This show is also surprisingly deep in some ways. Super-otaku gets recruited and send to a parallel world filled with various fantasy elements and is tasked with popularizing Japanese culture (anime, manga, games, etc) in order to strengthen ties between their world and ours. However, he’s confronted with serious issues like rigid master/servant relationships (essentially slavery), and the problem of an illiterate (>20% literacy) pre-industrial society.
I’ve gotta admit that the half elf has got my attention, and I’ll likely watch the whole thing, even if it has no worthwhile plot line. After all, I watch a lot of shows that aren’t good at all. I just like the ones that are good much better.
It might be a sleeper hit, but this fall season’s lineup is pretty underwhelming. A lot of stuff that’s either too similar, doesn’t look like it has staying power, pretty meh, or “all the characters are unlikeable”.
Hopefully it should. I’m confused why they haven’t announced anything yet personally. It sold quite well before the Endless Eight episodes, if they’re holding the fact the sales halved when the Endless Eight episodes came about against the fans that kinda sucks.
They were either trying to exploit the fanbase by doing 8 episodes, or had a director who was incapable of doing something simple in less than 8 episodes. They should of made Endless Eight 3 episodes at most.
Don’t know what you’re talking about. Kyoukai no Kanata and Nagi no Asakura look great to me. There’s also Little Busters! Refrain, Non Non Biyori, Galilei Donna and White Album 2, whick look pretty good. Too bad Doki aren’t doing any of them by the looks of it…There are several other at least decent looking series as well, Outbreak Company being one of them, so I’ll be grabbing this one at BD batch (as usual) of course.
I agree with his point about there not being many standout shows with regards to quality, i.e it being exceptional. There are a few but most that I’ve seen have been kinda like watch once, maybe watch again at some point in the future quality(i.e good/average and is somewhat decent to watch but nothing remarkable) lol.
And sorry I haven’t seen White Album 2 so I can’t judge that one (:
Oh okay, what shows are you watching this season anyway? I’m watching Outbreak Co(Doki), Little Busters Refrain(HS), Kyoukai no Kanata(HS), Coppelion(HS). And some other one, also from Horriblesubs.
Those two do look nice, but the characters just seem so “been there, done that”. I’m getting that feeling a lot so far, maybe newer anime fans would enjoy them more. Or perhaps some of these series pick up in later episodes.
Eh, a lot of them. I just add them to my loooooooong “to watch” list if they seem interesting though, as usual. I mostly watch backlog shows when I do watch. I rarely watch new shows when they are still new. My backlog is way too huge for that, and I don’t have much time.
Hey guys, I’m sorry to say it because I love your translations on everything else but I think the ball was dropped when this episode was translated.
I had forgotten you were subbing ‘Outbreak Company’ and downloaded a copy of episode two from Horrible Subs which had different and in my opinion a better translation. Like at 16:30 where he’s reading ‘Shingeki no Kyojin’ to the queen, but Hannes’s name is misspelled as Hanmes, and the Titan’s a refered to as Great Gods.
I can understand this being an act of editer choice but since ‘Shingeki no Kyojin’ is well known it didn’t come off well.
I have to admit I haven’t watched Shingeki no Kyojin, but if you look at the manga cover in the episode closely, you can see that “kyojin” is written 巨神 (“great god”), rather than 巨人 (“giant/titan”). The manga they’re reading is not Shingeki no Kyojin as we know it, and so she’s not talking about titans but great gods, and I think that this justifies the different spelling of the name too. I think the guys over at CR haven’t read their scripts closely enough if what you described is true.
haven´t watched Shingeki, so I don´t know how they say the name in it, but from hearing the name in OC I would definitely write it as Hanmes too.
so this rather shows that Doki is superior to HS in terms of translation.
If you look closely at the screen with a zillion little pictures on it when he’s talking about importing anime (pause the show), you’ll notice that it’s filled with all sorts of references to existing shows. One of my favorites was “Tako Musume.” So yeah, anything that was close-to-but-not-quite something you’re familiar with was 100% on purpose. The two big cardboard cutouts were references to Nyarlko and Hatsune Miku. Another thing that cracked me up, assuming I read it correctly, was “Straight Witches.” (As opposed to the raging lesbians that they all are.)
Yes it has great potential
It’s definitely been entertaining which is good, especially given the competition this season.
Loli empress and moe maid? whats not to love?
*Half-elf* moe maid.
I think this will be a good one… Thanks!
It’s a great show. One of my favorites for the season.
Yeah, this is good. Very entertaining. And this is surprisingly interesting.
Thanks for the release – I’m enjoying the series so far!
This show is also surprisingly deep in some ways. Super-otaku gets recruited and send to a parallel world filled with various fantasy elements and is tasked with popularizing Japanese culture (anime, manga, games, etc) in order to strengthen ties between their world and ours. However, he’s confronted with serious issues like rigid master/servant relationships (essentially slavery), and the problem of an illiterate (>20% literacy) pre-industrial society.
Sorry, that should be <20%.
Dialogue fonts do not seem to be muxed in correctly.
Ripped the subs with Aegisub and changed dialogue fonts to Cronos Pro. Displayed the subs the same way as in episode 01.
Update your codec pack.
