As promised a long time ago, I would encode Air in Hi10P. Here it is! I have already encoded every episode, so it’s a matter of pumping them out now.
What’s new in this re-release
- HD encoded in Hi10P, superceding our old HD h264 release.
- SD encoded in h264, superceding our old SD XviD release.
- Filesize is generally smaller than the older release.
- Typesetting improvements.
- Slight changes to karaoke styles.
If you haven’t watched it before, now would be a good time to start. Air has one of the most powerful storylines I have ever seen. Be warned: you will cry at the end.
Vol 2 tomorrow.
If anyone catches any errors to the encode or script, do let me know, before I batch everything at the end of the week.
HD: [Doki] Air – Vol 1 (1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC)
- [Doki] Air – 01 (1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC) [77D45BED].mkv
- [Doki] Air – 02 (1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC) [FEECD6B6].mkv
- [Doki] Air – 03 (1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC) [C5DA7006].mkv
- [Doki] Air – 04 (1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC) [3DD75734].mkv
SD: [Doki] Air – Vol 1 (848×480 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] Air – 01 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [9FABE745].mkv
- [Doki] Air – 02 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [E76FA281].mkv
- [Doki] Air – 03 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [2E93DF45].mkv
- [Doki] Air – 04 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [351B58A5].mkv
Nice image.
Thank you sooooo much.
I love you.
What’s with all this bromance with you two these days? xD
bromance sounds manly
I can’t help loving ixlone, he is soo…. lovable….
Aww cute.
And thanks doki for still improving this. It’s always nice to have a bit better version when I sometimes decide to rewatch this 🙂
I love you.
Super incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thankssssss dOKI!
*Jumps and screams like a little girl*
*cof – try to look serious*
That’s all.
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Awesome!! Thanks!
Nice! Got to upgrade my copy… Thanks! 🙂
*Shed super manly tears*
Thanks, bro, really thanks. This was one of my best series, for me T_T
Will you guys be releasing 1080p? Or does this series doesn’t warrant for one?
This series is a 480p upscale. 1080p is really really bad.
well, sooner you will start on Clannad ~AS the sooner I can shed my manly tears.
YESSSSSSSSSS. Will Rewatch this once you fully release them all in Hi10P
Will be my first time watching.
My very first Key anime i watched was Air… remember i was just starting to watch anime, along with Naruto and such at the time, when i watched it threw me completely off guard, and yup cry at the end darn it.
Thanks a lot for the release, will be rewatching this! xD
SWEEEEEET!! X3 Thanks a million Holo! (^_^)
“Be warned: you will cry at the end.”
With Hi10P, you may cry long before the end.
-_- Not this crap again…Why can’t people like you just go away?
Because some people find things to whine about, it’s what gives their existance justification. Gone are the days where most would say thankyou, there is always one person that has to spoil the mood lol
Not really. U’re exaggerating it 😛
Will you also update to hi10p Ait in summer?
How nostalgic. Watching it from 360p divx avi files to 720p hi10p mkv files. Not the best story by Key but one with the heaviest drama. I remember crying watching episode 11 and had teary eyes at episode 12. I have no idea how many times I re-watched episode 1 over and over but never had the courage to go re-watch the other episodes after finishing the entire series. Thank you so much Doki.
And for the first time in Hi10P you can actually understand the story and feel sad about it!
You mean you didn’t get it the first time around? 😛
GAOO! Thanks! ^^
I’ll wait for the batch. Hopefully you guys can get it out soon.
He said “end of the week”. I wouldn’t take that at face value, if I were you. XD
“You will cry at the end” – understatement of the year 🙂
Besides Air has other moments you will cry at, not just the end, though it’s indeed the most powerful one.
Also, do I have to say it? BEST OPENING SONG EVER. It does everything you may want in your OP and does it all perfectly.
It also has one of the best ENDING songs, “Farewell song”. LIA’s one of the best! Try listening to it with a headset and you’ll understand at the very beginning.
Gao~! Love that expression. I remember singlehandedly releasing the 1st CLANNAD series under the fansub group named “Gao!”
I miss Misuzu’s VA, Tomoko Kawakami though. *sniff*
I know how u feel, bro. 🙁
We all miss Tomoko-chan. :'(
Holo, do you plan releasing clannad after story in Hi10P ?
Yes, I do.
Only words I want to hear 😀
I just love you…can’t thank you enough, sir! 😀
“Be warned: you will cry at the end.”
Also, if you are not familiar with the game, I wouldn’t recommend it. The only thing I felt after the last episode was anger and rage.
The only thing Air anime should be remembered is the OP, which is truly awesome, not just the music but the animation, too. Don’t forget to watch the extended OP which is truly HD and is demo worthy!
If you want a much more coherent Key anime, watch Clannad and Clannad AS.
Most people don’t share your oppinion dude. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌ The Air anime is great, even if it is inferior to Kanon (2006) and Clannad+Clannad AS, and has a sad ending. And it defenitely makes people cry.
Yes, the ending was supposed to be sad, but at the end, it didn’t matter. I still think that Air anime is for those who know the game.
But hey, you can always cry in my place too! 😉 Here, have a tear!
