
Discussion: 10-bit h264

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Remember the transition from XviD to h264? Well, soon, 10-bit h264 will replace 8-bit h264.

Without going into encoder speak, 10-bit h264 can achieve a same level of quality as 8-bit h264, but at a lower filesize.

10-bit h264 is not widely supported yet.

More info on 10-bit h264 | More | More

This is simply a discussion your opinions of 10-bit h264.

810 comments to Discussion: 10-bit h264

  • Zaggy

    I just played m.e.e.w. dantalian 10 bit releases with coreavc 2.5.5 and the cccp that was released 3 weeks ago. Whats the big deal? Works fine

  • Shio Kudasai

    As long as I can play everything with WMP, I do not care.
    Oh, btw, there is my wdtv too, hm.

  • I love the idea for using 10-bit. My netbook currently can run 720p videos and even stream them via HDMI, and looks fabulous. No sense not being able to play 10-bit. I love to download anime, but what keeps me from getting 1080p archiving BluRay’s is just the immense file size where one episode is ~1GB. Now say 10-bit could decrease that same file down to <800MB, that would be great, and I'd probably download it. But for more practical reasons I'm sticking to 720p.


    as long as it plays on mpc-hc with ccc support then i don’t care. size of files doesn’t matter to me as long it isn’t ginormous i.e encoding the source with zero filters and slapping crf 13 on it.

  • subslove

    I think you should stick to 8bit for now. While I’m all for jumping into the new early adopter train, with these new resource hungry codecs, things have gotten more complicated. It’s best to wait for more mainstream hardware support, then adopt 10bit h264

  • Mathew Todd

    Tried an Italian Hi10P on my WD TV Live, and the media player did not support this format (latest official firmware at this time).
    You can encode in Hi10P if you want, but until WD supports it — or until I can get an inexpensive media player which supports Hi10P, I’m afraid that I’ll have to stop leaching.

  • jade335

    Sounds good, a lower file size without losing it quality is a pretty good deal. But if media players don’t support it yet (e.g vlc), then i don’t believe you shouldn’t try it just yet.

  • sonikku10

    That A-Channel 10-bit file plays without a problem on my Macbook from 2008 using MPlayer OSX Extended with Stefano’s mplayer binaries (for those ordered chapters). Same on my Android phone — used MoboPlayer and MXVideoPlayer from Android Market.

    There. It’s supported.

  • tumdedumdedum

    That A Channel file isn’t 10 bit, it’s 8.
    It’s just to show you don’t _need_ 10 bit to make smaller files.

    If you want a demo file , here’s one:

    • sonikku10

      lol… okay I’ll report back :p

    • tumdedumdedum

      Hi10p file.
      On a player that doesn’t support it , you will see some general blocking. If you’re one of those kinds of people who doesn’t notice anything unless someone presses your nose in it , you might not even notice your player isn’t compatible.

      Right , compatible , left , not compatible.

      • nx6

        If you’re going to post screenshot comparisons, they need to be in PNG format so we don’t mistake JPEG compression for video artifacts.

        That looks pretty nasty on the blocking there, btw.

      • sonikku10

        Pretty much getting the same blocking on MPlayerOSX Extended. VLC at least played the video until I updated it to the latest version. Now I only get audio.

        As for my Android phone, I only got it to play properly using MX VideoPlayer, but it is a resource hog. Then again, I’ve never been able to find a good player for .mkv files for my phone….

        I started a new request ticket to add support for Hi10P for MPlayerOSX Extended. Adrian will get back to me as soon as he reviews it, so we’ll see what happens with that.

        I still think it’s a good idea to release in Hi10P, if you feel it is worth your time, but don’t toss the 8-bit into the trash just yet.

  • Slowbro

    If ain’t broken, don’t fix it.

    I’ll approve of 10bit when most of the players support it.

  • Tiberium Wolf

    Don’t do pioneer stuff. They will get you headaches. You will be swamped with complaints and winning posts.

    Just let other do the research of how effectively use it and then just apply that. You won’t gain anything by being 1st.

  • ondi

    Watched m.3.3.w Dantalian Hi10P with CCCP BETA. Surprisingly good. The quality maintained even in the dark scenes. CPU usage kept below 19% (Using i3 540). Overall: Great.

  • kewl

    well, the compression is good… but the CPU cycle is quite fucked up.

    though… im not sure about this…. i highly doubt that it can implement on current gen Blu-Ray player (well PS3 can do it since it has a lot horse power to do so).

    But what about standalone HDD mediaplayers? I can say that it had a fixed CPU power to do what it can suppose to do, but I highly doubt about it can do 10-bit in the future.

