I have some final updates of information regarding the mousemats. There will be two sizes: normal and large. The dimensions are as follows:
Normal: 240mm x 200mm x 3mm (Image dimensions should ideally be at least 2880×2400)
Large: 300mm x 230mm x 3mm (Image dimensions should ideally be at least 3600×2760)
I am guessing that the demand for normal sizes will be higher than the large sizes, so I will be stocking more of the normal sizes compared to the large sizes.
The mousemats are made of thick rubber/foam material, with a piece of fabric on top, most likely printed with dye sublimation. The print resolution is quite high, something like 300 dpi. I have obtained samples and I am very satisfied with them. I have taken some pictures, which are linked below. My camera isn’t a DSLR, so I can’t really get any higher quality pictures, but they look a lot nicer in real life.
I have gone through the comments in the previous post and have worked out what the most popular shows are: Clannad, Kanon, Railgun, OreImo, ToLOVERu, F/SN, Haruhi, Angel Beats, Little Busters and Air. For these shows, I will stock 4 generic designs. For other shows that people wanted but aren’t as popular, I’ll stock 2 designs or so.
Everything that is available for purchase will be updated on shop.doki.co soon.
The only thing that isn’t finalised is the cost of the mousemats. The normal ones will be 6 or 7 GBP each, while the larger ones will be slightly more expensive, at 9 or 10 GBP each.
As it happens, I can also obtain other goods, such as cushions and pillows. If you are interested in these, leave a comment and I’ll see what I can get and I’ll update the post later.
If you have requested custom designs, please ensure that the resolutions of your images match the requirements. Please use imgur to upload your images if possible.
Please note that the postage charged on shop.doki.co may not be accurate yet, because I haven’t entered the weight of the mousemats into the system. In any case, I am not back from China until August 1st, and I won’t be able to post anything until then.
I have updated shop.doki.co with some cushions. Feel free to buy/reserve them if you like them. Even if you use Paypal to pay, I won’t be accepting the money until August. If there is sufficient interest, I’ll grab some more cushions over the next few days.
http://hologfx.com/dump/IMG_0518.JPG More mousemats that I haven’t added to the shop yet!
*checks bank account*
Awesome, will look forward for these!
Final request with good res
For the cushions and pillow depends on the price and the designs available I guess.
I found one of your images in better resolution: waa.ai/HCN
and since I am already posting: @Holo: my requested image (http://i.imgur.com/oFqRJc4.jpg) is directly from the anime, so there are none with more than 1900×1080; does this look like shit then or is it ok too?
Well it wouldn’t look like shit, since the source is BD. If I can find a similar design with a higher res, I’ll choose something else.
Updated album with more pics because I realised I needed more Fate/ related pics thanks to Cardcaptor Illya.
they look good. luckly i have some spare money so i may buy one once i see the other designs. as for pillows i agree with Meneldal on it depends on the price/designs. An example photo would be nice. is it a pillow with the actual design on it or a pillow and a pillow sheet with the design on it?
The pillow has the design on it.
Buggered if I know how to resize an image properly without screwing it up. Anyone here is free to have a go for me. The Misaka one I wanted (http://wallpoper.com/images/00/26/30/31/misaka-mikoto_00263031.jpg)is 1920×1080 already and it needs to be a large. It would feel wrong to downsize my mousepad.
You want to find the source of the image. Places like yande.re are a good place to go.
I was unable to find a source so I did some resizes myself
A stupid question but do you only print in portrait view or do you do landscape as well?
It does depend on the image I use. I tend to do portrait, but some images I may do landscape. Most people use a mousemat as portrait don’t they?
I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to use it in landscape positioning as most mouse mats I’ve owned have designs/patterns on them which are made for landscape viewing too. Maybe some prefer using portrait but it feels a lot better tracking sideways with extra width (coming from a gamer :<).
Yea I’ve never seen a portrait mat myself they are always landscape but hey, depends on the orientation of the picture at the end of the day.
Not familiar with these terms for mousemats…Is that like rectangular vs quadrat mats? I currently have a steelpad, which is kind of rectangular in shape, but for the FSN mat I want, I imagine a quadrat shaped one would work better…
And two weeks pass yet again. Okay, i know i don’t have a right to, but i’m complaining nontheless. When do we expect new comparisons, Holo?
Here’s a really darn good Little Busters Pic, whole cast with a great res.
