Yes, I know about the problem with 480p Vol 2, I’ll fix it soon™.
Update: I am aware of the glitches in episode 06. I will make sure the encoder get’s a good whipping.
1080p: [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – Vol 3 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC)
- [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 05 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [DDE8621D].mkv
- [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 06 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [F13511AC].mkv
720p: [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – Vol 3 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC)
- [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 05 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [28184BCC].mkv
- [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 06 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [5EB25C9B].mkv
480p: [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – Vol 3 (848×480 H264 BD AAC)
- [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 05 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [5C524009].mkv
- [Doki-AFFTW] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead – 06 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [DF184A13].mkv
More zombie, thanks.
how many BD vol. have been released as of now?
Looks like Zombie is on a roll… Thanks for the release! 🙂
omg thanks, keep e’m coming!, i’m still looking for someone to do nyarko-san
I already did, download it here.
Here are the patches for 720p or patches for 480p.
I already have your release, so allow me to take this opportunity to say thank you for doing the Nyaruko-san BD’s! ^^ I don’t know why so few groups showed any interest in this show. Also, the OP is one of the most awesome anime OP’s ever imo, lol! 😛
This might be a bit out of place, but are there any plans to re-encode the first season in Hi10P? Or perhaps I could help with that? I’ve got a beast of a machine. Just thought I would throw that idea out. Thanks for the hard work guys.
Gracias <3
For anything TheThing does expect a v2… or even a v3…
Ahaha. Enough to fill one with confidence lol
Don’t complain he finally got in TS mode and did in 3 days what he should have done the 3 months before but now it’s done.
so ep 6 will be re-encoded? it’s the only one with glitches?
just asking before wasting BW.
okie, thanks
Thanks! 😀
Thanks yo. I do love me some Zombie. How can you not love a show whose main characters are a zombie, necromancer, vampire-ninja, and magical girl? Out of all the harem kings I think Ayumu’s harem is probably my favorite.
That being said, it seems like you guys fail to realize the anguish and suffering that your careless ordering of xdcc causes me. I guess it’s my fault for not pointing it out last week, but I figured no one would make the same dumb mistake twice in a row. And now the misordered numbers are haunting me no matter what I do; even when I sort the file list by name deep down I know it’s just a cheap facade. I haven’t slept for days you know. How could I when the sheep I try to count insist on going 1 2 4 3 6 5? That’s no way to count at all! Anyway, I think TheThing’s failure is a blessing in disguise. I beg of you, use this chance to reflect on your actions and properly upload v2 in the correct order.
Or you can just click the arrow and organise them by order.
well, order of stuff on bots is hardly important.
it’s nice if it’s ordered, but not vital.
as long they fix glitches, I can live with random order of stuff on bots.
Thanks 😀
Thank you for more zombie BDs.
Many thanks.
Maybe my comment was overseen but the ending still says fuiizu instead of furiizu.
The correct people have been whipped for this mistake.
Sounds kinky lol
let’s hope they weren’t wipped too much, or at least they still are in shape for a release of the fixed ep 😉
Thanks for the episodes. ^^
Is there any chance that more people could seed the Kore wa Volumes 1-3?!?!?! Please!?!??! I will love you long time if that’s possible.lol