
Ranma ½ (BD) - Box 2 (55-108)

[Doki] Ranma ½ Box 1

♫ On the 18th day of Dokimas, Santa-san gave to me… Ranma ½ (BD) – Box 2. ♫


  • Timing: williee (100-108)
  • K-Timing: meneldal (ED6, ED7, OP4)

720p: [Doki] Ranma ½ – Box 2 (960×720 Hi10P BD FLAC)

Torrent | XDCC

480p: [Doki] Ranma ½ – Box 2 (640×480 h264 BD AAC)

Torrent | XDCC

106 comments to Ranma ½ (BD) – Box 2 (55-108)

  • Rin-chan

    ETA on Ranma Box 3 Pls

  • Random1

    Heya. I’m also interested in the ETA of box 3.

    It’s been over 2 years since Box 1 and 8 months since Box 2.
    Surely box 3 should be ready right about now?

  • Well, considering it was a full 16 months between box 1 and box 2, I would expect the release for box 3 to take a similar amount of time.

    So, sometime in April of 2016, perhaps? I’m not part of the group, I’m just making a guess here…

    • Anon is pretty much doing Ranma himself and there’s a metric shit load of eps, so it’s going to take him some time to finish it.

      It’s not like his life revolves around Ranma. It will be done when it’s done.

  • takamuratrollface

    Thanks guys for this awesome release!

    Any chance that you do Maison Ikkoku? It will be so nice having that anime in 720p and why not in 1080p 😀

  • Animaster Collector

    Any updates for the final Box?

  • heartcliff

    Can you sub box 3 too, please?

    • Sinnesfrid

      Waiting for it is a pain in the neck but it will come when it comes, asking for it or an ETA aka when it will be done and so on will not speed the process up.
      Just be patient and wait and if you cannot wait so have the third box been released with english subtitles by other groups way back and is available.

  • Animaster Collector

    The Box 3 will be the last piece to my rumiko collection. I’ve already obtained Urusei Yatsura, Inuyasha, and Maison ikkoku in Bluray. I’m sooooo psyyccchh for this. Hope it comes out soon…

  • Weeber

    It sucks to wait but it’s not like I’m going to watch it in this exact moment anyways.

  • Animaster Collector

    One of these days…..some time soon would be nice 🙁 Please Box 3 🙁

  • Animaster Collector

    Are we there yet?

    • anonymlol

      Stop spamming.

      • Animaster Collector

        sorry…I thought our pleas are falling into deaf ears…Well your warning proved me wrong and that is enough to satisfy me now 😀

        • Sinnesfrid

          They are kinda falling on deaf ears and kinda not.
          If you read earlier so can you see that there is one person that is mostly working on this all alone, I assume that Anon have other things to do as well both with real life and subbing new series with the group so doing it all will take him a while. We will get it when we get it.
          All we can do is wait I am afraid.

      • Animaster Collector

        Well I’m sorry. I thought our pleas are falling into deaf ears…
        Your warning proves me wrong though, and to that I say my thanks. 😀

      • Restia

        I know its taking some time, but can you just give an update on if its dropped or you are still planning to do it ?

  • Animaster Collector

    I’d like to apologize again for my past obnoxious/disturbing/ annoying/alarming/revolting/disrespectful remarks, without due and proper regard, both to the site and the authors/owners involved.

    For the record, even though the guys here insists us to opt for other fansubs…It’s kinda easy to say but hard to do, ‘coz for one thing some encoding sites are also waiting for Doki’s release (And downloading at encoding sites are, personally, more convenient because the sizes of the releases are unbearably high for someone with very low net speed) and another is, Doki’s fansub is definitely one of the neatest and also the best sub for an anime (personally speaking). Some subs are good, but Doki does it better.

    So…yeah, even though waiting sucks/hurts; as the anticipation only keeps on growing. I suppose, the opposite can be said to asking; as it doesn’t hurt anyone if we could ask any updates on it every now and then. After all, it would be nice to hold onto something while waiting as it constantly reminds us that we are definitely waiting for something to come-about eventually-regardless of how long it would take to get there.

    Since, after all, the basis for the inquiries regarding the Box 3’s status, relies on the fact that more than a year has passed since the release of Box 2; we are currently entering the *18th month period with no signs of anything unveiling soon.

