Apologies for the delay. We’re back now.
Thanks to kb_z for translating this episode, and also to altazure for editing it.
I suppose if I’m thanking people I should also give a shout out to the usual suspects. Tababro for timing, ZDM, and Capper-san for capping.
720p: [Doki] Chibi Devi - 47 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [0FE0B67D].mkv
480p: [Doki] Chibi Devi - 47 (848x480 h264 AAC) [2EB2ECF5].mkv
I don’t know what I did, but you’re welcome?
Moral support of the lazy.
Needs more moral support ┐(´~`;)┌
Thankyou for this 🙂
Thank you! Glad you are back and looking forward to more Mao-chan from your fine fansub group!
Thanks! ^^