Vocalonation says this show is awesome, and I’m inclined to agree! And thanks to TheThing for his special guest apperance as TSer for this ep.
Yeah, this show is epic.
Haven’t been able to get a .ts or a good quality raw, so rather than stall here’s a v0
We will update to a proper encode and a 480p version as soon as we can.
Looks like we will be getting our .ts by wednesday for this, so expect a v0 raw at the weekend for all eps I guess.
- Translator: Vocalonation
- Timer: iken
- Typesetting: innocenat
- QC: Pawprint
- Encoder/Ktiming/Project Leader: ixlone
HD: [Doki] Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne – 01 (1280×720 Hi10P AAC) [B66EEF09].mkv
HD: [Doki] Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne – 01v0 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [5752618E].mkv
SD: [Doki] Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [1AC40C60].mkv
I think the v0 is better anyone else notice less censorship in the towel scene
Agreed, friend. I prefer the v0/AT-X airing more as well.
Who wants to see less imouto and more of the dark-holes-between-girls-legs?-Ohwait
But not working with TLR;D
Typo in 24:16, you’ve written “Oniiai”.
You know what the world needs? Less incest anime. In which case by “less” I mean “zero” and by “anime” I mean “anything”.
Haters (that’s you) gonna hate. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ The rest of us will continue to enjoy our wincest anime, thank you.
To be fair, fanservice in general is so ingrained in anime now that you either take it or leave it. Very few shows have nothing questionable.
So to even complain about it would kinda imply you need to like stop caring so much or watch something else.
Doesn’t matter if you’re male or female. If you like a shows story you take anything thrown at you.
With that in mind, Rokudaime is correct. Although I’m not following this show. Too much to catch up on to be honest lol
I’m glad the v0 vs v1 thing doesn’t concern me, since I always wait for BD’s anyway. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Why is there more Censor in V1 than in V0?
time: 06:32 ff
? thank you for answer
Different sources.