Btw, Holo, under your Hi10P bar in the top right part of the main page:
“Re-releases in Hi10P:
After Story”
I agree with this as I love anything KEY, but why is the KEY shows the only ones that get re-releases in 10p, if you’re gonna do re-releases? :p Personally I don’t even need them re-released in 10p, as I’m happy withe 8p versions anyway, but I’m curious.
Stop whining, damn it!
They release this with good quality, right?
That’s because there is a lot of work on the backstage. I know that, i’m a fansubber too.
Just be glade they don’t release this 3 weeks later than the streaming.
And… episode 8? Really? REALLY?
I’m not from this fansub, but… damn, what a bunch of ungrateful people.
p.s. Hey, Doki guys, where is Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Volume 2? (LOL)
Chiki – 08 where?!
backstabbing ftw
anyway, go holo go
More like Suburu-stabbing… if you get what i mean.
>minor delay
Thanks anyways :3
lol I saw the picture thought Finally, looked down and had to do a little double take.
inb4 Chiki 8 delayed.
Yey, just finished ep 6

Thanks, guys.
Just look at Kureha, trying to smile it off like it’s nothing…
loved this episode! all the girls are so freaking cute<3
Kureha is back with a smile, everything seems fine.
Thanks for the release!
finally lol.
Thanks! Finally XD
… The Rock has come back to Doki!
If you smell what the rock is cooking!
Taking your sweet time with the swimsuit episodes huh?
Btw, Holo, under your Hi10P bar in the top right part of the main page:
“Re-releases in Hi10P:
After Story”
I agree with this as I love anything KEY, but why is the KEY shows the only ones that get re-releases in 10p, if you’re gonna do re-releases? :p Personally I don’t even need them re-released in 10p, as I’m happy withe 8p versions anyway, but I’m curious.
If you’re gonna start doing stuff in Hi10, you might as well start with amazing shows, right?
More quality for the size, why wouldn’t you want it? xP
Well yeah. ; )
Yes! Finally… Thanks for the release! Hopefully ep.8 will have no delay…
always delaying the better shows.
so much delays… sigh..
XDCC list only shows ep1 on Doki|Yuki.
Indeed….finally! Sooo where is ep 08?
Stop whining, damn it!
They release this with good quality, right?
That’s because there is a lot of work on the backstage. I know that, i’m a fansubber too.
Just be glade they don’t release this 3 weeks later than the streaming.
And… episode 8? Really? REALLY?
I’m not from this fansub, but… damn, what a bunch of ungrateful people.
p.s. Hey, Doki guys, where is Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Volume 2? (LOL)
I very “glade”.
I’m sure many people are “glade”.
Glade is cool !
For UIs, that is.
Thanks for the release.
And Glad too!
I don’t know why, but it made me remember this scene:
we need moar hanakana
thanks!! doki is still the best for this anime.
Thanks for this release.
Was Hikasa Youko’s “Tehe pero” gag translated on purpose as “tether rope”?