Now with updated OP lyrics and karaoke by DeathHere. Enjoy!
A shoutout to Mariko-sama who stepped in for the TLC who is busy with moving into another country.
720p: [Doki] Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - 06 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [DAF45E61].mkv
480p: [Doki] Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - 06 (848x480 h264 AAC) [628D3DA4].mkv
Thank you kind Doki.
Thankyou for this, quite surprised I haven’t bothered watching this series yet, got like 6 episodes to watch now lol.
Thanks for the episode!
Is it just me or is ms. Ono sensei a bit chubby 😮 although im comparing her “design” to the manga as i have never read the LN
OMG thanks! I was waiting for the new episode! >_<
Thanks for the release!
Thanks, I have watched raw.
But what’s different between `Mokuroku` and `Inka`?
Is that degree from Kendou/Kenjutsu?
Mokuroku and Inka are from traditional menjō system of licenses on japanese martial arts. These licenses are, from lowest to highest, Shoden, Chūden, Shō Mokuroku, Chū Mokuroku, Dai Mokuroku, Shō Menkyo, Menkyo Kaiden and Inka. The Inka license is given only to the successor to the tradition and is not accessible to others.
Was going to reply but got ninja’d with a more comprehensive answer than what I could have given.
Where’s Sailor Zombie?
This ep was boring.
erika best girl~
Thanks! 😀
I think it’s because they shortened some of the fight scenes (at least compared to the manga, don’t know about the LN). But I agree with you, this one is a little boring.
Sorry, meant this as reply for ixlone
I get no credit for making the OP look fancier 🙁