Sorry but I disagree. The Air TV anime is for anyone, regardless of if you’ve played the visual novel. I would imagine 99 percent of the animes audience outside of Japan has never even played a Visual Novel before which includes me too.
Air TV like most Key anime is massively popular outside of Japan too, amongst people of all ages.
Then we agree to disagree. Besides, I never said that you must “play” the game, I said you need to “know” the game, the story, the arcs, etc. As the anime uses these arcs, I believe most people opened the internet after watching to get some answers.
I think you’re not understanding that a lot of the more casual anime fans don’t know the Visual Novels even exist. Most I imagine would watch the series, enjoy it, maybe watch again and move on.
Also I didn’t say people had to play the game, just knowing the game properly can only be achieved by playing. Same thing really.
I bet if you were to ask random anime fans if they’ve researched the game/know it exists outside of fansub websites, the majority would say no.
This is a VN, and there are numerous websites dedicated to analyzing the story of such VNs. To know the game completely you must not just play the game, you must play it many times (even 10x), but by just reading those sites, you can achieve a great deal of knowledge, too, because it’s a VN.
And yes, I bet we can also thank those casual watchers that the anime has only mediocre-high ratings on anime-sites, when other Key animes, like Clannad and AS have sky-high and nearly perfect ratings. Interesting…
I bet that the majority of random anime watchers at least know that Air is based on a VN or novel or game, or whatever. That doesn’t mean that they have a deep knowledge about it, but at least they know a game or novel or VN or whatever also exists. Also, even if they say “no”, how can you be so sure they enjoyed it? Well, when you think about it, they are many levels of enjoyment: some are there for teh fapping, some are there for the great character design or BGM, and some are there for the story (and their combinations). Guess which group was disappointed…
You know what, I only knew AIR from anime magazine in my town. It had Kamio Misuzu as its cover. And it kinds of turning point to me, when I finally like 2D bishoujo character.
Oh, and I feel that AIR is better than Kanon / Clannad AS. Especially that “kind” of ending with Nagisa…. I was very disappointed with eps 23….
*shakes head*
Kids these days disrespecting Clannad ~AS~… don’t have any clue what they’re talking about!
@Index, you miss the point. I didn’t watch Air because I knew there was a game, but because I heard about the hype when it was released. But when I entered the keyword in Google after half a minute it was clear that it’s based on a game. Or you want to say that you STILL don’t know that Air anime is based on some other stuff, like novel or game?
The whole point of this nonsense is that it doesn’t matter what we think, others have the right to express their own opinion. Berserk is another great example: it has a huge following, but there will be others who will say it’s rubbish. Will it matter when I say to them that “most people don’t agree with you”? Of course not.
Back then, I didn’t know a single thing about it. u could call me a brat that only knew Doraemon, Naruto, Ninja Hatori, and many mainstream anime. I just interested with how cute Misuzu was in the magazine cover.
Only after I watched the series and searching in forum, I knew that it was from VN.
And yeah, I only conveying my thought base. If u disagree with me, fine. I don’t really want wasting my time on useless discussion.
@ClannadMan….. No man. I like Clannad and AS too, but I honestly think that it will be better if they just stop at eps 22. No, please, no. Don’t ruin my tears….
Same here, before I started watching fansubs, and coming on these kinds of websites years ago, I never saw people discussing Visual novels anywhere really.
He’s welcome to think everyone knows they exist, which isn’t entirely true from what I’ve seen though. I think this has been more than discussed already so I’m done on this subject.
Point being, as said. The majority of people only know the anime exists. Key Visual Novels aren’t as popular as he thinks amongst casual anime fans. Infact it was only like last year when someone, who shall remain nameless lol. Was explaining about the Fate/Stay Night ones to me. Surprised me how bloody they were.
The most interesting thing in this discussion is how we got from an opinion that I don’t recommend this anime to those who are not familiar with the game, to some pointless arguing about do people know about games or not, and if they do, was it before watching the anime or after.
So yeah, I’m done too.
You’re right papsi, the discussion did kind of trail off in the wrong direction here at some point…That said, I think your wrong in some other aspects. Air is perfectly enjoyable as a great (as in opposed to just good) anime on the first time of watching it, even for many of the people who have never even heard of VN’s, much less know that the Air anime is based on one. I play and enjoy VN’s myself these days, and am a big Key-fan, but back when I first watched Air, I had barely heard of it. And yet I enjoyed it immensily (though the ending left me dissapointed, since I like happy endings. 😛 ). So sorry, but I disagree: The Air anime is defenitely not just for people who know the game in some way.
I remember watching the TV series years ago. The end got me so sad… In fact, it eroded my heart and made me lose faith in humanity.
After some time I knew Air has a strong Japanese culture basis and then realized it wasn’t the series but my fault for lacking the necessary knoledge.
Anyway, Air isn’t the type of anime that will please everyone.
Lol I agree, its the crying that really gets me, if the crying was reduced by say 90 percent, although it would ruin the drama of said scenes, it would be less sad 🙂
Especially with the most consumer these days that almost consist of Type-B fans 😛
Holo, you magnificent bastard.