I am now working on the mousemat designs. I’d like comments on what series/characters you’d like to see/purchase.
If you have a specific image that you would like to request, please post the link to a high res image. Otherwise, just post what series and/or characters you would like. The final plan would be for me to choose a selection of images from the series/characters and stock 5 of each design or something. If I like your custom request, I might stock more of them too. Otherwise I’ll only get 1 of the custom design (reserved for the poster).
As an example, you could comment with “Yahari/Yui, Clannad/Kotomi, Fate zero/Saber” or “Clannad, K-ON.”
Also, can people stop asking if I can ship to them. The answer will be yes, unless you live in the middle of an island in the Pacific Ocean or in the Amazon Rainforest.
Last chance to give your character/series preference! I will be choosing designs very soon.
I would love to have this picture of Nanoha Takamachi http://goo.gl/gEXWV or this one http://goo.gl/xBF0R if the first picture won’t work.
I would also like one of IA, but I am having trouble finding a picture of her that doesn’t have a white background. http://goo.gl/iJf25
I would love to have this picture of Nanoha Takamachi Nanoha1 or this one Nanoha2 if the first picture won’t work.
I would also like one of IA, but I am having trouble finding a picture of her that doesn’t have a white background. IA
looks like i’m still the only one who’s gonna request this:
i’d like you to consider a GOSICK design, perhaps one or more of these four ?
Manga Cover Art:
– http://moesucks.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/gosick.jpg
– http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/26100000/Gosick-gosick-26104907-1280-960.jpg
misc. wallpaper:
– http://images3.alphacoders.com/194/194139.jpg
Anime Art
– http://kujozone.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/gosick-kazuya-victorique2.jpg
I would definitely pay for, without any doubts, a Mushishi mousemat with Ginko. Preferably with this image.
Host it on imgur or something
I knew that I was forgetting something last night.
Here you are~
I will buy a Railgun mousemat if you have any.
I’m pretty confident that this would look awesome as a mousepad.
EVA 3.0 Asuka
A Misaka mousemat from Railgun would be awesome.
This is one of my favourites that I’ve seen round
I second that image.
I would definitely get one with Kud from Little Busters!
What kind of surface is going to be on the mouse mat? I’m not one of those FPS gamers shelling out bucks for teflon coated metal or whatever it is kids these days are into. However i do prefer a stiffer mousing surface to a spongy mousing surface. I’m interested in your mouse mats, but would like like to make sure it’s one I would actually use….
Also what will the printing resolution be?
It’s a cloth surface, on top of of some rubber/hard foam. Printing res is pretty high. I can’t really give you a number right now, but looking at the one I am currently using, it’s highly satisfactory.
Those kinds of mousemats are pretty common aren’t they? I’ve had a plain coloured one before in the past, they last a while anyway, never had a problem lol
This, please:
I forgot the ‘My Parents Are Dead’ Kotomi ver. is one of your favorite images. That slap… is a lot more amusing than it should be.
Good job on your post earlier Clannad Man lol. I had to be up early and saw it before it vanished. Sounded like a good convention for everyone all around
Hey Rawr! There was a problem with the server. It’s being fixed. The post will be relisted in a few hours.
Ah, that explains things. Just wanted to let you know that someone read it anyway lol
Thinking about it, an absolutely awesome mousepad would be the one that picture that crosses Misaka and Mikasa.
This one: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/132251258/Anime/Specific/Shows/Index-Railgun/yande.re%20253322%20sample.jpg
Reimu/Touhou would be awesome
I want a custom, flat one with Horo from Spice and wolf preferably http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/378855
if possible.
Fate/UBW/Archer or
Really, it would be cool to see some
Indeed it would. I approve! ^^
I would like to request the following five:
I would love to see this one:
Nice! I requested that one as well! ^^
Me too!!!!!
Momo Deviluke/To Love-Ru
Whats the name of the character as your avatar? Or which anime is it from?
I think this would look amazing
Hey, a Saber image I haven’t seen before! Nice! *grabs* Domo! ^^
No problem!
(btw, I would like this as a mat if possible, but is Canada a problem for shipping?)
Canada is not a problem.
Robotics;Notes/Senomiya Akiho
Momo / To Love RU
Kanbe Kotori, Konohana Lucia, Senri Akane/ Rewrite
Holo / Spice and Wolf
I miss this show.. Hope they do a Season 3 someday.
Anyway good suggestion
Can you ship to italy?
1) Shingeki no kyojin http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36467125
2) Original artwork i guess http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=31458428
3) Touhou http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35765524
4) Angel Beats https://yande.re/post/show/158734/angel_beats-qianshuhao-seifuku-tenshi
5) Bakemonogatari http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=868380
6) Oreimo http://www.zerochan.net/355613
7) Spice and Wolf http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=885133
8) Code Geass http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=878321
That’s it for now, i may add something else
Yes I can ship to Italy.
Can you ship to Wales?
Can you ship to Virginia?
Some people are ordering a lot of these pads. I think Holo might be in over his head.
He’s a smart guy, I’m sure he’ll buy what he thinks he’ll need and take it one person at a time as and when they pay. It doesn’t take long to write someones name and address on a jiffy bag or envelope and put whatever you want inside lol
I mean more along the lines of having all the money and materials to make all these pads in the first place. There’s a lot of people ordering and most multiple pads each.
Lol, money isn’t a problem and it’s not like I am making them myself. I just give someone the images and specs and they make it for me.
I’ll have a site set up to keep track of stock counts etc. (http://shop.doki.co) People will order off there. That should make life easier for me.
Do I need to create a separate account just for that page? I see a mousemat already that I really want to grab lol.
I’d be in for a Misaka, Asuna, and Flame Haze version Shana. Probably an oppai mouse pad too if you get one I like (Asuna perhaps). Looking through scans to see what images I want to use.
Oh yeah and Horo. Do you think you would have any oppai pads of Asuna or Horo?
I want four pads with these four characters. Surprise me on the Sword Art one because I can’t make up my mind which of the two images I want.
Need high res.
I would like a mousemat with a design of Kurimi from DATE A LIVE!!