So here we are at the end of Usagi Drop! This is the episode where you find out that Daikichi was dead all along and is actually a ghost, that Rin kills Dumbledore, and that Kouki is Keyzer Soze. Sorry for the spoilers!
…umm… No. In case you haven’t figured it out already, Usagi Drop isn’t about drama and shocking plot twists. ^_^ What you do get, though, is a cute little conclusion to a lovely little series. I’ve enjoyed it so much, and I hope you have too! This show made me almost want to be a mother someday. And for someone as relationship / family-phobic as me, that’s quite something. :’D
Thank you all so much for watching, and for sticking with me on the first anime series I’ve translated from start to finish. My Japanese is mostly self-taught, and some days I feel like I’m a pretty poor excuse for a translator, but I’m learning a lot from fansubbing, and I’m glad that I can be of help to people while I do so. ^_^
A big thank you, too, to all here at Doki, and in particular, to my wonderful teammates Calyrica, Psi and Holo, without whom my crappy translations would never see the light of day. I love you all! Thanks for your endless patience, and for generally chatting to me and making translation a lot less painful than it is when it’s just you and a blinking cursor. :’D
Anyway, that’s enough from me. Enjoy the episode, and have a wonderful end to September! I hope to see lots of you in a couple of weeks when we face up, hold out, and reach out to the truth of translating the anime adaptation of the fantastic Persona 4.
Much love! I hope that Usagi Drop has made your Thursday evenings as happy, happy, happy as it has mine! ^^
– Mimi
HD: [Doki] Usagi Drop – 11 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [264E0B63].mkv
SD: [Doki] Usagi Drop – 11 (848×480 h264 AAC) [A3519564].mkv
A good translation is a lens that allows a story to come through without drawing attention to itself. And I don’t recall even once stopping to think that this was a translation. It was just a story, even though it was set in a place with customs and foods different from what some of us are used to. So congratulations! For every 1000 translators, there are fewer than 1000 good story tellers. That’s the rarer additional gift.
And since you raised the topic, this translation itself is your child: A labor of love that will leave stretch marks on your brain and make the bladder of your psyche leak later in life. But this child is bright, full of life and reflects the parent. Or think of this as your first eleven children, so there’s no reason to be shy about the next one now. Those who have the talent should birth a bunch.
thx for spoiler sigh.
sigh how can you write such spoiler in 1st line ruining whole anime, not cool…
Congratulations and many thanks! Job awesomely done.
Can’t wait for Persona4 and UsagiDrop2, because IT HAS TO BE MADE!
Agreed with Usagi Drop 2. The distance they took this season was almost far enough to reach SPOILER the time skip. I really want to see the rest of UD animated. I feel it deserves it.
Its as if someone told you before you start watching Sixth Sense movie that Bruce Willis’ character is dead from the start. GJ…
…that was confusing so the spoiler was a joke? i waited whole EP for him to be dead >_< now i feel stupid.
Sorry for the whine my mistake.
It’s fine, I actually thought you were joking too. XD One of the silly twists I made up was a reference to the twist in The Sixth Sense, so… :’D
“Agrias”, by the way? A Final Fantasy Tactics reference?
will you make a batch of usagi drop please?
That’s up to Holo, but I’m sure he will. ^_^
I sure hope he will. I want to marathon this asap.
Didn’t watch it while airing because I knew I wouldn’t want to wait a week for the next episode
Thanks mimi, and the team for subbing this series. It was a great ride
Big thanks for hard and awesome work to everyone who subbed it!
Awesome job on this project. Can’t not express enough gratitude for the time and effort put into this show. It is deeply appreciated.
Mimi, thanks for you work and team too.
Rin is just too cute
mou…it ends wif eps 11? Y__Y
this is not the last episode there is still 1 more to go.
No? 11 episodes only. Typical for noitaminA.
A HUGE thanks to Mimi and all the people who worked on this, I’m very grateful to all of you.
Thanks very much for this series
Thanks for subbing final episode of Season 1, hopefully Season 2 will be airing in 2012 or 2013.
(I’ve given up hope of it airing in 2011)
thanks for the translation
I disliked the manga’s ending. If you ask me it was a bit twisted. I’d comment further on it but that’d give spoilers.
I only read the manga to tie up the lose ends. I preferred my imagination on this one.
The second part of the Manga appears to be a different story line that does not try to make you warm and fuzzy.
okay, that’s enough. no need to spoil anything
One of my hands down favorites this season (not that it has that much competition). Which is weird because in real life I hate children and want nothing to do with them :P. Very sorry to see it end but hopefully there will be an S2! Thanks for all the hard work subbing this one!
Thanks to both the translator and the group. My daughter and I both loved this show.
Thank you Mimi and everyone who worked on bringing us Usagi Drop, wonderful sub job! Definitely one of my favourites of the season! Will the specials ever be subbed (PLEASE!)?
Much love <3
I don’t suppose you guys are considering branching out of Anime for a bit and sub the Live Action movie if a raw became available?