And this marks the release of Doki’s sixth movie. anon1 wanted to do this, so we picked it up.
Thanks to:
- Nanakoto: For translating
- Shoujo_Q: For TLC
- Crust: For timing
- anon1: For editing
- Pahndamonium: For K-timing
- Aachi: For typesetting
- Calyrica: For QC
1080p: [Doki] Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie – A Wakening of the Trailblazer (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [8CA8ACA4].mkv
720p: [Doki] Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie – A Wakening of the Trailblazer (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [44E441F6].mkv
480p: [Doki] Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie – A Wakening of the Trailblazer (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [D2E752B7].mkv
Finally, a troll free version. Thank you!
Can you guys post your subs?
I have a nagging feeling that maybe you already did, but I’m too stupid to find it on the site.
If you want the subtitle track, download the release and demux it yourself. Thank you.
– Doki Staff –
I’m impressed that you guys did this. I was waiting for THORA to release theirs since I got Gundam 00 Season 1 and Season 2 from them.
OMFG! Thank you so much! Looking forward to download the movie once I come home from Greenville! Thanks very much, indeed!
I can’t wait to omit all the annoying karaoke on this one.
sometimes i’ll take the 1080p
thanks for doing this
Sorry for the Unlimited Delay Works guys and girls, but we finally got it out~
Nanakoto is very happy =)
Lol, didn’t even know they were making a movie for this. Now I feel like I should watch season 2 of it again since everything that happened seemed insignificant to me.
Also, awaiting the 720p version, as I have a 720p screen and getting the 1080p one would be silly.
wow that thing in the pic looks like transformer
Will you upload the 720p on fileserve? If the file is too big you can broke it with winrar or hjsplit. Thank you.
pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
Blimey..too big to download the file right now. Winrar is the best way to go.
I didn’t see this one coming. I loved this movie it’s really good.
This movie’s pro point is probably the battle animation….. lol
I’m a long time gundam fan as well so ya, the plot’s sad (Still better than SEED Destiny IMO).
really Lelouch?
i have been a gundam fan for a long time and i thought this movie was kinda shitty, i watched both seasons of the series
the movies story was really really weak
need better story and ending for future movies
this movie definately does not make me want to own a real blue ray of this movie and i collect gundam movies, games, figures and other crap
What’s that other crap? :p
Each to their own I guess, personally I thought the movie was good though kinda cliched, as in when Setsuna arrives in his Quant Gundam everyones like Setsuna, its about time, blah *Insert Character to the rescue scene when things are getting bad*.
Still it did kinda end abruptly, I wanted to see where Setsuna went and how he became the way he was..
Anyway, the animation was kinda nice lol
And all the “Fight to live!” “Fight for the future!” cliched lines made me lol.
and all the spoiler lines ^ made me T_T
not lol.
Well, I agree with the story being lacking. I personally didn’t like the fact is was about fighting an alien life form; it didn’t really fit into the Gundam universe all that much.
What I did like was the awesome epic scale battle which most of the movie was. *Edited due to spoiler* To sum it all up, I loved it for the epic scale war between the earth and the aliens and Graham because he is awesome.
LOL spoiler
He kinda crossed the line revealing character deaths on here, some people may not of seen, we barely spoiled the movie but he just gave away a major event lol
Speaking of which, it wasn’t a war, more a misunderstanding.
can someone edit it? it’s really pissing me off -_-
thx dawg.
This movie is the best comedy ever made.
shiet i didn’t know i was gonna be spell checked and shit by yui, but it doesnt surprise me that i spell things incorrectly i don’t even remember the last time i went to school lol.
its obvious what happened to setsuna he finaly done what man has always dreamed of,
he had sex with a space alien chick with big boobs!
Don’t take it seriously
I have a question, what channel is the flac audio on the 1080p release?
what makes me disappointed the most is not enough Gundam 00 Quan[T] in action. the model kit even went on to said something like “possibly have eliminated the entire ELS attack force single-handedly had Setsuna chosen not to communicate with them” and yet T_T. what we get instead are Gundam Zabanya awesomeness (which is the only reason i rewatch the movie.
Watch Gundam Unicorn ep 3. this is how 00 movie battle should be done
Personally I don’t think Setsuna would of beaten the entire ELS force with just one unit, he would of been overwhelmed again like he was before. No I was happy with the fact his unit was made for one purpose, to end the fighting and bring peace to the world.
It’s more a symbolic Gundam than anything else.
i could understand the symbolic gundam part, but its feel weird to see the suit undamaged/unscratched till the end. It would be okay if its because the suit totally awesome (like Strike Freedom gundam) but not when its barely involved in the battle =.=’
Really dissapointing movie. I wondered why I watched it at the end.
anyhoo, thanks for subbing this!
hm…. Certainly there isn’t much to develop a new threat on a 2hr movie…. Having that in mind, I find myself unable to decide if the movie was good or bad… What I can say is that it is a shame that they didn’t made a 3 season about it, with better plot and better side stories. Making the epic scenes even more epic.
My opinion: not worth dling the larger file sizes… the movie isn’t that good.
Regardless, good job doki staff
last scene was of bad taste
Nothing really concrete to base a 3rd series on, unless they event a new enemy, pretty much most things are resolved by the end of the 2nd season. We’l never see true world peace, but as long as people are getting along it’s better than nothing really.
I personally would of loved either.
1. A prequal series about the formation of Celestial Being, the construction/plans to create Gundams. This would be a good mini series kind of thing 6 OVAs or something.
2. A prequal mini series focusing on the early Celestial Being days, with Ribbons in the 0 Gundam, as you see when Setsunas a kid soldier.
Pretty much anything that gives Celestial Being some more backstory.
You have 00P for that. FON SPAAK FTW
u guys ROCK!
thanx a ton!
Video issue around 1:39:54 on 480p version. I don’t think anyone pointed that out yet.
Ive been wondering but where do i download the subs if anyone is still reading this certain page
LOL nvm i mustve downloaded a non subbed one b4
This one has subs