
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Pramit

    how much longer? 🙁 or is the patch released already

    • Not too terribly long, when compared to other VN translations. We’re doing quite well, I think.

      No patch was released by us yet, sorry. If you’re looking for the patch and it was already released, you’d know it.

  • Sousuke

    When you finish the Tomoyo After translations, will you consider translating another vn, such as Grisaia no Kajitsu -LE FRUIT DE LA GRISAIA- ?

  • Aizuren

    minna-san, ganbatte~!
    hope there will a patch released soon, current used patch from Baka-Tsuki. 😀

    • Good to use as a stopgap… needless to say, we found several problems with the BT script. They’ve been digitally remastered to adhere to the quality standards Key releases deserve.

      PS – I don’t mean my comment as a knock against Baka-Tsuki’s translated works (their CLANNAD patch, for example, is far superior to others offered), but their open edit format allows for some well intentioned, albeit questionable translators to provide input. The more structured an environment is, the better the chance of releasing a patch with an accurate script. Kudos to the site’s founders for encouraging community involvement on translation projects that would never otherwise come to light.


    I just wanted to say… Thank you very much for all your hard work! Some people don’t seem to understand that this is done without( or with little) profit…!

    I appreciate all your work and I will be happy to wait (hopefully not too long!) for the team to finish this wonderful VN. Thanks again and hope you guys have fun while doing this 🙂

    • No one at Doki gets paid a salary or gets a kickback of any kind. If someone is, I’m certainly not getting any of it, nor would I accept it. I am working on this project to provide the series which I hold dear just a little bit of my own touch; I would assume that all other members working on the project are doing so for similar reasons.

      It has certainly been an adventure working on TA thus far!

  • PJ

    im at the part where you choose who you want to go with to see tomo’s mom, is there a patch that has been released past that part yet? (i recently got the game from a friend and a patch but i dont know how old it is)

    • Please be cautious of whatever in-game details you post… We aren’t big fans of spoilers around here! =)

      As for the patch, the only one I know of being released was the Baka-Tsuki beta patch which covered only a small portion of the game. The project was eventually transferred over to Doki, with the contents of said patch having been completely reworked to include better translations. As of right now, the only patch Doki intends on providing is a complete game patch.

  • LunarC

    About what percentage is complete?

    • Hmmm. Sorry, that’s too straight forward a question. Can you try again and reword it in the form of a statement?

      All I can say is that I am very pleased with the continued progress being made. Team Doki worked hard over the long weekend.

  • xian

    Thnk you very much for the hard work. I just want to ask about the progress of your work.. At what percentage has the game been translated off. and when will you release the patch? again. thnk you very much

    • Hi Xian. Thanks for your interest in the translation project. Similar to the last several messages I have replied to, I cannot provide an exact answer as to when the patch will be released. I can only say that the overall translation is well underway. Doki policy. Sorry.

      Here’s a tidbit for you: something significant was just completed yesterday. Feel free to speculate as to what it could be.

  • Lourence

    Gud luck there! I’m waiting for the translation! Hope to view it soon! Thanks a bunch! 😉

  • danyo

    Been following this for a while, can’t wait for it to be released. Appreciate you guys taking the time to provide us with the ability to play it in english in the future!

    That said, I was wondering something, seeing how this is 18+, are the h-scenes properly placed? Or are they just in there to be in there, if that makes sense. For example, in kanon I found em to be rather unneccesary, the story didn’t gain anything by it.

    <3 tomoyo 🙂

    • H-scenes? In a Key game? H-scenes never belong in Key games, yet they usually manage to sneak their way in.

      There is no true value of the H-scenes in Tomoyo After. Key even said so, later expanding on the storyline and removing the H-scenes for the CS edition.

      The H-scenes in the game are limited and relatively sparse, so don’t pay much attention to them if one pops up; its not like its really going to effect the story anyways.

  • Havent played full game , only the small translation made by baka tsuki. All the h-scenes there felt like it was there just to be there. no importance for the story. But hey what the hell do i know , only played a part of the game so Mr clannad man probably has a better awnser:)

    • Mr. Clannad Man, eh? Well la-di-da, aren’t I special?

      ( Note to self: I can get used to this ‘Mr.’ Clannad Man thing. Sounds pretty nice~! )

      So, um… yeah. The H-scenes are pointless. But since you were so nice to address me as ‘Mr. Clannad Man’, here’s an Easter Egg for you:

      Have you ever taken a close look at the logo for Tomoyo After? If not, take a gander:

      So clearly that’s a representation of Tomoyo looking off toward something with her hair freely flowing. Now, recall the last minute or so of Clannad ~After Story~ where 小さなてのひら (Chiisa na Te no Hira / Tiny Palms) is playing. Tomoyo appears for only a moment near the end of the song in a shot moving in and out of focus. You may recognize the picture as having been posted on Doki before:

      The structure of the hairline was made to mimic that of the game cover of Tomoyo After, which was released four years prior. Key has historically insisted on including such detail into their games and anime adaptations as a way of thanking longtime fans; even now, I sometimes notice a detail or two which I had never noticed before.

