Well, only a fraction of editors remain from the last batch of editors I recruited.
QC: Your job is to check the script for spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. Your attention to detail should be second to none. I don’t expect perfection, but I do expect near perfection.
Edit: Your job is to take a translated script and change the awkward/literal English into smooth, natural English. The level of your English should be akin to that of a native speaker, preferrably better than my English. (English is my second language.)
Your attention to detail should also be very good.
After sending me an email, join #doki-recruits@irc.rizon.net. You will be given a QC test, and if you pass, an edit test.
In your email, state your timezone and any info you feel supports your application. Previous experience in fansubbing is not a requirement, but willingness to learn and a level of dedication is.
Edit: Applications closed.
Interesting. I’ve always wanted to be part of the fansubbing process, and honestly, it seems being an editor is one of the few tasks that doesn’t require knowledge of Japanese…
Hopefully, I’m not just overlooking anything, but where’s your email address, Holo?
Holos email is misteranonimous(at)gmail.com.
He normally places on all the recruitment posts but likely forgot, if you’re interested in joining Doki email him there or join the IRC.
Same with anyone else interested.
Thanks a lot. I’ll get to that email now.
No problem, good luck with your application.
Doki is a good group with good people, so you’l have fun I’m sure.
Actually, only the jobs of Translator and Translation Checker require knowledge of Japanese. Editor, Timer, Typesetter, Encoder, QC (and other positions I may have omitted) require no such knowledge.
Noted. Apparently, I had the timers, encoders, and typesetters in a different section of my brain when writing up that post. In the end, it really isn’t “a few” after all.
Thanks for reminding me…
For some reason, I really like that picture… Anyone happen to have it in 1900×1080 or 1280×1024?
Also where is it from?
I considered applying for a bit but I know myself too well and I’m pretty sure my level of dedication would not be sufficient. I tend to get distracted by new shiny things on the internet quite quickly xD
Oh yeah, I have the same problem with dedication >_<
AFAIK, the 800×600 version is the largest size on the internet.
auw too bad, thanks anyway for responding
Actually, I think that I’d be interested in this, but my availability is a bit limited to certain days. On those days, however, I should be good to go.
If you’re interested, apply
Best of luck if you do!
Well, I’ve actually been downloading from you guys for a while now. I’ve kinda been hesitant about helping out since I didn’t think I’d be up to snuff, but I guess I’ll give it a try this time.
Well you never know until you try
Same with anyone else wanting to join but aren’t sure if they’l be good enough. Try anyway, you MAY be surprised.
Well. Same as Danyo. I’m really like that picture, anyone know which anime it is from?
You really need to look at more 2D porn. Those of us who have can pretty easily tell that this is some sort of game CG, not anime.
I know this has been closed but I have finished the last few coding projects, and I need something else to take up some of my time. I am not fluent enough to translate, but I do now enough to take the script, watch the raw, and make sure the “awkward” literal translations and re-word them to make sense or as you put it, “change it to a smooth, natural English. I also understand a great deal of Japanese humor, so I can either change the joke/skit script into an English variant that is similar enough so not much will be lost in translation, or word it so as the joke/skit is still a literal…but still smooth translation. I will wait for another recruitment post, as well as check back here periodically. I do not want to submit an application if there is no recruitment going on and end up irritating our Doki Overlords. =p
Greetings Null_Shock! From what I heard the VN Division could use some editing help regarding the Dungeons and Takifumis mini-game from Tomoyo After. If you stop in IRC at #Doki-Recruits and mention you want to work on it, I think there’s a good chance they will consider your application.