Also, if I may ask, what exactly would the dimensions of the pillows/cushions be?
I’m interested in a Dango Daikazoku cushion. From my limited searching in the past I’ve never been able to find a decent quality one.
Damn, I second that one. The problem is that this is the best resolution I could find across the entire internet.
damn. i didn’t even consider that.i would instantly buy one if doki decided to sell them =)
Count me in for this as well.
That would be awesome indeed! I want one!
I would requst this desinge, will probbaly ad one more
Okay. This one.
And this one.
Awesome! One cool FSN pillow please!
Hope you have fun in China Holo, that being said, looking at the weather forecast there, it’s hotter than it is in England atm lol(Though to be fair, this annoying heatwave is dying down now..) lol
Have to say, that Clannad design looks good though.
Holo, imgur compresses images over 1 MB in size (see https://imgur.com/register/upgrade) and for the resolutions you’re asking for it’s likely many people will be sending images larger than that.
You’re better off asking people to upload their images to a filesharing site (like BayFiles) rather than an imagehost. That or send a link to the source image on pixiv/deviantart or highres on *booru.
Awww, I didn’t know about these things.
Suddenly imgur isn’t all that cool anymore…
Since the larger mat is an option, I’d like to change from the other Mushshi picture to this one. http://imgur.com/Lu4P3hS
(The other one was http://imgur.com/R0Hta3w)
Just saw that bit about imgur compression, the only uncompressed version I have is this. http://konachan.com/post/show/54038/108-forest-ginko_-mushishi-mushishi-tree-white_hai
It’s awesome seeing Railgun but I’d still love to see Denpa Onna and Tinkle’s artwork.
Pillows actually sound really cool too.
Final Request from me if you haven’t already gotten something similar to it: http://imageshack.us/a/img19/765/wallpaper1453425.jpg
Also regarding the Angel Beats one, is there one with just Kanade on it?
Forgot to resize. Here’s the resized image to the normal size: http://i.imgur.com/8WcALD5.jpg
So I’m confused, are you still accepting custom design requests?
I think this is a this is it post before he goes away on holiday to China. So if you have requests, best to get them in now.
He’s already there, hence the samples :p
Oh okay lol
I like that Hentai Neko mouse mat >.< i want one
i bet there will be lots of others that i like also.
but you can only buy one, maybe two…. i feel your pain, bro
It’s always a little sad when you sell mouse pads because I use a laptop and I prefer track pads over mice anyway. I guess I’ll just hope that your sales are successful
I would be very interested in a Yukinon mousepad.
Heya Holo, was wondering if you managed to find a Botan pic with a nice resolution. This is the best one i managed to dig up: http://i.imgur.com/VK9KIzV.jpg
Not quite big enough sadly
A few questions about the pillows: what size image should be used, how large are the pillows, and what’s at least an approximate cost range for them?
This. I like to know that as well and what kind of material will it be, etc. I would also like to know the pricing to deliver to the USA that’s what is worrisome.
The image would be of Kousaka Kirino.
I’ll get some samples tomorrow and take some pictures.
Check shop.doki.co for the cushions.
They’re kind of small. I had thought it would be like an actual pillow size. Is it called Cushion in England? Maybe the naming of it threw me off.
There are also pillows too. I haven’t got those yet. Pillows would be rectangular in shape, bit larger than cushions. I could probably get daki covers too, but they’d be a bit expensive to sell, and I am not sure if anyone would be interested in those. Pillows would probably cost in the range of £20-25 while a daki may be £35-40.
Well, thanks for the estimate, Holo.
Expensive? He’s had them all custom made, is having to fly them back from china in his luggage and shipping them out to people all over the world. I’d say the price is pretty reasonable.
You could probably sell us anything, Holo. Somebody will be interested.
I’ll put in a custom request. Hopefully these dimensions would work.
Please make a large mousemat with this image:
I spent quite some time removing the text and stuff in it, so yeah, I’d definitely buy this mousemat
Oh, and the image is bigger than the dimensions you asked, but I’ve cropped it to have the same aspect ratio as the large mat.
Please make a large mousemat with this image: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll28/Sohlagger/yahari_zps8697c8da.jpg
I spent quite some time removing the text and stuff in it, so yeah, I’d definitely buy this mousemat
Oh, and the image is bigger than the dimensions you asked, but I’ve cropped it to have the same aspect ratio as the large mat.
(Sorry about the previous comment, damn you HTML tags…)