So, 1 year and 8 months after the initial release of the censored episode 1, we complete Seikon no Qwaser. This is definitely a big milestone for us. Thanks for waiting!
- DmonHiro – Translator/TLC/Editor
- masat – Timer
- kokus – Encoder
- Holo – QC
- And to all the other people who helped in some way or other with Qwaser.
Hello guys! DmonHiro here. Some might know me, some might not. About a year ago I complained to Doki about the quality of the translation of the Qwaser release. Thinking back to it, I might have been a tad bitchy about it.
One thing let to another and I ended up asking to TLC the Qwaser BD release. I actually had quite some fun with this show. It was so silly thet it was quite fun to watch what else they were going to do. I got quite attached to the characters. What I really wanted to say is that I had fun working on this show, and I hope you guys had fun watching it, and liked the way I translated and edited the show. I will return in a little while with season 2. See you guys soon.
- 01v2 – Typo. (Patchable – HD)
- 24v2 – Missing fonts. (Patchable – HD)
See how to apply a patch here.
HD (h264): Seikon no Qwaser (2010) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD FLAC]
SD (XviD): Seikon no Qwaser (2010) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]
this has also been a long road for the ppl that appreciate quality over….. speed. thx 4 finally pulling through and i will be looking forward to the second season. also, thx 2 all the people who worked on this fanfkingtastic titty sucking smoregasborg.
our god is a great god. thanks doki!
Thanks so much for this awesome release. I cannot wait for season two. ^_^
How do you use the patch? And also, if you download the batch instead, do you still need it?
How do you use the patch? And also, if you download the batch instead, do you still need it? >no
So it’s finally finished, now I can begin watching this anime. Hope season 2 doesn’t take that long, however I will surely wait if it does.
Thanks for the work!
Thanks for the release! Now if I can get more seeders…Practically have 1 right now.
Thank you guys! the wait almost gave me a heart attack
Thank you for this!
Ecstatic about the release and this project finally being done. Do you guys have word about what is going on with your releases of Saki?
God dammit, why do I always have to patch batches?
Thanks for this!
Looking forward to the same treatment for Season 2.
Thanks for providing this awesome series, by any chance are you guys are gonna post Asobi ni Iku yo! batches any time soon?
It’s this 720p only or we have too wait too 1080p abit longer???
Anyway thank’s for finishing the show and about the patches it’s already in batch??
720p only. 1080p was a bad upscale.
what about SDs? don’t they require patching? just asking because i don’t see any v2 in the torrent. were they possibly born error free?
Holy fuck!!!!
Thank you so much. Time to watch the greatest anime of our time in glorious BD Rip.
/me just got to ep18 and found a horrid mistake:
Original “Women make me drool” (what the fuck?)
It should be: “Women don’t count” (meaning that if it’s a woman, it’s not accounted as betrayal)
Finished ep 1-24, eps 8, 10, 13, and 24, have small grammar mistakes like misusing “then/than”, misspelling Roentgenium like 2/3 times, and some other stuff, but i forgot, overall, it’s a good release though, look forward to season two.
PS: Errors were found in batch.
im pretty sure it was 50 metres instead of 10 metres for the special drama 08, 05 seems wrong too, 2400km…?
Whenever I torrent the batches, they only include ep. 1v2, 10.5, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24v2, and picture drama 9.. Are the batches not correct or am I just missing something?
You’re missing something would be my guess.
Checked both and they are fine.
Does anyone have a similar problem or possibly know a fix?
I also notice I see all the files in the Fileserve download and I may have to resort to downloading them 1 by 1 if I can’t get my torrent fixed.
Never mind I got it to work, sorry for the troubles. Silly torrents be trollin me
I found a grammar issue in Picture Drama 5.
It should say:
“You always get pushed around by those higher than you anyhow”
“You always get pushed around by those above you anyway”
Need seeder for SD (XviD) episodes 18 until 21 . please help, got no seeder
The sound in series 1 till 5 is stopped on my Player Classic! Why? Is last Mad Flac is bad?
[…] they did a decent job on it, so if you looking for season 1 it’s better to download their version. Now about Season 2 I love to do that one it’s more funny more delicious yuri and only 12 […]
Is there NCOP and NCED anywhere here?
sorry,how do i patch the vid?
See how to apply a patch here.
So do you guys plan on doing BD’s of S2?