Yes, we plan on subbing this as one of our shows in the next season, just because its f*ck**g awesome. I watched it like 50 times no kidding and don’t get sick of it. =D
480p (h264): [Doki] Black Rock Shooter Trailer (720×480 h264 AAC) [19089C29].mkv
720p (h264): [Doki] Black Rock Shooter Trailer (1280×720 h264 DVD AAC) [51D45147].mkv
I will waiting…
Doki!!! Banzai!!! Big Thanks… 🙂
cant wait for this show!! it ROCKs!! lol…
Count me in
^_^ this show rulz, its just epic. can’t wait till the airing date. =D
it’s awesome, like i’ve already wrote in chat ^^
just wanna ask one question: too many ongoing and forthcoming projects you have… are you sure you can handle it? just curious. no offence, no trolling.
i’m a big DokiFan so i’m happy 😉
Next season = exams over = Fansubbing time!
Oh it’s the one thing I agreed on to do
it’s the 1 movie that I wanted 🙂
Fricking awesome. Can’t wait for this. and pfft sakifan they’ll do it all. They go at their own pace.
Hmm – is this just a single OVA (50 minutes) or a season?
Hard to find a specific answer online
but what about B Gata H Kei? >_>
you guys get slow about this show ;_;
June 6th is the day of my last exam. Everything will be caught up then.
Only an OVA apparently.
IS there a previous (Related) for tat OVA? Can’t find on google after it interested me
I meant as “Previous Anime” Meaning 1st season of it
@Chuck Norris
If only that was true 😮
show will air at end of June.
Why no HD? This was released on Blu-Ray.
I’m pretty sure this is a webstream OVA. The official site lists a “viewing time” between 6/25 and 8/31 (can’t be an official series, because 6/25 is a Friday, and 8/31 is a Tuesday, and they wouldn’t switch airing days like that).
So yeah, looks like it’s only going to be a one-time dealy.
@Doki: thx for answer, that’s good! very appreciate your work ^^
@All-Curious-Bout-This-Title: this is planned to be an one-shot OVA about 50 mins long. no previos OVAs or seasons exist. release date is second-half of june 2010, most likely 25th. btw at many anime-related web resources/portals/sites this title is one of most anticipating OVAs of the year ^^
excellent choice for the picture, those cold green eyes are really sexy
Supercell – black rock shooter
Nice choice guys. But just don’t forget the other ongoing series, okay? Thanks
*Watches the promo.* Well that was… random. O.o And the animation and the song are horrible. Not to shoot it down before I’ve seen it, but… what makes you think this is going to be awesome?
Megaupload :
Well it all depend on if you’re a vocaloid fan or not.
The animation looked awesome -_- idk what you were talking about there
yeah !!!! F*CKING COOL, man !!!!
BRS is F*CKING awesome !!!
i will always cheer on you, Doki….^0^
cant wait for this series to release.