov,

      Just be careful with the spoilers, you know. There are still many people here who are still watching Clannad and are already looking for additional content, and they might not want to face a spoiler.

    • Hi there AzaiKyousuke. Welcome to Doki!

      If you read my prior posts, you’ll find that I often mention Clannad as being something really special. The story is deeply meaningful in several ways. I am often surprised to find that the primary reason one person likes the VN/Anime is for a reason completely different from my own; the story has several different interpretations which can be uncovered by each unique onlooker.

      I admit that Clannad had a very positive effect on my life, and am happy to hear the same from you. As for an explanation why there is no publication date for the patch, there is no official reason… but consider this: If you were part of a team that had invested a substantial amount of time into a project, wouldn’t you want the final release to be perfect? Wouldn’t you want everyone saying how great the final product was, as opposed to, “It was pretty good, but I would have changed ______ to be more like ______.”? The VN Team, and everyone at Doki for that matter, demands a high level of quality. The Staff wants this release to be something they can truly be proud of, and therefore they cannot afford to be rushed to meet an arbitrary deadline.

      You’ve waited up to seven years for this patch. Surely you can wait a little while longer!

      One last thing. Please watch the spoilers. The one you posted is a pretty big one.

      • AzaiKyousuke

        sorry, i didn’t realize that i am spoiling the story.
        once i’m thinking something and then write it, there’s no stopping it, but okay i’ll watch my big mouth…er…fast hands…er…what do you call it when you type ???

        well whatever…

        as for your parable about the public release, i am 100% agree with you.

        when i found this site and about the translation on tomoyo, i thought “hey, they’re different from the other translators”

        i personally choose to read a vn that has already 100% completely translated than a vn that partially translated

        because it will make me feel relieved

        if i read the partially translated one
        i would only felt irritated because i want to know the continuation and because i don’t understand japanese since i don’t have much money to take a lesson

        well anyway
        once again
        thank you for all of doki staff effort in this translation

        for clannad man
        special thanks cause you reply to this message
        i am often ignored when i comment to a webpage or a blog, so this kind of thing surprised me and touch me….(sniff)….

        well okay…

        keep up the good work

  • XheCo

    Hey, while waitng for the relase of doki fansub, why don’t try some other novels like planetarian, ever 17 or something like that? Because I think someone con complete that both of them in one month and so the time you wait will be used in something funny.

    P.S. Again my greatest thanks and congratulation to the staff. I think I’ll going to say thanks everytime i post.

    • AzaiKyousuke

      thanks for your response too

      i did try plannetarian about 2 years ago

      and that makes me thing “wow, key’s vn are the best in the story and art”

      as for ever 17
      i never played it, to be honest, i won’t know if you didn’t told me.

      i looked about it in vndb just now
      and it seems promising (i guess it will give me the similar feeling with soul link)
      the only thing left is…
      “where should i download it ????”

      if you know where i can download it for free
      please tell me. since i don’t have much money to begin with, so i found my self quite troubled with this hobby of mine, starting from clannad i’ve tried many vn, but the only thing that can touch my heart is the vn made by key (clannad, litte busters, kanon, plannetarian, that’s the only vn from key i know (already translated i mean))

      well anyway thanks for the advice ^_^

  • Zen'ro

    Heya Doki Team,

    Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work on Tomoyo After so far, looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labor.

    Keep it up!

  • XheCo

    I just google searched ever 17 and i found it, the bad thing is that the translation sucks.
    And the trama it’s not emotive like key novel, but it have it’s moment (just between the climax and final part of each route).
    My recomendation for ever 17 is to play in this order:
    -Sora->Tsugumi->Sara->You or Sora->You->Tsugumi->Sara.

  • danyo

    I don’t really get why people would complain about it in the first place. I think it’s a perfect valid way of handling release dates. I mean, there’s several reasons for not having a set release date, or at least not early on. One of the big ones in my opinion is that it removes pressure from the people working on it. If you don’t have a set time to finish something, you can focus more on quality. It’s done by big companies aswell ( blizzard for example is pretty well known for not giving a release date for anything untill they are certain ).

    It also means for us that we wont get annoyed that the release date get’s pushed back several times because they wouldn’t make it. Sure, we’re left in the dark right now, but just clannad man’s presence here is an amazing sign ( for me at least ) that there’s people working on this that do it because they want to do it properly, and are fully commited to show how much they love this game ( key games in general I guess ) by delivering a quality translation for us.

