With this episode, we’re finished with the Nine Schools Competition arc!
I have an announcement for all you fine people watching Mahouka. I will be flying to Japan on Thursday the 7th of August, and staying there for about three weeks. This will unfortunately mean that Mahouka will be delayed until I’m back, in other words, until the beginning of September. But fear not: I can’t wait to get cracking on Mahouka again when I’m back, and even though I’m also back to uni in September, we will finish Mahouka.
As with the previous delay, in case you absolutely can’t live without your weekly Mahouka fix, I guess HorribleSubs is your best option. You can also cross your fingers and hope that FBI will catch up before I’m back if you’d rather watch them. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this will cause, and assure you that I would love to keep giving you weekly entertainment in the form of a badass MC and a bunch of cute girls, but unfortunately that is not possible.
See you later!
720p: [Doki] Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - 18 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [BB7DF364].mkv
480p: [Doki] Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - 18 (848x480 h264 AAC) [0B035584].mkv
It’s okay man and Thanks 😀
2 Mahouka at once?! I must be dreaming… lol
damn double release son, keep up the good work
Awesome!! Will wait for your translation, that for sure
Happy holiday
Hey man, don’t worry about it. You just released the end of the current arc, so it’s not like we’d be left hanging.
waiting for 3 episodes at once in September then, get a safe journey!
Whoa nice just finished watching episode 17 ^_^
Thanks again!
Thanks for the double release!
Enjoy your trip.
If FBI actually manage to catch up I might die of shock.
Amanatsu – I haven’t edited 13 because I see no point if the rest aren’t even TL’d. That’s like a one night job whenever I feel like it. Our TL finally came back the other night so I still have to check on the status of the other eps, but idk what to say. Hopefully soon? lol
mini-ezo – Funny because I didn’t feel like TLing 14 until 2 days ago because 13 had no progress.
Classic circle of stalling!
Many thanks for the release!
Thanks for your great effort. Will sweat your return
“Will sweat your return”
Wut? :-/
Perhaps it’s warm where he is? lol
Wow so little time between 17 and 18. I’ll feel spoiled soon.
Double release!
I love you Doki!!!
Thanks a lot!
Thankyou, and enjoy your Japan trip 🙂
I’m sure there will be some people who can’t read who will be complaining as to where these episodes are in time, but that’s okay. You deserve a break, as does anyone.
Honoka \o/
congrats on going to japan, will you be around tokyo? 😀
I’m studying here at the moment, just shoot me an email if you’d like to meetup ^_^
I’m not too happy that the last arc will probably be rushed. And it even looks like they’ll skip the summer holiday chapter with the resort episode and the new president’s election episode (one of my favorite). Both these however introduced new characters appearing (briefly) in the the Yokohama arc.
Thanks! 😀
you mean 3 weeks without Onii-sama??
welp, at least it’s just after the arc finished so there’s no hanger.
have a safe trip!
thank you, i’ve been following your release for a while. and today you’ve made my birthday more wonderful by releasing 2 mahouka in 1 day…. 😀
i would gladly wait for Doki releases than go elsewhere if i know you guys are doing the series. i patiently wait every week for Akame ga Kill, but only use the HS version as a place-holder so i don’t forget to keep checking back
alta, the speed of the releases of these 2 episodes show that we have nothing to fear; we need only to wait until you’re back. Since this is the end of the arc, I think it’s a good place to pause too, especially because Mahouka don’t got previews to cliffhang you XD
True enough. There’s no huge cliffhanger,merely lingering clues for future plot points.
O_o you picked a good time to go on vacation…and you did it RIGHT after teh cliffhanger…damn your luck…
According to 3 of the people above you though, it was actually the best place to take a break, because the current arc has ended, so there isn’t a cliffhangar. Guess it’s a matter of perspective/opinion…
Thanks for the release. Enjoy your trip, I’ll be loyal to Doki and wait.