A friend once told me, “If you don’t smile to Totoro, you’re emotionally dead inside!”. I have to agree, Totoro is easily one of the best movies Ghibli have made. A very delightful movie. Watch it. Also, the end song is epic.
Yes, I have included a 10bit and 8bit 692p for people who want HD in either profile. The 1038p version will be 10bit only.
English dub is included as 2nd track. I actually quite like the dub for this (not enough to make it the primary track mind you), Dakota Fanning and her imouto Elle actually pull it off quite nicely. The only downside is that the person doing the mum is fucking useless.
- OCR: Jigsy
- Timer/Encoder: ixlone
- K-Timers: odinigh/dreamer2908
- QC: loomy
1080p: [Doki] Tonari no Totoro (1920×1038 Hi10P BD FLAC) [9BB2B505].mkv
720p: [Doki] Tonari no Totoro (1280×692 Hi10P BD FLAC) [F379F19A].mkv
720p: [Doki] Tonari no Totoro (1280×692 h264 BD FLAC) [FB54F699].mkv
480p: [Doki] Tonari no Totoro (848×458 h264 BD AAC) [5ECCBF19].mkv
Thanks, I’ve never seen this movie, and I was wondering how old this movie is?
Gotta love the classics, Its also Ghiblis second movie I believe, after Castle in the Sky.
Nope. That would be Grave of the Fireflies. Totoro is the third one. Also, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, which is often considered a Ghibli movie, came before any of them, but it was released before the founding of the studio, so it’s not technically a Ghibli movie.
Well, then again, Grave of the Fireflies and Totoro were both released on the same day, so technically, I guess they’re both the second movie…It’s a tie…
Ah okay, anyway Ghibli movies are pretty great. And are good reminders of why anime is so great in general.
Why are the resolution so off?
1920×1038 instead off 1920×1080
and so on..
Because that is the res of the original. As with all Ghibli movies.
There are black bars which are padded on to make it 1080p. We crop the black bars off.
Thankyou for this. Just too warm to watch anime at the moment in England lol. 29oC here at the moment. Heard it’l be 31oC in London tommorow, feel sorry for those down south lol.
37C down here in Texas right now! Was 39C a couple of days ago.
Wow lol, but don’t you have air conditioning in the USA? 99 percent of UK houses lack such a luxury
You could just buy a window unit for around $100.
I would, but the UK weather is never warm enough for long periods to warrant me to do so.
Anyways, we’ve got this weather till Friday, so Its okay
Plus another $100/month of electricity bill.
That $100 electric bill is false, it doesn’t add THAT much to it.
Anyway, its only like 23oC here. I like these temps.
They make being indoors better.
Thing is, as much as I love warm weather(Outside that is) inside, and at night is bloody awful. When its humid and icky.
Prefer to watch anime in warm weather. It’s the cold weather that makes anime hard to watch with all the goosebumps, red nose and leg-shaking.
LOL, I prefer the mild temps for watching anime, what we get in general in the UK.
When its freezing, I just put the heating on, so the room is warm, but not too warm.
Whoa! I certainly didn’t expect this one. Looks like I won’t have free time tonight. Totoro have just got scheduled for rewatch
Thank you very much for the release.
Just finished. Awesome! Slightly different wording than what I’m used to though (niizk), but it’s not necessarily bad, It’s probably the first time I’ve seen makkuro-kurosuke translated
Anyway, thanks again for the release.
On a different note, seeing this is already your fourth Ghibli (BD), I was wondering if you plan on doing the other ghiblies as well. I’m currently mostly interested in Mimi wo Sumaseba, which does have a BD release but THORA released only 1080p (my HW is just enough for 720p 10bit)…
We used the original subs. I just fixed a few things here and there, but left the rest as it is
Grab Coalgirls’ 720p BD version.
Of Whisper of the Heart I mean.
Doki is the best fansub among many! Thanks again all involved with this excellent Ghibli!
Woah! it’s freaking TOTORO, I haven’t seen that in a while XD. I own it on tape though…but still XD.
Thanks Doki !!
Naked loli bath scene.
Fantasticccccc. Will be getting that 1038p. Thank youuu.
It is second, but it’s tied with Grave of the Fireflies. They were released together, amazingly enough.
Thanks alot was planning to get the movie from somewhere out there but if its here then i cant get it from another place
Are you kidding? There is Totoro Blu-ray? And Doki is doing that? And in Hi10P?
YouMadeMyDay x3
oh nice, i’ll be getting my hands on the 720p
… though i will say, i honestly prefer the voices in the english dubbed by Streamline Pictures (Dakota & Elle Fanning were voiced in a Disney Production).
good work Doki !
Well, you ruined my lack of excuses not to watch it, so I finally did. Totally worth it, although… Is it weird that I like the scenes with Totoro the least? I mean the parts with a normal family living a normal life are just great.
Ghiblis + Blu Ray = <3 <3 <3 <3
Thanks Guys
Waiting™ for 1080p version >3
Wow this brings back memories. This movie is great! I like studio ghibli!if i remember, there wasn’t much dialog in this one, right?
OMG, I was about to look for some movies (this one included) and here you have it! thanks >v<
Although this is my all time favorite in the ghibli series, it still makes me think of the “other” Totoro story.
Anybody else heard of it?
You mean the one with Mai and the baby cat bus? I have heard of that one, but have never been able to find a copy. I wasn’t even able to find out if it is really an animation, or if it is a children’s book.
Unless there is another Totoro story I am unaware of. Your comments was very vague.
“Mei and the Kittenbus” is a short film produced for the Ghibli Museum. You can only see it in the Ghibli museum.
Mmmmm it’s more of like an urban legend. How the Totoro was seen as a grim reaper, and the cat bus is what brought you from one world to the other world (Death).
I didn’t really want to get into the details of it, because I wasn’t sure if it would disturb someone reading the comment.
If I wasn’t allowed to post a link, Moderators I am terribly sorry:
Thanks guys. you are the best…
And a question, will you also do Grave of Fireflies?
8-bit 692p! Woohoo! Thanks for a HD 8-bit encode.
You know what? I love you, guys! Please, do the rest of Ghibli BD’s, too.
I wouldn’t mind that too, great suggestion Fuko
With the power of starfish, hopefully more Ghibli movies come lol.