We’re doing a joint with Chihiro from now on. As I am new at translating stuff, it works out just as well, because Chihiro can provide a TLC that Doki cannot.
Anyway, we will release 720p censored and 480p uncensored. No 720p uncensored because ATX video quality is poor.
Episode 01 will be released again under [Doki-Chihiro] after Kanade completes TLC.
*sigh* Torrent failed the first time, 99.8%. My computer malfunctioned. File corrupted second time. Let this be the last time, please… New torrent below.
HD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 02 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [C48AC42B].mkv
SD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 02v2 (848×480 h264 AT-X AAC) [3BE54995].mkv
is there anyone seeding the 480p version? stuck at 99%
me too, stuck at 99%.
may be that torrent got ban for release v2….who know ?
however, 480p version is not bad.
at least it fine for me and not as bad as qwaser back there.
lol…..ep 2 first……
thanks anyway
is 480p already uncensored ?
glad to hear someone do the uncensored of motto TLR
eeee my bad for asking this stupid question….
Lol ep 2 out first for 480. What about ep 1???
Lol how do I read???
How did you respond to this in the first place o_O?
Still on TLC
Erhm.. Then how come mine did complete without error?
as long as your CRC is 3C3E100E it’s fine.
The torrent has been fixed.
I’m getting pixelation at 10:34 & 15:03.
The file was re-downloaded with no improvement. CRC checks out as 3C3E100E.
Yeah, you’re right. My computer was playing up
Will do another version I guess lol.
In addition, I think you forgot the OP Karaoke font “MTCORSVA.TTF” in the 480p.
There’s no peace for the wicked :'(
Lol that’s why fansubbing when you’re drunk is a bad idea XD
Thanks for the ep. Also nice to see qwaser OVA almost done.
Would be very nice of you to post some status updates on qwaser BDs in the OVA release post =)
I’m so curious since there was no qwaser for a while now.