    *(If my novice calculation is correct, judging from the time gap between Box 1 and Box 2 it was roughly about 16 months or 1 year & 4 months, which makes Box 3’s expected release to be 2 months++ or 18+ & above longer).

    Hence, our inquiries therefore are not irrelevant and is rightfully supported & partially proven **based on past observable release patterns.

    **(As this is the sole basis from which are inquiries stand, I do-and so should everyone-acknowledge that the likelihood of changes due to circumstantial instances may have affected/have been affecting the feasible working atmosphere of the subber to commit to the anticipated release time-frame pattern, in which the anime should have been already released-in effect, altering/prolonging the said release of the anime in question.)

    Therefore, we, in our best interest to inquire for a status report, understand & reaffirm the possible existence of real-life hindrances that is and have been the cause of such inconvenience.

    I know that I’m not in any position to complain as these things are free, and the people/person behind this is really working hard towards the completion of other anime & also manage his/her/their real life, so kindly read my message as a form of inquiry that, in no way seeks to insult/degrade/spam or any of other similar things, towards the site.

    I love Doki Fansubs©. As one of the millions of avid fans of Rumiko Takahashi’s works, a great classic such as Ranma 1/2, deserves no less than to be watched in Blu-ray and to be subbed by Doki.(+ to be encoded by DarkLegends©-great thanks to Kurzkun) 😀

    After all that’s been said, the only question and word that truly matters here is: “When?” (no pun,insult,spam, intended)☮ ✌ ☮ ✌

  • Animaster Collector

    I noticed “Z4ST1N” and “ixlone” is able to have profile pics.
    So does that mean you’re both part of the Doki Team?

    If so…then…

    Judging from the image you presented…should I take it as a grain of salt or simply the reality of what it speaks of?

    If so…then…


    This means that we were all living in our own little fantasy world where we all thought that:

    -The translator is busy with other stuff.
    -The translator is in charge of various animes.
    -The translator is experiencing personal issues.
    -The translator is really working hard to complete it.
    **-It will arrive in December 2016, as a Christmas Gift from Doki.

    “THE SUMMER OF 2-0-3-4, as part of DOKI’s 25th ANNIVERSARY”

    Though your chart shed some light to the reality of things, I do hope that this remark is just. a. joke. My sense of what is real and what is not is blurred. I take everything as the truth right now on this matter.

    If it truly is, then, thank you for giving us, something to finally hold on to. But that kinda sucks coz’ I’m like 34 by then. I wonder if I’ll still care about anime lol.

    (Side note: Kurzkun-san, do you think you can still see yourself encoding in the Summer of 2034? lol)

    If it’s just a joke then, it is a very bad joke. Harshest joke I’ve ever read in my entire life.

    *Sorry for the harsh remark. It was merely an outburst of unexplained feelings.
    **Why not? I mean, Ranma Box 2 came out around Christmas time lol


    On a larger perspective, I think anime fans should just try and learn the Japanese language. So that they wont have to depend on anyone but themselves (+ the rippers who upload raws lol).


    Thanks for responding! Never would have thought someone would read it. (I mean, personally I felt my message was a spam because of the length and ridiculous word play and content lol) Though I surely would have hope to have heard all that from @Anonymlol herself. Nevertheless, it made things clearer now. Thanks a lot 😀

  • Animaster Collector

    I see now…All I had to was create an account. But seriously though, if @Z4ST1N was able to obtain such information, I suppose you truly are part of the Doki Team then?

    P.S – I don’t know if its too much to ask but I’d ask away anyway :p So does that mean, that due to the absence of a TL in the team, @Anonymlol will be the one to cover it all? Or will Ranma simply be on a forever hiatus just like Hunter X Hunter’s manga? (which at least is ongoing at the moment! XD ) lol

    • Zastin just clicked our projects link at the top.

      • Animaster Collector

        I see…so it really is only one person then?…I can now see why a 2034 release would be understandable its ongoing yet no progress has been made…unless it gets pick up or whatnot…so its neither drop or ongoing then? XD

        After all that’s been said, I guess it’s just us and the status quo once more…it does feel good though to break the status quo every once in awhile hahaha makes you feel like something could be done XD even though the feeling is fake tsk…

        • Z4ST1N

          The 2034 part was a joke, yeah. Maybe 2019, the 10th anniversary? idk, I wouldnt expect it any earlier than late this year. Idk how many signs need to be typeset in Ranma, but its mastered on film so I think you have to motion track literally all of them (or just stick a note at the top of the screen)

          And yeah, I’m not associated with Doki in any way, outside of using their seedbox service to power my own shitty fansub group. And if I was, I’d probably be in one of ixlone’s projects since all I ever watch nowadays are ecchi and sol’s

          • Animaster Collector

            Ohhhhhh Hahahahahaha my mistake XD

            I’m so sorry @ixlone XD I kinda mismatched you with @Z4ST1N!

