On behalf of the entire Doki Staff, I wish all Chinese and Vietnamese a joyous Lunar New Year.
I tried looking for pics appropriate for such an occasion. Obviously posting NSFW pics are definitely inappropriate and also I received complains from people who claim the over ecchi pics put their jobs in jeopardy. So this time round, SFW pics are included.
As I was saying, I can’t find appropriate pictures relating to the New Year but instead I find many Christmas ones. I guess this shows that Christmas is more marketable? Or is it a reflection of the growing influence of westernisation? In any case, the above two seems close enough, representing fireworks and reunion dinner.
The pictures are wallpapers, click to enlarge. So well… enjoy I guess.
I will hijack this post and officially announce that Shuffle, Toradora AND Kodomo no Jikan Blu-ray will be picked up. -Holo
Haha Happy New Year everyone!
Have a good one
Shouldn’t be on here at work, so put up whatever you fucking want
I hope you understand “you” =/= “everyone”. I blame this individualism movement that is happening worldwide…
Where’s a good dose of Instrumentality when you need it (to end all this individualism rubbish)?
Happy Chinese New Year!
happy chinese new year!!!
Happy Chinese New Year !!!
. . . . zombie, where?
All in due time, all in due time.
….. i don’t get it.
May we all have another great year.
Happy Lunar New Year to all Chinese and other East Asian people!!
i luv ur NSFW pics. lol who would complain. XD
^ that
time to slack off^^
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Kung Hei Fat Choi
Kazumi <3
Oh and was Taiga always left handed? she has the chopsticks on the left.
Nice picks for BD! Will wait for those! Happy Chinese New Year! (Year of the Metal Rabbit, if I remember it correctly)
^I only noticed your post now.
Metal Rabbit?
Is there a brutal death metal or slam death metal rabbit?
I only found a death metal rabbit = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbmgGQG__r0&feature=related
Happy Chinese New Year to u too guys ^_^
F*CK YEAH KOJIKAN!!!! http://www.moonbattery.com/pedobear-drool.jpg
You should watch your habit of “picking up” everything you lay your eyes on.
Cool more blurays ^^
^They’ve never dropped anything and it looks like they don’t want to ever drop anything.
It takes a while but Thora also takes a while to release stuff.
(I have nothing against Thora or anyone in the anime community. I just needed an example.)
Most Asian countries celebrate Lunar New Year… not only Chinese.
Most Asian countries observe the Chinese New Year but that does not mean they celebrate it. It originates from the Chinese.
I’m from Asia and we don’t really celebrate it only in a few places.
LOL. it’s Chinese New Year…..
i never heard that 3th is a Lunar New Year…
have u ever look at calendar?
More BD coming ^^ All good ones >w<
Shuffle! and Toradora!… sweeeeeeetcakes! (-w-)
I shall wait for the Toradora BDs been looking for a good fansub to get for archive and lookie here Doki’s doing the BDs impeccable timing I might say
That’s absolutely misleading. I was born and raised in Vietnam, and “we” celebrated Lunar New Year. I even had 3 weeks off (only 2 days off with Western New Year).
My friends from Singapore are celebrating it too, they are too have days off! It’s national holiday.
Isn’t it slightly different in Vietnam? It’s like the year of the Cat right? Though I saw something like that on the news.
We both use the same Lunar calendar. The difference is with the horoscope.
Chinese: Rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dargon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.
Vietnamese: Rat, cow, tiger, cat, dargon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig
Kim, I am from Singapore and only the Chinese here celebrate it. You must know that Singapore consists of a few races, Malays, Indians, Chinese and the Eurasians. So we Singapore as a whole, observe Chinese New Year, it is a public holiday for 2 days. However, only the Chinese actually celebrate it. You must understand that observing and celebrating are two different things. In fact, only Asian countries with a huge Chinese population will designate public holidays for it, Vietnam for that matter, is an exception.
I come from South East Asia…and here, we celebrate what we called, “Chinese New Year”. don’t be a fags, dude. not everyone here are Vietnamese