Spring show #9.
I get the feeling this show will give me diabetes. That, and there’s about a 100% chance Menma will make a lot of people cry ;_;…
Oh, and I’m new project leader. Konbanwa.
TLC: Nanakoto
Edit: AvidElite
Timer: outlawauron
TS: Hiroto
EDIT: v2s are done.
HD (h264): [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Shiranai. – 01v2 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [873DEF6A].mkv
SD (h264): [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Shiranai. – 01v2 (848×480 h264 AAC) [FCAEA520].mkv
Weird thing, show #9 is before than show #8 on post list? xD
Thanks for the release, checking it out.
um just a request but are you able to find a download file for the ed song? ( ´_ゝ`) if so may you please send me the link? (ヾノ・∀・`) thanks
– thanks for the release ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ
It seems that the single doesn’t release till April 27th, but it seems the song is on Youtube.
ah thanks for the quick answer ヽ( >∀<)ノ~!
I only have the original 2001 version by ZONE.
This “10 yrs later” version by the 3 of the female cast of AnoHana hasn’t been released yet.
Thanks for the info guys and for the link Zero ( ゚ ヮ゚)
Zero ->ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ <-outlaw and me in middle lolz 😀
And the FLAC of the original for anyone who cares:
woa many thanks.
and thanks for the release doki
Question: Has Nichijou not aired yet? Not even Horrible have released it yet and I’m wondering if it’s an airing problem or just Crunchy.
If you go to crunchyroll’s website, it says they will release it in ~25 minutes.
will you guys be okay subbing like 100 series at the same time?
wow lol. 9 shows @_@ doki_is_god
Will I break in tears every single episode, since the first one almost made me start sobbing….
It looks like someone forgot to put an empty line between the trackers (I just realize that only one tracker detected in utorrent)
Second that ^
uTorrent won’t recognize the tracker if not separated with empty line.
Hiroto is new at this, so, giv the guy a chance lol.
Yeeeahhh… I only realised this AFTER I’d uploaded the torrents everywhere :<
hey…nice to meet you 🙂
You are doing a great job. Good to see so many nice people working in a group of true fansubbers.
Really waiting this, thanks for this new project
Ya this may take my #2 spot this season…have a feeling it is going to be a good one.
Love your enthusiasim this season, Doki! Loving the fact that I now only need to visit one website for all my anime needs.
Also, I think I need some sort of wrestling match or something to watch, feeling very unmanly after accually sobbing like a baby at this. Fantastic episode!
This Girl remindes me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora <.<
Sora is faaarrr hotter ( ´Д`)ノ
She def is more like Nessa from Fractale imo
So, Doki is the new gg now?
We don’t localize.
Never change that.
Seconded, please don’t change that.
On another note, waiting on the v2 xD
I just watched C and… this is gonna be an interesting season xD
And one of the many good reasons why I watch your releases.
I’d really just like to say “YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING” seriously. Subbing NINE shows this season. You are true “FAN”subbers. Half the fansubbers only do it for themselves and hate doing it, then troll all the fans that followed them for it. That or constantly talk about the people who watch there releases (HORRIBLE SUBS-ps.I FUCKING HATE THEM). So I wait for GOOD subbers like you guys. Congrats and continue with your fine work.
Except Horriblesubs are just rippers.
Also they’re mostly joking, take a joke.
Thanks guys, I’ll be following you for this.
Could be great to have a GG-DOKI work someday 😀
Oh lol.
Not on my watch.
At 3:29, the subtitle says “I want to as a favour”. Pretty sure you meant “I want to ask a favour.” Something to fix in a v2 should a v2 for this ever come out.
It just so happens to be coming out soon(tm).
Being the idiot that i am, i muxed the wrong script into the .mkv, and wanting sleep, uploaded the torrent immediately after checking it played and hashing it.
Nine shows? Oh Holo, you so crazy.
For some reason the 480p links (both torrent and fileserve) aren’t working for me. I eventually got the torrent going finding it from the tracker page … ahh there’s the difference: There’s a space between h264 and AAC on the link here rather than an underscore like on the tracker page.
Link should be http://doki.co/torrents/Doki_Ano_Hi_Mita_Hana_no_Namae_o_Bokutachi_wa_Shiranai._-_01v2_848x480_h264_AAC_FCAEA520.mkv.torrent
^The torrent for the 720p V2 won’t work for me. The fileserve works, but the torrent won’t. Can you help guys?
Looks like the same problem on the 720p as on the 480p, there’s a space between h264 and AAC rather than underscore. The 720p torrent link on the Tracker page works.
Now works.
thanks for the patch. naisu jobu 🙂
Quite quick with the v2. Nice! 🙂 Thought “fulfil” @ 6:16 ought to be “fulfill” but looked it up just to be on the safe side and, sure enough, turns out it’s the UK spelling of the word. Didn’t notice any other problems! So, thanks for this update! 🙂
As for the episode itself … wow, this show should be awesome, I hope. I wasn’t moved to tears like people led me to expect I’d be, but there were definitely some sad moments right from the get-go with this episode. I think Menma’s Honma household visit took the cake for this. 「知ってるよ」 … “TEARS ;_;” as the Internet would say, although there weren’t actually any. But yeah: TEARS. ;_;
Actually, I did just notice one thing. Not a big deal, and maybe you’re even doing it deliberately because of file name length concerns? But I just noticed that you’ve dropped the “mada” out of the file names:
[Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Shiranai. – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [F63F2557]
[Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Shiranai. – 01v2 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [873DEF6A]
Instead of Bokutachi wa mada Shiranai, you’ve got Bokutachi wa Shiranai.
But it’s not like this effects anything: users can change the file names themselves and everything’s subbed just fine internally. 🙂
Someone finally noticed lol. It was accidental. Will be corrected from 02 on and in batch.
incomplete title, eh..??
why don’t you guys use Ano Hana instead..??
IMO, ‘coz the title is way too long~~
anyway, great job for subbing this show~~
Mmm, just wondering guys, will you be releasing Steins;Gate? I mean, I really want your version, not to mention that it most likely will be the best choice.
Yes, just wait, it’s not top priority, but it will come.
just watched the episode, anaru sure is anal
I have to ask, how can i install the patch? any help is appreciated.
Download show.
Download patch.
Extract patch.
Put three patch files in same folder as show.
Click “apply patch.bat”.