They are updated, the dialogue font was not muxed in. And I force-checked the torrent to be sure it had DL’d fully.
Thanks for the release. Btw, any chance Doki will pick up NouCome or Non Non Biyori?
I’ve gotta admit that the half elf has got my attention, and I’ll likely watch the whole thing, even if it has no worthwhile plot line. After all, I watch a lot of shows that aren’t good at all. I just like the ones that are good much better.
This is a great show
Ep 2 shows the problem that Kanou faced in his job
Now the preview shows that the antagonist(s) will come soon
Thanks Doki for subbing this!
It might be a sleeper hit, but this fall season’s lineup is pretty underwhelming. A lot of stuff that’s either too similar, doesn’t look like it has staying power, pretty meh, or “all the characters are unlikeable”.
Someday they will do Haruhi Season 3, someday.
Let’s hope not.
<—- MOAR Yuki? Yes please
as long as it does not include another endless eight and the story progresses, yes please
Hopefully it should. I’m confused why they haven’t announced anything yet personally. It sold quite well before the Endless Eight episodes, if they’re holding the fact the sales halved when the Endless Eight episodes came about against the fans that kinda sucks.
They were either trying to exploit the fanbase by doing 8 episodes, or had a director who was incapable of doing something simple in less than 8 episodes. They should of made Endless Eight 3 episodes at most.
Don’t know what you’re talking about. Kyoukai no Kanata and Nagi no Asakura look great to me. There’s also Little Busters! Refrain, Non Non Biyori, Galilei Donna and White Album 2, whick look pretty good. Too bad Doki aren’t doing any of them by the looks of it…There are several other at least decent looking series as well, Outbreak Company being one of them, so I’ll be grabbing this one at BD batch (as usual) of course.
I agree with his point about there not being many standout shows with regards to quality, i.e it being exceptional. There are a few but most that I’ve seen have been kinda like watch once, maybe watch again at some point in the future quality(i.e good/average and is somewhat decent to watch but nothing remarkable) lol.
And sorry I haven’t seen White Album 2 so I can’t judge that one (:
I haven’t seen any of them. I just said they look good.
Oh okay, what shows are you watching this season anyway? I’m watching Outbreak Co(Doki), Little Busters Refrain(HS), Kyoukai no Kanata(HS), Coppelion(HS). And some other one, also from Horriblesubs.
Those two do look nice, but the characters just seem so “been there, done that”. I’m getting that feeling a lot so far, maybe newer anime fans would enjoy them more. Or perhaps some of these series pick up in later episodes.
I mostly watch backlog shows when I do watch. I rarely watch new shows when they are still new. My backlog is way too huge for that, and I don’t have much time.
Eh, a lot of them. I just add them to my loooooooong “to watch” list if they seem interesting though, as usual.
Anyone else having font issues or is it just me??
Nothing is wrong with the font.
Nothing wrong, but the typesetting is different.
Yeah, give it a change is what I would say… EP1 was quite interesting!
This show is awesome. Nothing more to say.
Montara Gothic font is not muxed into the script for the 720Hi10p torrent. I’ve DL’d it twice to be sure, and checked that my codecs are up-to-date.
Hey guys, I’m sorry to say it because I love your translations on everything else but I think the ball was dropped when this episode was translated.
I had forgotten you were subbing ‘Outbreak Company’ and downloaded a copy of episode two from Horrible Subs which had different and in my opinion a better translation. Like at 16:30 where he’s reading ‘Shingeki no Kyojin’ to the queen, but Hannes’s name is misspelled as Hanmes, and the Titan’s a refered to as Great Gods.
I can understand this being an act of editer choice but since ‘Shingeki no Kyojin’ is well known it didn’t come off well.
I have to admit I haven’t watched Shingeki no Kyojin, but if you look at the manga cover in the episode closely, you can see that “kyojin” is written 巨神 (“great god”), rather than 巨人 (“giant/titan”). The manga they’re reading is not Shingeki no Kyojin as we know it, and so she’s not talking about titans but great gods, and I think that this justifies the different spelling of the name too. I think the guys over at CR haven’t read their scripts closely enough if what you described is true.
haven´t watched Shingeki, so I don´t know how they say the name in it, but from hearing the name in OC I would definitely write it as Hanmes too.
so this rather shows that Doki is superior to HS in terms of translation.
Well then… sorry, maybe it’s a reference/hint at shingeki no kyojin, like how anime have a denny’s(dennis?) and McDonalds(WcDonalds/MgRonald).
If you look closely at the screen with a zillion little pictures on it when he’s talking about importing anime (pause the show), you’ll notice that it’s filled with all sorts of references to existing shows. One of my favorites was “Tako Musume.” So yeah, anything that was close-to-but-not-quite something you’re familiar with was 100% on purpose. The two big cardboard cutouts were references to Nyarlko and Hatsune Miku. Another thing that cracked me up, assuming I read it correctly, was “Straight Witches.” (As opposed to the raging lesbians that they all are.)
Unofficial font patch:
720P Only (forgot to mention)
Thanks a lot ^^
minor typo at 20:00: “an new order”
Usually anime-koi did a good job on subbing but this time around particularly on this anime, they’re not accurate.
So I’m gonna stick on dokisub for this. I look forward on your release.