I have some final updates of information regarding the mousemats. There will be two sizes: normal and large. The dimensions are as follows:
Normal: 240mm x 200mm x 3mm (Image dimensions should ideally be at least 2880×2400)
Large: 300mm x 230mm x 3mm (Image dimensions should ideally be at least 3600×2760)
I am guessing that the demand for normal sizes will be higher than the large sizes, so I will be stocking more of the normal sizes compared to the large sizes.
The mousemats are made of thick rubber/foam material, with a piece of fabric on top, most likely printed with dye sublimation. The print resolution is quite high, something like 300 dpi. I have obtained samples and I am very satisfied with them. I have taken some pictures, which are linked below. My camera isn’t a DSLR, so I can’t really get any higher quality pictures, but they look a lot nicer in real life.
I have gone through the comments in the previous post and have worked out what the most popular shows are: Clannad, Kanon, Railgun, OreImo, ToLOVERu, F/SN, Haruhi, Angel Beats, Little Busters and Air. For these shows, I will stock 4 generic designs. For other shows that people wanted but aren’t as popular, I’ll stock 2 designs or so.
Everything that is available for purchase will be updated on shop.doki.co soon.
The only thing that isn’t finalised is the cost of the mousemats. The normal ones will be 6 or 7 GBP each, while the larger ones will be slightly more expensive, at 9 or 10 GBP each.
As it happens, I can also obtain other goods, such as cushions and pillows. If you are interested in these, leave a comment and I’ll see what I can get and I’ll update the post later.
If you have requested custom designs, please ensure that the resolutions of your images match the requirements. Please use imgur to upload your images if possible.
Please note that the postage charged on shop.doki.co may not be accurate yet, because I haven’t entered the weight of the mousemats into the system. In any case, I am not back from China until August 1st, and I won’t be able to post anything until then.
I have updated shop.doki.co with some cushions. Feel free to buy/reserve them if you like them. Even if you use Paypal to pay, I won’t be accepting the money until August. If there is sufficient interest, I’ll grab some more cushions over the next few days.
http://hologfx.com/dump/IMG_0518.JPG More mousemats that I haven’t added to the shop yet!
Well, I am leaning towards the new anime Rozen Maiden but not sure which doll or dolls yet..Probably Shinku but the series has not portrayed all the dolls in action yet
This is from the tv series ..unedited ..needs improvement but was thinking of something like this…any feed back would be good
UGG need to restart firefox everytime for new captcha or get error.. here is the link
Way too low quality.
Firefox issue would be on your end. IMO make an account and never have to enter them again.
I would be interested in a Kyou Fujibayashi (Clannad) and/or Ayase Aragaki (OreImou) pillow.
Just wondering if anyone knew what the actual purchasing process will be?
Sorry in advance if i’m being ignorant.
Tsukiko Pillow :3
holo make me large mousemat with this 2 images please:
imgur compresses images over 1 MB in size.
Original image can be take it from here http://www.filefactory.com/f/d72566b28907b723
(sorry double post link not display, html tags make me confused)
<<<Interested. what is GBP? i'd love to buy one when its out.
GBP = Great British Pounds.
Though we just use the term Pound here in England
Any kud works, but in case you don’t have any of them here are a couple of ideas.
Holo, can you make one (preferably the large one) or both of these if your stocks will hold them (Anime: Mayo Chiki). I’ll definitely buy since I made these.
These are larger than 1MB so I uploaded them to a file sharing site. URL:
Do i need to do something to get to buy some or can anyone buy.
Anyone with money is welcome to buy. The more the better I’m sure. Holo would prefer they all sell out.
i’ll be taking one of every Fate/ related one.
and if you get some rozen maiden stuff, i’ll be getting those too.
suigintou and kirakishou are my top pick from rozen maiden.
I especially like the two sabers on the bottom row there.
very nice.
Keep a look out on shop.doki.co. As soon as I put them up, you can reserve them. It’s been a busy day or so, so I haven’t had time to put them up yet.
Cool. I think I’ll grab a copy of the Saber one on the bottom right (third one from the bottom right), and probably the Fate/Zero one as well.
I would love a custom Bakemonogatari Senjogahara mousepad I really thought someone else would submit one but if its not too late I would like this one
such a bad
Honestly I can’t figure out the html tag
I want the Clannad Mousepad :3
I have not yet seen the Railgun mousepads, so I will submit my own, along with my two other special requests, just in case. Three normal mousepads out of these images if possible.
Sorry for the second post, but I have a fourth image for a friend to stack onto my current requests (another regular sized mousepad please).
sorry if im asking a stupid question, i am very interested of the mats but i gotta ask: what is gbp?
Great Britain Pounds, UK currency. Shop.doki.co also displays prices in US Dollars and Euros (converted from GBP).
I would like to request these three mouse mats in normal size. ^_^
I was wondering if you would accept drawings like,
or possibly
think it would be cool to have my arts in mousepad form.
Did you draw those? They’re pretty amazing.
Indeed, I did.
But it’s been a few years and I’m probably not that good anymore. :/
Kanade-chan! <3
Irotoridori no Sekai mousepad would be really epic. Translation will be released soon and most likely will be really popular. So I request this:
Large one if possible of course.
Since I just noticed the resolution requirements I will post replacement for it.
This one please!
I think I’m seriously considering a daki cover. I’ve actually been needing one for awhile. They are a bit expensive, but understandably so, and about the price I’ve seen elsewhere. Let me know if you think you could do a Horo or Asuna cover. Long-haired, movie-version Haruhi might work too.
By the looks of it he’s not selling dakimakura covers, but normal-size cushion covers.
In the first page’s comments he says he could probably do daki covers too, but he’s not sure if anyone would be interested. I’m just letting him know I’m interested.
Also, it was supposed to post as a reply, but I goofed up the captcha, had to resubmit it, and it posted at the end. I finally made an account after though before anybody brings it up.
Ah, right, I forgot about that. Hmm…In that case, I would kind of like a long-haired, movie version of Haruhi cover as well.
Yep, that would be the Haruhi I’m talking about. That picture was my favorite Nyantype poster I think. I overpaid for that issue, just to get that poster.
I would like to request a large mousepad with this design:
I have uploaded 2 versions, one is in the original resolution (with the correct aspect ratio), the other is downsized to the specified resolution.
I don’t know what works better for you/the printing procces, so I figured it would be best to just upload both.
Is it possible to ship to South Africa?
Aren’t there any Yahari mousepads left for order?
They’re not ready for order yet, nor does he have them all posted yet.
There’s one atm.