Hey, i was looking for the raws cause i started doing some cleaning/redrawing on my own and since you guys do it so well i wanted to check some before/afters.
But the thing is these (http://raw.senmanga.com/Henjo/) seem to be completely different chapters, am i looking at the wrong place?
Thanks! Senko’s smile on page 12 caught me off guard, what with her usually having such a pokerface. I can’t remember, is it the first time we’ve seen her smile like that?
I continue to be impressed with this manga, and I’m not completely sure why.
Woo another chapter out!
page 4, second panel, right speech bubble “realy”
I’m starting to wonder more and more if the author didn’t just want to write a hentai instead but decided to make it SFW just to fuck with people.
Hey, i was looking for the raws cause i started doing some cleaning/redrawing on my own and since you guys do it so well i wanted to check some before/afters.
But the thing is these (http://raw.senmanga.com/Henjo/) seem to be completely different chapters, am i looking at the wrong place?
Apparently, “the series recently was moved from intermittent chapters in special issues to a regular magazine serialization”.
So whoever is uploading those started numbering them from 1 again after the move.
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
Thanks! Senko’s smile on page 12 caught me off guard, what with her usually having such a pokerface. I can’t remember, is it the first time we’ve seen her smile like that?
Chapter 1, page 27.
Ah, right.