            So @ixlone is really the one who’s part of the Doki Team XD Hahahaha

            Well, @Z4ST1N sounded like an admin and + I thought those who have profile pics are admin lol After all, @Anonymlol is the only admin I’ve seen so far. (‘coz ranma is the only thing I’ve checked on this site XD)

          • Z4ST1N

            You have a profile pic too, you know. Its your Gravatar.

            And you should check out some of the other shows they’ve done, on the sidebar on the left, there. They’ve finished a few really good BD projects recently, like Mikakunin de Shinkoukei.

          • Animaster Collector

            Well….I kinda have 800 anime series and 50 anime movies on my Hard Drives already so….that’s worth 4TB. I’m at my storage limits now. I’m just making a few exceptions on the best animes for me lol

  • Animaster Collector

    Someday we’ll know….if… (the release will be sooner)
    love can move a mountain…

    Someday we’ll know….why… (the release is taking is so long)
    the sky is blue…

    Someday we’ll know….that… (the release won’t be anytime soon)
    I wasn’t meant for you…

    Original Song: “Someday We’ll Know” By Mandy Moore
    Side comments: Animaster Collector

    ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌ Keep Calm, And Wait for Doki ✌ ✌ ✌ ✌

    P.S – This is not spam, this is just my patience talking @Anonymlol

  • ddashizzle

    Here’s something perhaps more helpful. Is there any way we can support the work on Box 3? Is it the project needs translators, etc.? We also have to understand if there are too many fires and some have to keep burning.

    • Animaster Collector

      Join the team? Donate? Give them moral support?


      Just keep your mouth shut and wait.
      (said by the one who has persistently bug the site lol.)
      (I’m referring to me just so we are clear XD )

    • Animaster Collector

      In retrospect, making some noise here could remind the team of this..travesty for the longest of time that forces us to face this conundrum that knows no timeline, leaving us to painstakingly wait for god-knows-when time that this…for crying out loud…last BD Box of Ranma be ever released for public consumption.

      I’ll forever hold my peace when that time comes…till then my mouth (as for this case my fingers & laptop) will exhaustively exercise the rights given to me by law: the right to freedom of speech!

    • ddashizzle

      Actually, I was hoping that someone from the team would interject in the direction of help needed. Someone else mentioned earlier about a translator.

  • Someone

    Any news/update/eta/status about box 3? btw keep up the good work. Thx.

    • Animaster Collector

      Hmmm…. I have questions over exactly what “Good” is being described here and, the mystery of if they’re actually “work”-ing on it….tsk….

  • Is anonymlol still alive?
    Is this dropped?
    Will we ever see box 3?

    It’s been almost 2 years…
    Not trying to be rude, but it feels like I’m wishing for the impossible…

    • Animaster Collector

      He is alive…I actually got him pissed of by asking consecutively for any updates…

      Well….Christmas is around the corner so any wishes for this matter would actually be helpful lol

  • ???

    Well, I’m sincerely wishing we’ll get it this Christmas.

    It only took 16 months from box 1 to 2.
    We’re already almost at 24 months from box 2 to 3.

  • Anime: Ranma ½ Box 3 / 4
    (n_n/) ~Well… Date Now? (December 2016)

  • Animaster Collector

    I believe in love.

  • Sinnesfrid

    Yesterday it was 2 years since the second box were released.
    I believe we are worthy to hear some type of how much of the work on the third box is done by now.
    I have told other ones that asked for ETAs and various stuff off but now its passed two years, dont we deserve something for waiting so layally?

  • Chirag

    Last day of 2016 🙂 Maybe 2017 will bear sweeter fruit for us? 🙂

  • DmonHiro

    Doki have kind of stopped focusing on anime, so don’t hold your breath…

  • kaede

    By far the best release of the show.
    Highly recommend watching it on a crt tv!

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