    Just felt like writing this down, I guess most people know it anyway but w/e 😛

    But yeah, I wanna make this clear, for me, your presence here is really great clannad man, sure we’re in the dark about the date, but at least we know there’s at the very least one person very dedicated to see this happening. It also makes it pretty entertaining to come back everyday to check if there’s any news, even if there isn’t, I know there will be some good posts from you.

    • XheCo

      If you think I was complaining about tomoyo after, then you are misunderstanidng, I was complaining ever 17 (offtopic), If i’m misunderstanding you, then I’m sorry.

    • Hi Danyo. I’m glad to see that you, and likely several others here, understand Doki’s reasoning for making this decision. Instead of getting annoyed by questionable release dates, you get to be annoyed by me. So sorry.

      I’d love to comment on your suggestion that my presence here is ‘amazing’ and all, but that’s not my style. I’m not in favor of giving the world’s hyena population sore throats from laughing at such an absurd boast. (Animal cruelty is wrong!) So instead, I’ll just respond by saying, “You’re welcome.”

      BTW, to anyone who enjoys Key works, you may be interested in listening to some of these albums. Creating his list has been personal project of mine for awhile now; while it is incomplete (I still have to purchase and add information on a few albums), it is far more comprehensive than any other list available on the internet. I’ll probably update it over the weekend. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find something you like!

      • XheCo

        Thank you for the info.
        See, Danyo was right, you presence here is amazing.

        And again: di ou mèsi hvala tak dankon
        And in my native language again 고맙습니다.
        And in my most used language gracias.

      • danyo

        Hehe, I just felt like it needed to be said, I kinda expected you to say something like that though, so it’s all good.

        Thanks for that album list link, I know several people I can make happy with a link like that!

        ps.: No XheCo, I wasn’t really saying that to anyone in particular, don’t worry about it, like I said, I just felt like it needed to be said, mainly to show that there are people that understand the reasoning behind it.

        • Sometimes someone will disagree with me concerning the placement of an album, but I have sufficient reasoning to back my decisions. If someone you know has a question to ask, feel free to direct them here as well.

  • Zen'ro

    Aye, i also like the “Done when it’s done” mentality an awful lot, gonna have to disagree with you about big game companies though, they threw that out the window a long time ago, even Blizzard (sure they say it often, but it’s a load of bull). Pushy publishers are a big reason behind this methinks.

    So i’m glad there’s still people out there that actually mean what they say… or write, when “Done when it’s done” comes up. Thanks again and have at it team!

    • danyo

      Yeah, I know what you mean, I was more referring to blizzard before they became activision blizzard. It’s kinda sad that big game companies get pushed around by publishers these days… It ruins a lot of companies ( I’m looking at you, bioware << )

  • WiseKouichi

    just wanna post something 😀
    thank you doki team=)

  • Chilly!

    Burr! It got cold out! Any warmer where you’re all at?

    • Illiyariya

      hehe, today accually the first day you can call summer where i am, but it doesnt say so much because summer here in the chilly north is colder than alot of other places winters 😛

      • It was snowing outside my home today… *shivers*

        • WP

          Snows all the time where I live…but man, I can’t believe they put that engrish on such a beautiful picture.

          • Tis’ a shame, isn’t it? Thought the same thing about the Clannad song ‘Ana’. Nicely composed, but the engrish really stands out. What’s funny is that the song was sung by Lia, who speaks English very well. It turns out that the song was written in order to accommodate the traditional Japanese listener; while the English sounds broken to a native speaker, the meaning can apparently be pieced together from the perspective of a Japanese person with a basic understanding of English.

  • Aleksii

    It was -20 Celsius a month ago, now it’s +30. Nature seems to be having fun here on the Balkans…:D

  • Ruu

    I like Pie you guys like Pie? Tomoyo After I like as well… dont think anyone else would disagree with this…

    • I like Tomoyo After and Pie. Apple Pie, Key Lime Pie, Pecan Pie… Mmm, now I want pie! (Its been far too long, my sweet..!)

      • Shogun

        Key Lime Pie? The thought of Key-baked pie brings a tear to my eye. A taste so bittersweet I’d wave my six-pack goodbye – parted with not a single sigh, for the taste of key will never die. No, not as long as otaku can cry.

        I wrote that for you, Clannad Man. Cherish it, as the legion does cherish you.

        • You know what, Shogun?


          I didn’t even realize that Key Lime Pie is infused with the word ‘Key’! No wonder I like it so much!

          As for your lyrical limerick, I can’t help but smile. Clever! As always, I am touched by the support shown from the community towards me and the rest of the VN team.

          We’re getting closer!

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