Asobi will now be released in volumes, like Senkou no Night Raid, which still have the specials to go before I can release the last volume and the batch. I decided to make some changes in the scripts of Asobi, of course that means I should v2 previous episodes for consistency, this is the time when I learn that v2s should always come with the batch and not before because now Episode 1 and 2 won’t be v2s but v3s. I have not forgotten about my projects and the release of them will be faster, I am working on those at a decent pace, just be patient.
Heads up: Asobi Vol. 4 to come Monday if everything goes well. Saki is no longer stalled and will be worked on again regularly. Shukufuku no Campanella while Saki and Asobi doesn’t keep me busy.
Episode 05
FHD (1080p): [Doki] Asobi ni Iku Yo! – 05 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [B3F37488].mkv
HD (720p): [Doki] Asobi ni Iku Yo! – 05 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [2CF9DBBD].mkv
Episode 06
FHD (1080p): [Doki] Asobi ni Iku Yo! – 06 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [5572BC94].mkv
HD (720p): [Doki] Asobi ni Iku Yo! – 06 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [D6E13E94].mkv
1280×720 H264 BD FLAC
Episode 5
Episode 6
Just out of curiosity, why don’t you put them up in the post?
Because it’s not an official release, just a remux by me. I archive this version and since I already do the remux for me, I thought I would share it with the ones that voted for this version to get approved at that time.
Will there be patches and/or torrent batch for them?
I will make the patches when the batch comes but the batch will be just be a link to the DDL folder. No torrent. (At least until I change my mind)
Thank you
so u have found a proper staff to help u with Saki? 🙂
Thanks for the new episodes!
Can I ask that you provide patches for any script changes on the earlier episodes? I really don’t fancy having to re-download them all over again.
I will put up the patches for Episode 1-4 when the batch comes. That’s still 2-3 Volumes away.
Great mate i was wondering about when would these come 🙂 but i will wait for the whole batch with the specials in the batch i hope 🙂 simlier that way 🙂
As far as I know, the only special is a OVA that comes around with Volume 6 or something. I could be wrong though, so correct me if that’s the case.
Ganbatte Jecht~
Thx <3
u change ur avatar, too? XD
Thanks again! Few more episodes and batch will come. 🙂
Thanks for the releases, time to download, view and achieve these episodes.
Yay for Saki!
damn bro thats a lot of work…. but all the reason I have to thank u for the hard work…. I will be waiting for those releases….XD XD