  • kewl

    well, the compression is good… but the CPU cycle is quite fucked up.

    though… im not sure about this…. i highly doubt that it can implement on current gen Blu-Ray player (well PS3 can do it since it has a lot horse power to do so).

    But what about standalone HDD mediaplayers? I can say that it has a fixed CPU power to do what it can suppose to do, but I highly doubt about it can do 10-bit in the future.

  • shani

    I am for 10bit adaptation. Have been following fansubs for more than a decade and a half now and I always found a solution to my problems. There was a time when an episode would take weeks or months to come out and there were little to no complain. There were so many file types that I don’t even want to mention. Dial up was common internet connection and an 80GB HDD required a fortune to get hold of. Making a CPU that would last a couple of years at least was a prime concern. Because those Pentiums were really expensive. Things have changed now. So I would humbly suggest to embrace the future. But the problem will be how you will get your fans to accept it who doesn’t have monthly allowances like some of us or don’t have the opportunity at all to work parttime to earn for themselves so that they can get what they want. There is more in the world then the USA, Canada and the UK. The reason many of us whole heartedly follow groups like Doki, Chihiro, Hatsuyuki and not so popular few others instead of certain groups because of the fact that we get the feeling that you care for your fans.

    Thanks for working on so many good shows. Whatever you decide to go for I will hope that your fans will willingly accept your decision and move on.

  • As long as it’ll play fine in Ubuntu’s Gnome MPlayer, I’m fine with it. If it doesn’t, I will be very very sad and likely haunt you from beyond the grave.

  • Rizlim

    I personally think it’s a good thing to switch to 10-bit h264, because the paper states that in 8-bit h264 you apparently loose some quality while transmitting your source with 10-bit this is lesser, so basicly 10-bit has a higher quality than 8-bit and therefore I think you should go with it.

  • nagato

    My PC can only handle current 720p h264, and even then there are some cases where OPs with too much karaoke flying by make it skip, so if this switch is even slightly more resource hungry I’m SoL :/

  • Captain67

    I’ll support the 10-bit encodes when CoreAVC supports it, OR when libavcodec has 10-bit and runs just as fast. My computer currently needs CoreAVC in order to play 1080p BR rips without lag. Before anyone asks, I did try DXVA, and it wasn’t any better.. Also, “buy a newer computer” isn’t an option.

    • Captain67

      Update: tried the new CCCP beta, it seems the ffmpeg codecs are now efficient enough to match CoreAVC, and it played some test files with hi10p just fine. Loaded up some high bitrate 1080p anime, ran smoothly. CPU usage is identical to CoreAVC 2.5 now for every file.

  • Th3avatar

    I just tested the hi10p sample
    while my laptop can do 1080p Clannad BD just fine without any lags or whatsoever in XBMC (ubuntu 11), the hi10p sample is rendered as incompatible. A few posts back there was this dude showing what’s compatible and what’s not, and my laptop showed the not compatible image.

    As a bonus, I also tried it with the ipad 2 (also XBMC native). I love watching anime on the ipad 2 because it can hardware accelerate h264 videos. The result was…
    well the hardware won’t accelerate the hi10p videos, so this is a big nono. When acceleration is turned off, it shows the video, also as the non compatible image showed.

    So my opinion is just to make the switch as soon as it is widely supported. As everybody says, filesize is not a big problem. There are even fansubbers who bloat their filesizes and still being popular. If a fansub group loses their watchers because incompatible videos, the watchers will go to another group, and with it their donations (I think).

  • So Doki what program are you going to or using to encode the new anime into 10-bit h264?? Please tell me Thanks!

  • frenzy-chan

    Is there by now any way of playing Hi10P on a Mac? Mplayer OSX Extended with mplayer.git doesn’t work at the moment, mplayer2 doesn’t either.
    As soon as I can play the files, I’m all for Hi10P (I like the quality jump on the screenshots, and smaller filesizes… why not?).

  • liberty

    10 bits full throttle. The hardware is already more than capable to decode it and 10 bits is the hdmi standard anyway

  • Shirayuki

    I am all for the change to the new format but I would suggest putting it on hold until most players are able to support the format, so that way it won’t become such a hassle for when you do decide to swap to the new format.

    Though this is just my thoughts on the matter

  • Hurvilo

    I watch ALL my anime via PS3 media server, and tend to look up series from other sub groups if the releases don’t work. All Doki releases of late have worked flawlessly with PS3 media server, and if 10-bit also works, by all means, use 10-bit.

    But if not I’d rather see you continue with 8-bit.

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