(Pic not related)
Remember the transition from XviD to h264? Well, soon, 10-bit h264 will replace 8-bit h264.
Without going into encoder speak, 10-bit h264 can achieve a same level of quality as 8-bit h264, but at a lower filesize.
10-bit h264 is not widely supported yet.
More info on 10-bit h264 | More | More
This is simply a discussion your opinions of 10-bit h264.
Higher quality at the same bitrate works for me. I haven’t been having issues with bitrate so far.
X/H264 is the past. Why not encode to webm, which has built-in support even in web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera)?
VP8 is about equal to h.264 at same bitrates , where “about equal” means “slightly less”. When comparing using software instead of the naked eye , h.264 wins by a larger margin.
So unless there’s a VP9 or VP10 around the corner , we’re not there yet.
Whilst my opinion doesn’t matter, small is beautiful. I do not get 1080p copies of cartoons, it is a cartoon, it doesn’t need to be that high quality or that large. I generally get the smallest copy available. My personal preference is still Xvid simply for the general playability NOT requiring a specific CCCP pack etc etc.
Anyone told you about Captain Planet and the seven stupid dwarfs?
Fansubs have always been ahead of the curve, adopting the latest formats and techniques. Hopefully that trend continues here as well.
I support 10-bit h264 encoding 100%.
I say we jump on the 10bit wagon!
please release a sample 10bit encoded video alongside a regular h.264 for comparison and evaluation (preferably an OP/ED for sample)
Yes, please release a sample of an 8-bit and 10-bit so we can compare, and a poll would do nicely :))
m.3.3.w’s dantalian release is floating all over the internet. Try it.
10bit ftw
8 Bit 4 ever
while i’m partial at an early full switch,
you’re just being stupid there
I think 10bit would be fine for 1080p BD rips.
I agree with many others and would want to try out test OP/EDs with 8bit vs 10bit 720p on my system.
I suggest leaving 480p at 8bit or XviD
Generally speaking I’m all in for the idea!
But I’d like you to wait for CoreAVC 3.0 to support 10-bit as doesn’t support it at the moment. Codec-Packs (CCCP, K-Lite…) are no option for me.
I’d say use it in BD releases once it’s properly supported. Using it on TV releases seems stupid, most broadcasts have pretty poor quality to begin with.
Try this 10-bit video sample file:
You should see a spinning text.
aye….WMP & Jetaudio fucked up. but newest CCCP beta can play it fine
VLC and the newest release of CCCP (2011-06-26) supports 10-bit h264 according to tests I’ve made.
Is it *supposed* to lose flecks of paint as it spins around and they deposit radially along the sides? ‘Cause that’s what happened in my player as I watched it spin: it kept losing pink paint and little speckles were showing up in other places. If that’s NOT supposed to happen, then color me not convinced that this move won’t have collateral damage. :\
Red text spinning on pink background.. with some specks
being discolored. That’s what MPC HC gets me
at the moment.
did you download the file and then play it.. are you using internal codecs and filters ?… etc etc coreavc 2.5.5 will fuck up…
also , get the latest:
I will learn more about this first. Also, if you release the sample that would be better. Thx anyway for the info.
As long as shit runs with XBMC and VLC, I’m fine with whatever.
As long as you keep updating your software you’ll be fine.
Hi10P rocks. Would be nice if CoreAVC added support, but I would download all releases in Hi10P if available.
CoreAVC 3.0, with 10-bit support, should be out towards the end of August.
“My sources say no”
As most people have said, I also have to agree, don’t go 10-bit so soon, wait a bit and see how it turns out. As for most other ppl, filesize is not an issue with myself either, just leave it on overnight (plus I never DL 1080p, so bonus)
I got a new 2TB for 80$, just look around online and such for sales and awesome deals, then you really don’t have any need to buy more and more hard-drives.
I say, wait until ffmpeg/libav has *stable* support for it (and, consequently, MPC-HC).
I would say that you should wait, at least until ffmpeg has stable support for it. There is also the issue with all those people who use media streaming devices which probably don’t support this format either.
Oh, and going by the test file of spinning text posted earlier doesn’t display properly at all in Plex ( on OSK (Lion).
Nope. The wd tv cannot play Hi10P.
If we can source an inexpensive media player to replace the wd tv, then and only then would I support going Hi10P.
Consumer grade stuff ain’t there yet…
“consumer grade stuff”
That was funny.
->You got screwed my friend, and that’s the bottom line.<-
I’m already using 10-bit X264 for my own encodings and I can say that it’s much better. I tried it on Megachu episode 1 and the start where there’s hell lot of banding looked alot better in 10-bit encoding without filtering, than my last 8-bit encoding with same settings.
Then the filesize dropped about 20 MB even if the settings were the same and quality better. And I’ve heard you can increase CRF with 10-bit so one can get alot smaller filesizes for same quality as with using 8-bit with smaller CRF.
I’d just say start using 10-bit whenever there’s just a new stable CCCP version out which supports 10-bit^^
Softsub HD MKV containers have been around for quite a few years, yet an SD XVid is still offered by most groups as many people haven’t caught up / don’t feel they need the extra quality.
Anime fans do often end up being bleeding-edge with their tech, but the folks who write the media players and codecs tend to be less so, and not really that inclined to write in things for a niche market so quickly. (Hell, anything on FFMPEG could take ages to update – mine can’t handle the Karaoke tag in sub files, and has no idea about ordered chapters).
As long as it’s offered as an addition to, and not a replacement that would be OK. If it’s to replace then I would not.
wait until CCCP stable support 10bit. and pls don’t drop the file size for the same quality like 8bit. if u can get better quality with the same file size use it.
CCCP stable is from 2007 ROFL.
newest stable CCCP is from 06.06.2011 ^^
I meant 06.26.2011*
01-01-2007 Insurgent is “stable”
06-26-2011 is “tryout”
Well, true. But let’s say newest tryout version then^^ But I haven’t had any problems with tryouts so it doesn’t really matter for me.
oh I agree , newest tryout is good enough for me as well , but if like op , you say you’ll only consider “stable” , you mean you’re not open to change at all.
is bleeding edge.
It’s better to make smaller filesizes with same quality than same filesize with better quality because if you’re already encoding in let’s say CRF 17, then the quality is already so good that if you increase the quality people won’t even notice the difference easily, but if you encode with smaller filesize but same quality then people do notice the difference on filesize. so there’s more point on doing a little bit smaller encodes with same or a little bit better quality than just keep the filesize same =)
just watched Dantalian no Shoka in 10-bit beater quality (not much) and almost 100mb smaller file size.
10-bit as my approval !
For the love of fuck !
Use the extra available bytes HI10P ends up giving to distribute higher quality output files !!
Either at same size of 8 bit or at higher sizes.
(shouting intended)
Getting the ability to deliver extra quality at the same file size , but then not doing it because you said you could deliver smaller sizes than current sizes is silly.
If I can get better quality output , fine by me ! no need to be cheap with the sizes , add 20% more quality !
F*** smaller sizes , use the extra data for extra quality.
If smaller sizes is the aim , there are better ways of achieving it. I’m pro quality 100% of the way. Size , unless ridiculous, should be a secondary concern.