I am now working on the mousemat designs. I’d like comments on what series/characters you’d like to see/purchase.
If you have a specific image that you would like to request, please post the link to a high res image. Otherwise, just post what series and/or characters you would like. The final plan would be for me to choose a selection of images from the series/characters and stock 5 of each design or something. If I like your custom request, I might stock more of them too. Otherwise I’ll only get 1 of the custom design (reserved for the poster).
As an example, you could comment with “Yahari/Yui, Clannad/Kotomi, Fate zero/Saber” or “Clannad, K-ON.”
Also, can people stop asking if I can ship to them. The answer will be yes, unless you live in the middle of an island in the Pacific Ocean or in the Amazon Rainforest.
Last chance to give your character/series preference! I will be choosing designs very soon.
Oh. Are you just doing the normal, average sized mousepads or are you also doing the larger (12+ inch length) ones as well? Because I definitely wouldn’t mind one of the larger ones with this image:
Tohka from date a live in a bikini!
Konatsu Miyamoto from Tari Tari (wearing headphones, if possible)
I would like to ask how’s the payment and if you can send here in Northern Marianas Island? we’re using USPS P.O. Box
Payment is by Paypal, and I’ll have to get back to you on the postage. Royal Mail’s site is down, lol. Or y ou can check yourself later when the site is up again.
Please let at least one of these 3 be in your selection.
Resolution is a bit low, I must say.
I would definitely go with this one too
Erio from Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Is the process used to create the Mousepads Dye Transfer Sublimation? I have some experience in that myself and know from experience, it doesn’t take long to make 30 of them in one day. Just the smell is horrible. >.>
Well then I’ll throw out my selections.
Furude Rika/Higurashi no naku koro ni:
Nymph/Sora no Otoshimono:
Mine Riko/Hidan no Aria:
Here, let’s try this with better links.
Furude Rika/Higurashi no naku koro ni:
Nymph/Sora no Otoshimono:
Mine Riko/Hidan no Aria:
I would like this http://i.imgur.com/bHcBVxb.jpg
and also anything of Nana, Mikan or Nemesis from To LOVE-Ru Darkness. I will probably get at least two mouse pads.
Mayo Chiki/Subaru (in girl clothes, not her butler uniform).
More TYPE-MOON girls.(Especially illustration of Takeuchi Takashi)
TLR/Yami. Though it’s a pretty tight race with TLR for Yui.
Eucliwood Hellscythe from ‘Kore wa Zombie Desuka?’ please!!!
Any design is good as long as it is mainly just her on the mousepad.
idm some ecchi as well
Your collection definitely needs a Tsuruya x Mikuru mousemat.
Some random Noizi Ito illustration wouldn’t hurt either.
Tenshi+Otonashi from Angel Beats!^^
and Yami from TLR^^
Gattsu & Caska , Berserk !
Nice idea
All the designs will be available for everyone to choose from?
Yo, germany here.
I’m with Fishy64
Clannad/Nagisa please :3
Cirno/Touhou Project please… :3
Akari from YuruYuri ^^
This http://ns223506.ovh.net/manga-anime/8c53e7aeadb5f3e146b9bc61effdd1e6/wallpaper-1213657.jpg
Or that, once the Blu-ray is out
Or whatever with our favorite Railgun :3
I’d like this as a mouse pad if possible
Do ignore the site lol…
Does this work for you?
Yes! Thank you very much for the alternate link.