So here we are at the end of Usagi Drop! This is the episode where you find out that Daikichi was dead all along and is actually a ghost, that Rin kills Dumbledore, and that Kouki is Keyzer Soze. Sorry for the spoilers!
…umm… No. In case you haven’t figured it out already, Usagi Drop isn’t about drama and shocking plot twists. ^_^ What you do get, though, is a cute little conclusion to a lovely little series. I’ve enjoyed it so much, and I hope you have too! This show made me almost want to be a mother someday. And for someone as relationship / family-phobic as me, that’s quite something. :’D
Thank you all so much for watching, and for sticking with me on the first anime series I’ve translated from start to finish. My Japanese is mostly self-taught, and some days I feel like I’m a pretty poor excuse for a translator, but I’m learning a lot from fansubbing, and I’m glad that I can be of help to people while I do so. ^_^
A big thank you, too, to all here at Doki, and in particular, to my wonderful teammates Calyrica, Psi and Holo, without whom my crappy translations would never see the light of day. I love you all! Thanks for your endless patience, and for generally chatting to me and making translation a lot less painful than it is when it’s just you and a blinking cursor. :’D
Anyway, that’s enough from me. Enjoy the episode, and have a wonderful end to September! I hope to see lots of you in a couple of weeks when we face up, hold out, and reach out to the truth of translating the anime adaptation of the fantastic Persona 4.
Much love! I hope that Usagi Drop has made your Thursday evenings as happy, happy, happy as it has mine! ^^
– Mimi
HD: [Doki] Usagi Drop – 11 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [264E0B63].mkv
SD: [Doki] Usagi Drop – 11 (848×480 h264 AAC) [A3519564].mkv
No, thank YOU, Mimi ;D
Oh~! Mimi made a huge post ._.
There’s nothing wrong with being gay. While I’m not, I enjoyed No. 6. Usagi’s a bit to cute for my taste tho.
Isn’t Mimi a girl lol?
Indeed, she is.
How do you know?
Because she and I live together you imbecile. We also bath together and do all the other shit girls do.
Thanks for picking up this show! And thanks for the release!
Thank you Mimori!
Also pick up Kimi to Boku next season onegai! I love your translation!
Another heartwarming anime came to an end. Loved every single moment of it! Thanks to everyone in Doki involved in the weekly release. You guys are awesome!
No, isn’t that BL? 1 BL a year is enough.
Wait, we can do BL? i thought you said no BL when we first started trying to pick our series at the end of last season… >_>
Nope. It’s a shounen slice of life anime. Much like Oofuri I would say. While Oofuri is a shounen-sports anime, this one is a shounen-school-comedy.
If it was a BL, I would never have mentioned it no matter how many lolis you would have bribed me with!
i bet u think about Boku no Pico when heard this title
I mean, it’d better be a joke, otherwise…
Thanks to all who worked on this show.
Awesome job Mimori!!
This was a awesome series and you did a great job!!
what a wonderful journey that we have until now
read the manga, the second part ends with the innocence of the story
Big thanks to everyone involved in bringing this series to us!
I seem to be in the minority of those that enjoyed the manga all the way through, but saying that I’m also hoping they do a second season that tackles some of the later chapters.
Either way, thanks again and I’m looking forward to seeing you again next season.
kudos to everyone involved in bringing this wonderful series.
aww i’m gonna miss this so much…
Otsukare-sama Holo-sama and Doki company..
Well, at least you’ve done your best.. No, I mean, you did your best so you don’t have to be down as your TL is only self-taught and you find yourself poor.
You are awesome, well I mean, Doki’s works are always neat.. No trolling and always in good quality which are always very watcher-friendly.. Again, otsukare-sama.. Keep up the fine work.. XD
So it reached the end, it was a good little story.
Thank you for the hard work!
Aw, I didn’t know it was only 11 episodes. I recommend everyone read the manga. The anime only covered like 1/3 of it. Didn’t even get into the surprises.
Thank you guys so much for providing awesome subs for this amazing anime. X3 Getting warm fuzzies weekly does wonders for the heart, I must say…
Great job Mimi! Usagi Drop has been one of my favorites for this season. I hope to see more work done by you. Since your Japanese is self-taught, I wanted to know how and what you used to learn Japanese. I’ve been interested in the language and always wanted to learn it ever since I started watching anime, so I wanted to ask your advice. Thanks.
Relationships? Parenthood? Gee whiz this one sure had an effect on you.
Thank you for the translations, and of course thanks to the whole rest of the team that worked on making such a great release.
Looking forward to Persona4!
It is good to once in a while watch something that has no surprises for you out of the blue, with a storyline easy to follow and close realation to the real life. I mean, the series didn’t have anything big but that’s probably the reason why I watched it to the very end. I might even read the manga now just to know how this develops.
Nice work on the series Doki & co.
I see what you did there
They’re saving that for season two. Duh. ^_~
I want so much more! This just…stopped.
Very, very wonderful show. Thanks for this one, Doki. It’s one of the best shows I’ve ever watched.
Thank god it never outstayed it’s welcome by introducing any of the time skip elements from the usagi drop manga. Kept to just the warm fuzzies of the first part of the manga, this show is a winner!
おつかれさまでした (^з^)-☆
Thank you very much for translating this show for us! I will really miss Rin and the others, even if I am a guy:P
PS. Please translate Shana III in upcoming season!
will you make a batch of this please?