I am unstalling Saki. We will continue using Makimaki’s scripts for eps we haven’t done yet, and using our old scripts as a base for the eps that we have done.
Also, we aren’t doing the BDs for this show but sticking to the DVDs because the BD quality is atrocious.
- Script: SGKK-Doki/Makimaki
- Typesetter: Orillion
- Timer:: xMythycle
- Encoder: anonymlol
- QC: Kotomi
SD: [Doki] Saki – Vol 1 (848×480 h264 DVD AAC)
- [Doki] Saki – 01 (848×480 h264 DVD AAC) [4763C2BA].mkv
- [Doki] Saki – 02 (848×480 h264 DVD AAC) [C3732824].mkv
So I am to assume that this is the best quality available, right? At least as far as video quality goes…
Download a BD raw and judge for yourself 😀
Hi10P doko?
Seeds gonna come online? anime-index shows none
Holo sucks.
Seeding now, sorry!
Wow, I have wished for this day to come. Thank you Doki! You guys are Awesome!
Time to clean backlog guys!
Saki was a significant step lol. It was so stalled there were cobwebs dusting this one off I’m sure Lol
True dat! This one is like one of Doki’s all-time most stalled shows! 😀
Anyways thankyou for this, I’ve been meaning to watch this series.
I wonder how many none native english speaker looked up the word ” atrocious” in a dictionary. 🙂
Could you post a pic of the BD so we can see what it looks like?
No, but you can find a copy, look and see for yourself.
If not, I guess you’ll just have to take our word for it.
Unstalled just in time for Saki Zenkoku-hen!
Whoever thought that an anime about mahjong could be so awesome? Anyways, thanks much.
Zenkoku-hen is going to be epic! And Saki in a long skirt this time, much better!
So let me see if I get this straight…The DVDs* actually have BETTER video quality than the BDs? :-/
Wouldn’t be the first time.
Won’t be the last time.
Huh, I see. Well, I just wanted to make sure.
If I’m not mistake it is due to the BD being an upscale much like To LOVE-Ru’s BD was an upscale. Proper avisynth scripts and a decent encode should make the DVD look much better than the Blu-Ray can with much less effort.
Don’t you remember Shana S1 BDs? They were so bad it was hilarious.
how many dvd’s are there? about 14?
There are 9 Volumes. Vol 1-2 have 2 eps, the rest have 3 eps.
The DVDs are pretty good but the BDs are far from atrocious. 720p BD would beat DVD any time on a decently sized TV. I have the BD box on hand and did comparisons with your release.
The bds are filth. 720 isn’t worth it.
Perhaps you could post your comparisons.
Maybe not – if you watch it on your PC you probably won’t see much difference. On a 42″ TV though? BD will almost always win.
On a 42 inch TV the crapness that is the BDs would just be more noticable, so not sure where you are coming from. The haloing alone is enough to make little kittens blind.
You think these will win?
BD 1, BD 2, BD 3, BD 4
Wow, that’s….really….
But what does it look like if down-scaled to 720p?
Lol the details.
Those look awful, how anyone could sell that on Blu Ray, yet alone for the price they ask for in Japan is disgusting.
Damn, those look horrible…I’m shocked they’re trying to pass off something like that as Bluray quality, and that the Japanese fans are actually accepting it…I would definitely complain and demand my money back if they pushed this garbage on me…
I agree with this person. If you have the BD’s, why not source from there? DVD quality does not mean the same as BD with DVD resolution. If I we the sources, we could do a comparison, but we don’t.
Or you could click the links showing how shit it is.
Earlier this year I compared the DVD version (Reinweiss) with the BD version (Nozomi) and my vote is on the BD.
I’ve seen the pictures showing the BD deficits (blocking, detail loss, weird outlines, etc.), but watching the actual thing wasn’t bad at all.
Just compare the 480p DVD with the 480p BD. The BD is a lot sharper and has more vivid colours. I didn’t see any reason not to get the BD version. If the known problems are an issue, just get the 480p version, still better than the DVD^^ (IMO)
Reinweiss’ encodes of Saki were really bad, you should have compared it to a better release.
DVD 848×480 (Doki) – http://i.imgur.com/wIFM2e0.jpg
BD 720p (Nozomi) – http://i.imgur.com/RzxR0tM.jpg
DVD 848×480 (Doki) – http://i.imgur.com/fC3qtTp.jpg
BD 720p (Nozomi) – http://i.imgur.com/nqG4fka.jpg