
Ranma ½ (BD) - Box 1 (1-54)

[Doki] Ranma ½ Box 1

My first release post! xD


  • Includes episodes 1-54
  • This release uses ordered chapters.
  • Big files because of grain (hand-drawn anime), even though reduced
  • 1080p sometime in the future, when x265 is ready
  • Liberal subs in American English (because changing this means rewriting everything for 161 episodes, not gonna do that)


  • Original Subs: R1
  • TL/TLC: Termascur, altazure
  • Encode/(K-)Time/TS/Edit/QC: anonymlol

720p: [Doki] Ranma ½ – Box 1 (960×720 Hi10P BD FLAC)

Torrent | XDCC

480p: [Doki] Ranma ½ – Box 1 (640×480 h264 BD AAC)

Torrent | XDCC

202 comments to Ranma ½ (BD) – Box 1 (1-54)

  • Mikasa

    May we please get a comparison between the 480 and 720 version.


  • ilikeit

    Doki first ever ordered chapters release!
    Guess I’ll just be a passerby then.

  • Bruce

    Why are the recent HD batches only in Hi10P? I would think most people would rather watch anime on their TV rather than on their PC. A PC seems to be the only way to watch Hi10P videos without dropping many frames unless I’m mistaken.

    • Connect your PC to your TV?

      • Bruce

        That’s always an option, but why would you want to carry a PC to the other side of the house, or whatever room it’s in, every time you wanted to watch anime?

      • TRON

        Normally there’s no need to recode a 8bit source to 10bit. It’s just becaus some group started this madness and other groups thought it was cool to do as well.

        With the Mede8er X3D series it’s even possible to playback 10bit encodes but turns out to be pretty blocky because all displays on the market can’t handle 10bit color space… the codecs on a PC are decodong the 10bit video an changing the colors back to 8bit in order to make an output possible… sadly even the latest videoprocessors can’t do this on-the-fly.

        Turns out most anime fans are students or kids who just own a PC display and use it to watch anime. Other people will be simply ignored by most fansub groups because most of them are kids/students as well.
        Groups like L-E even used warppoints while encoding to xvid in the past and made it impossible for people with a hardware-based media player to watch those files without recoding them. Until this day no media player is able to decode warppoints !!

        • tchoepa

          Decrease in detail gives an increase in colourspace . Especially when downscaling. Random dithering and noise insertion is used to compensate for banding due to lower than 24 bit colourspace. Hi10p is used to compensate for that , reducing the banding and therefore needing less artificial detail in the form of dithering to compensate for it, reducing the file size for samez quality or allowing better quality at same size.

          If you don’t get this you have no place blurting out your unfounded “normally there is no need to” statements. In which case , shut the fuck up you dumb fuck.

          • TRON

            How old are you ? Or is the only thing you ever learned to just insult people like a little kid ?

            There’s no benefit from 10bit encodes because the CPU need to change it back to 8bit and the source is 8bit anyway. It only cost a lot of CPU power and no one beside people who watch this on a PC can play them.

            What you try to say would only be logical if you have a 10bit source but that’s not the case.

            Why do you think why only anime groups do support this ? Why is the industry not supporting 10bit ? Why are commercial DVD and bluray 8bit encoded ? In the way you think they must be dumb f*cks as well.

          • 10-bit is here to stay, at least for the anime scene, so there’s no point discussing it. This discussion happened 2 years ago.

          • tchoepa


            You don’t know what you’re talking about that’s the long and short of it.
            I’ve been encoding since anim5 was the latest thing.

            “Commercial” “industry” .. The first bluray player came out way before extentions to the h264 standard came into being. Any bluray that comes out now is compatible with the first players.

            And yes hi10p has yv12 input and yv12 output -recently other 4:2:0 input can be used- but stores 10 bits internally as opposed to 8 bit for older h264 implementations. yv12 however is not “8 bit” but 12.*

            Get your facts straight. Read up , learn , and until you know what the fuck you’re talking about .. really

            Shut the fuck up.

            If you’re really interested I’m older than 40 and have been a programmer/systems-analyst for 22 years. You spouting false dogma from your rear end with an air of authority is something to be set straight. If you find the fact I rub your nose in your idiocies “insulting” feel free to feel insulted.


            read up on the facts or shut up.

        • ng

          Before your player sends the data to your display it’s converted “back” (well, from YUV to RBG), yes. But calculations are done with the higher rate and therefore with higher precision.

    • MoodForADay

      Maybe, I don’t know, get a laptop?

  • rude

    Oh hell yes Doki!
    The subs are from Viz aren’t they? If so, I’m OK with that liberal subs.

    I thought the grain was done on purpose in the BD copy? Since I don’t seem to see it on my VHS copy.

