I will release 480p as a batch at the very end. XviD if you don’t bug me about it 😛 This will be complete by the end of next week, hopefully.
Many thanks to Exhilem (where the hell have you been?) and Ero_Yatsu for helping me TLC this. Our first attempt many moons ago was horrendous, and this is much much better.
DDLs will be available shortly.
1080p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 01-02 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC)
- [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 01 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [A62A4207].mkv
- [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 02 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [169E3E71].mkv
720p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 01-02 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 01 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [FD52E42F].mkv
- [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 02 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [7FE29AA2].mkv
May post comps w/ AtsA & utw?
XD dl straightaway~
Yahoo! Thanks! Patience really is a virtue… Hopefully SYD will be next… and Harui… hehehe! 🙂
Congratz for continuing B Gata H Kei 😉
hope that this will go smoothly
Hmm, does this delay any other of your projects? Do you really want to do this? Because if you don’t; UTW, which is also an excellent group, already finished these BDs. Though you probably knew that.
But I for one would rather see unfinished projects.
Good work anyway.
I have a policy of not dropping anything, so this needs to be done some at some point.
Wow, that was good! Certainly no Seitokai Yakuindomo in terms of laughs, but excellent nonetheless. Thanks for the release ^.^
i’ll keep my utw version…. but its hard not to want your version. >_<
I appreciate your policy to not drop any project but could you concentrate on currently running projects *before* starting new one *please*.
AFAIK there is no other group doing the seikon no qwaser BDs
and reach the quality of your encodings and translations.
Technically, I think this is a really old project. Either way, since Doki’s the best in the business, I really don’t mind waiting.
As a side note, if you’ve not yet seen B Gata H Kei, watch it while you wait. If Doki’d not started re-releasing this, I’d never have watched it myself, so considering my enjoyment of the first two episodes, I’m actually grateful for the release, even if it does delay some of the other long-awaited projects 🙂
I have my other staff working concurrently on the other projects, so they should be at a releasable stage by the time i am done with BGHK. (Eg Shuffle/Haruhi)
The seikon no qwaser translator was badly whining about his real life =/ (And I feel sorry for him …). SNQ is a way to underrated show imho.
I disagree, Qwaser isn’t under rated, it just isn’t a show you can openly admit on the average anime forum as liking, or debating about much either. What with it technically being borderline hentai and only would appeal to a certain group of the anime fandom.
TLDR ver of the above is, it’s well known enough to not be under rated lol I’m not a fan of the show myself.
I already watched B Gata H Kei when UTW did the BDs and found the show very amusing (in different ways). Anyways, a doki release just now is mostly for archiving and people who missed to watch the show until now, unfortunately …
@eisensheng~ holo not the reason why SNQ is taking decades… its dmon and his rl problems/busybodyness or something along those lines. if holo was doing it im sure it would have been finishes ages ago. ^_^
I’ll wait for the full batch. Good to hear that it’ll all be ready by around the end of the week.
it says end of the NEXT week, not this week.
I was hoping for 480p H264, but XviD is fine too. Thanks again.
Just out o curiosity, which subs are you going to use for episodes 25-26 of SnH?
The infamous Your-Mom’s subs or in-house translations?
And thanks again for doing the BDs.
m33w gave me their unreleased scripts.
Saweeet! And I was just getting ready to re-watch it too!
h264 is fine for 480p, no need for XviD.
Thanks for the release, now waiting for SnH o
Love u Holo *0* -N
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Thanks. How long till Vol.2 XP
Why XviD? Using XviD would be like taking a huge step backwards…