Resist… the urge… to hijack… this post… TT!
TT here, specifically asked by two people to append this to the post:
<@jakeman95> Pikminiman, add to the release post “Expect some delays with the next few episodes due to this strange event called summer and people wanting to do things outside… and with friends… these people are weird.”
And Pikminiman failed/forgot. I have proof of this:
[02 13:16] <@jakeman95> Xan,can you add this to teh reslease post: ….
[02 13:18] <&{\an8}> TheThing|24-7 ^
[02 13:18] <&TheThing|24-7> Sure
So not a hijack… so no lewd pics this time :<
720p: [Doki] PriPara - 50 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [441163C4].mkv
480p: [Doki] PriPara - 50 (848x480 h264 AAC) [6F0B49FD].mkv
I’m so so happy you’re catching up, thank you for everything you do!
Now you’re just one episode behind: go for it 😀
Btw I love Fuwari and Hibiki so much omg ♥♥
you need to have alternate release pics again
No lewd pics? I’m disappointed…
Does this make you feel better?
No, it doesn’t.
situations like that really get my goat.