  • TRON

    This series was not digitally recorded so obviously there’s a little grain because of an analogue source.
    There’s no noticeable grain on your VHS bacause of the bad image definition every detail got lost.

    The publisher simply not ruined the original quality of the source by reducing the grain with filters. That’s the professional way of mastering.

    Do not forget:
    Restoration does mean to reproduce something as true to the original as possible and not just making it different.

  • jaysaints

    Wow Ranma at bluray 720p!! Best news I heard in years, be looking forward to this! Though, those are a lot of episodes for all the seasons, ovas and movies, will you do them all?

  • Piroca de Fantasma é Geladinha

    Please consider correcting the subs, even if it’s very slowly, with progressive v2.

  • Nightwalker66

    Holo will you be also interested in doing Maison Ikkoku and Urusei Yatsura…I will be purchasing these titles as well as Ranma for person collection. But not until December. At least let me say thanks for Ranma

  • TRON

    After watching a few episodes i really wonder why OP2 is playing for ep14-16. Episodes before and after do have the correct OP1 for season 1. Then againn ep19 is the first episode of season 2 but the opening is from season 1.

    Something is messed up here. Thats why i prefer not to separate OPs/EDs from the episodes.

  • NatsuPower

    Thanks 😀

  • hjzz

    Hello I have a question, are you planning on doing all the epesode or just the first 52 epesode? I might have missunderstood something, sorry.

  • jack

    why remove op and ed duration 20 min :/ , on next project don’t remove op and ed plis 1440×1080

  • Ero_Yatsu

    Inb4 remastered Inuyasha Blu-Rays. I will probably watch this whenever it’s done.

    • Rawr

      I wouldn’t mind Inuyasha, haven’t had the chance to watch Ramna or Inuyasha before. I’m only downloading a few episodes of this to see what it’s like before committing to more lol

  • Nii!

    Sweet. I didn’t even know this was getting released on Blu-ray. I’d so totally buy this if it was released domestically – the quality on the DVDs is just abysmal.

  • billy bo bob

    is doki planing on doing whole thing in BD??

    • Why would we not do it all?

      • billy bo bob

        just wondering from what i can remmber and it was long time ago when i last watch ranma but dont they have like 2 seasons coming out to 100+ episodes then you got the oav’s and movies just it a pretty big project i would love it if doki was doing it all in BD it a great show was just wondering

  • anonymous

    I love you Doki!!

  • pretty

    Thanks. Glad to see good series in good quality.
    Aren’t you interested in releasing Uchuu Senkan Yamato Movies from BDs? 2 from 5 movies are out, 3rd will be out 28th August. These are really good classic anime, but without proper subs release.

  • Spincast

    I just couldn´t believe what i saw… freaking Ranma 1/2 on good quality and in the original audio!? (i hate dubs xD) oh shit xD
    I´ve been wanting to watch this series since, sooo long ago and now i finally have the chance to do so properly (liberal subs are a downside but hey, like a comment above is too much to ask), after years of watching only images and 12 minutes of a terrible dub, i can finally see this series

    Thanks a lot for this! grabbing the 480p version.-

  • Qeh

    Hey thanks again for this release. I watched some episodes and noticed that in Fullscreen the Suboverlay for signes is sometimes in the blackbars like episode 1 @ 03:57 mins (with OP) the dojo sign is subbed in black on a black backround (half of the sub) in fullscreen (@1920×1080 I watch them in original not stretched) is it because my player (MPC-HC with K-Lite install settings) has wrong settings?

    • anonymlol

      It should look like this

      Try uninstalling your k-lite, reboot, install the newest version, go to settings/playback and uncheck “autoload subtitles” (activates xy-vsfilter). Maybe do another reboot after installing just to be sure.

  • nyoron

    This is awesome. Many thanks Doki^^

  • Futoshi

    Hello guys! Thank you very much for your hard work! 🙂 I’m downloading Ranma 1/2 720p version, but I have troubles with the CRC of episodes 20, 24 and 25. I tried to download them several times but I always get these ones:

    20: 7015408D
    24: 4159D60F
    25: FE2D5CA9

    Can you check please?
    Thank you very much in advance! 🙂

  • prrrrrfectionist

    I noticed ep37, in the lower part, has some repeated pixel.
    it’s there all the eps, in some points it’s not noticeable, but it’s there. Will you fix it? If so, I’ll check all the current eps to make sure it’s the only one, and let you know.

    In any case, thanks a lot, it wasn’t expected at all and is a great summer surprise.

  • prrrrrfectionist

    I meant, the repeated pixel are visible in all ep37 duration.
    (why didn’t I reread before commenting…)

  • prrrrrfectionist

    nice, good to know that you’ll fix it.

  • required

    Superior picture & sound quality compared to the old dvd rip from another group. Thx a lot for this release.

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