      Very, very rarely, that is. And when I do, I kick myself for not noticing it earlier.

      • PrettyCoolGuy

        Mr. Clannad Man, your damn right when it comes to kicking yourself over those details, and and i now have the bruises to prove it. Thanks for that info, and i look forward to the translations. And for curiosity’s sake, how far are you guys in the translations? A rough estimate of the completed percentage would be nice.

      • Wow, did not notice that when i watched After story! Damn now i have to watch it all over again!! Hope i wont cry like a baby this time. (man that last part of after story was rough)

  • Ruu

    everytime someone asks the progress I like Clannad Man’s answer they are so hilarious xD

  • Fun Fact: This Tomoyo After recruitment/update post is the most viewed post in Doki’s history!

    If you’re reading this, you’re making history. Right now! Unimportant history, but history none the less.

    Congratulations, I guess! =P

  • Antharyx

    Are you giving us the game too or just a patch, as in is what your releasing ready to play right after downloading, or do you need to have the original japanese version. If so where can I get original version?

    • I am not aware of any plans to release the game itself; I am only in charge of developing the English Patch. As for what Doki actually does, that is up to Holo. He will be responsible for it.

      If you assume (as I do) that you will need to obtain the game from an outside source, there are several places you can go to purchase it. As the original version is no longer manufactured by Key, it is probably best to search sites like Amazon, eBay, JBox, or PlayAsia to find a copy. I would also very much recommend using a service such as Yahoo! Auctions Japan ( if you are able, as they usually have several LE copies available. Though the prices on Yahoo! Auctions are generally much cheaper than on Amazon or eBay, you’ll need to work through an intermediate unless you have a Japanese address. I would suggest using a proxy service such as Taigaya ( if you choose to pursue this route.

      As always, ask questions to verify the goods you are receiving when working with online auctions services. Two examples of the game I found after a quick search are listed below. As you can see, prices for the game can vary greatly.


      Yahoo! Auctions:

      The decision to translate TA was made many moons ago in a far off land; my task is simply to ensure it gets translated into a working patch, nothing more. While I would like if the patch was compatible for all versions of the game, due to script changes, Doki’s focus will remain on translating the original release of the game.

  • HoHoHomura

    I read your recently reply that we’d most likely have to buy the game it’s self. But you had mentioned that the original version is no longer manufactured by Key, will the Memorial version still work or would we absolutely need the original? Thank you for your time, and keep up the good work.

    • Unfortunately, the Memorial Version will not work with the patch, due to it having a different script as well as a different assembly mechanism. However, if enough interest is shown in the project, the VN team may be willing to make a patch for the Memorial or CE edition as well.

      Make your opinion known!

      • Air

        We really don’t want to add you extra work, but I’ve read that ME have different ending from original TA (ofc we don’t care about extra scenes and rip of H-scenes) and if thats true – I think that’s the main reason to translate and patch it.
        But if that was a lie – I don’t think it’s necessary.
        Thanks for you work so far. Russian fans with you!. *thumbs up*

  • Cagalli

    If Doki doesn’t plan on releasing the game(original version) along with the translation, then I wouldn’t mind(If Doki doesn’t) sharing/uploading the copy that I have with the other users who want it. Via DDL and/or Torrent.

  • Lurker

    Happy to see it still hasent sunk into the void – been poking my nose into here every couple months just to make sure 🙂 looking forward to the near/far release, Tomoyo is worth the wait. 😀

  • PrettyCoolGuy

    Well, Im making due with the partial patch right now. I gotta ask though, will you guys be editing any of the words that do not appear as text, but in cutscenes? I had the same problem with clannad, so im assuming it would be a hassle with the way the game handles it, but I do find it extremely annoying. If it is in the cards, please translate those. If not… Could i request that a separate text file be included with the patch, containing translations for those scenes, as well as dates to keep track of where the scene is?
    Also, since im pretty much at the point where this partial patch cuts off, Im desperate. If my idea above is taken into consideration, i would also be happy to help with streamlining and managing any work needing done. I know no Japanese, but im great at solving problems. I trust you guys are doing great and do not need any streamlining, but just putting the offer of my skills on the table.
    (I didnt get much sleep, so it feels these sentences were nonsensical. please forgive this.)
    ( Also, my offer to help with managing may seem silly, so please let me down gently, or, even better, just ignore it)

    • Another question? Well, seeing as you’re a pretty cool guy and all, I’d be happy to answer it for you.

      In a nutshell, yes, the cutscenes will be translated as well. However, Doki’s work on the project goes well beyond cutscene translations. The Doki VN team is split up into two divisions: one which works on in-game text translations & edits, and another which works on in-game visual editing. The progress of each division is unrelated to each other; that being said, at this point in time, over 700 in-game images have been reviewed & edited for the patch. That’s not a typo: 700! And there’s still more left to be done.

      The Doki Legion, ‘Key’ Consortium, and Clannad Fans alike demand quality, so they’re damn well going to get it!

      As for your offer, the VN Team doesn’t need any additional managing help, but if you have some skills in assembling game patches, you could potentially help the specialists on our team out with that task. Email Holo if you think you can contribute in a unique way, and he might just make you a late addition to the project! No promises though.

      • PrettyCoolGuy

        Dang. I just replied to Madoka. This is great news, and that number you have there is startling to say the least, and it seems you guys are in no way slackers. Unlike me, though, so i am in no mood to do any technical stuff. I save that for a couple of very important individuals in my life. long story short, i am sorry i will not provide assistance with assembling the patch, but i see truly great work coming out of you guys. Keep it up!

  • Good to see this is still alive and kicking.
    We’ll be waiting patiently.

  • Madoka

    i understand where your coming from here, it was a pain for clannad, its possible to edit them as such as they did in many games (kanon being a fair example being Key and all) but the negative is they need a decent graphics editor. Non the less i agree if there not translated it would be nice to have additional .txt files included, i would recommened splitting them however (naming them the date and such) to help prevent chance of spoiler.
    Exmaple being if a cut scene took place on January 1st, 2nd and 3rd, then it would have 3 files name something like ‘January 1st Cutscene 1.txt’, then another with 2nd and so on.
    Good idea for thinking this part through.

    I feel sorry for Clannadman and any other mod who reads this page lol, all the same questions right through, is it so hard to understand you will release a complete patch not partial patches xD I have the old partial patch but i only played the first week and decided i would rather wait for a full version than to play half the game and nothing more.

    • Don’t feel bad for me; comments let Doki know that there’s interest in the project. Its much more enjoyable to work hard on something if people show interest in the work.

      Trust me, you’ll like the new patch better. Like, by a lot.

      As for your reply to PrettyCoolGuy, you’ll be interested in reading my reply to him above. 700!

  • PrettyCoolGuy

    Thats exactly what i was thinking with the graphics editor. And i was thinking about what to do about spoilers, but i was thinking it would end up too convoluted. But now that i think about it, the game isn’t too long, nor does it have many branches like clannad. So i guess that would come to about 5 or 6 such cutscenes(Im not sure because i only played up to the end of the partial patch), and that seems like a good amount of text files. If there is no access to a good graphics editor, I truly hope this idea is used. These cutscenes feature parts of the story far too important to simply ignore.

    • *ahem*

      You posted too soon after my reply to your last comment. Scroll up a bit, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

      • PrettyCoolGuy

        This little game of catch-up has been fun. But i must be off for now. Been screwing with my phone’s custom rom just a little too much, and now its got some annoying bugs. LOOONNNNGGG Story

  • Xubilov,

    My… I’ve always wanted to play this VN, but I never found an english version, so I gave up searching for it! After a long time, I decided to take another look, and now look where I am?! Translating it must be tough, but I know you guys will do it with your hearts! (lol)

    • Welcome to Doki, Xubilov,! Make yourself at home. You’re correct in assuming that this VN translation is being built from the ground up with our(doki-doki)hearts… Yep, with our blood, sweat, and many, many tears… (It’s a Key game! It’s emotional!)

      Look forward to it!

    • AlexGlkv

      I experienced the same thing Xubilov. I’m sad to say that I didn’t know about Doki until very recently but I was looking for his VN for a while a few months ago and then just recently someone posted on Facebook about it so I decided to look around again and then I found a link to this site and lo’ and behold I see the ETA of “Not too terribly long” and that the overall progress is going well and now I’m checking up on the thread a few times a day to see if I can finally play.

      Any-whoodle, Keep up the good work and godspeed!

  • So I get a dozen questions/comments in one day and then no one says anything for the next few days? Come on! I know someone must be curious about something that hasn’t already been asked!

  • Mr.Me

    I heard that clannad after story will be release this year on the states is that true?

  • Takeshi

    Mr. Clannad Man (though it isn’t funny now),correct me if I’m wrong but are these CGs only in the Memorial Edition of the game? and If it shows an error disregard my post.

  • danyo

    mmmmh, this is probably not going to be very accurate, even if you answer, but I’m curious nonetheless so, you said:

    “The progress of each division is unrelated to each other; that being said, at this point in time, over 700 in-game images have been reviewed & edited for the patch. That’s not a typo: 700! And there’s still more left to be done.”

    Now I know you don’t wanna say anything about how far you are but… do you happen to wanna share about how many in-game images are in the game in total? 😉

    Not having my hopes up you’ll answer, but I guess it’s worth a shot working with information you’ve given. I’m checking this page every week or so regardless ( Yeah, I can’t wait to play it ). So in the end it doesn’t matter to me, like I said, curiousity!

    • Yo, Dan. I respect those individuals who play the guessing game without asking direct questions. Speculation is fine as far as I’m concerned, because that’s all that will result from my answer. So, in response to your question, here is my indirect reply:

      The answer is the name of a hip hop single & opening track by New Zealand rapper Scribe, taken from his debut album, The Crusader.

      Keep in mind I said that there was no correlation between the progress of the translation and visual editing divisions. How this information is used to determine a potential patch release date is solely determined by the mind of its interpreter.

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