Cheer up Yuki. It’s almost over.
Endless Eight 7-8. The Sighs of Suzumiya Haruhi 1-3.
1080p: [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – Vol 4 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC)
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 18 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [00015527].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 19 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [00015532].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 20 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [8BFF3A43].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 21 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [DB5154DE]
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 22 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [239BDA7E].mkv
720p: [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – Vol 4 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 18 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [00015527].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 19 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [00015532].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 20 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [9D9DDE14].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 21 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [7B6DEC54].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 22 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [ECDB201C].mkv
480p: [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – Vol 4 (848×480 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 18 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [00015527].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 19 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [00015532].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 20 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [05B9DBF1].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 21 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [7B61F83D].mkv
- [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 22 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [25A64768].mkv
Anyway Endless Eight could of been done in a few episodes, not 8. 1 ep to set up the premise, 1 to realise they’re in a loop, 1 to show how to break the loop, 1 to end the loop.
See it works
Kyoani were just lazy
No, no. They’re anything but lazy, really.
Rehashed scenes with new outfits = lazy, if you’re going to do a timeloop have some different events. Nagato even said they did other jobs.
They basically animated 8 episodes that if anything are almost indentical, thus they are lazy because this to me seems like an easy way to save money
You’re aware they have a budget, right?
No I was not. As I am not smart enough to know such things.
Yes, exactly – they animated 8 episodes that are basically the same. Each one of them. From scratch. If they were lazy, then they would’ve animated three – the first one, the last one, and one that would serve as 2-7.
That’s what I think, anyway.
There was no reason for it having to be 8 episodes besides the name of the story, it wouldn’t of taken much to of animated a good 5 minutes of new footage in each ep showing them doing different jobs, as proven in timeloops and by Yukis comments, you don’t always do exactly the same things over and over again in a loop.
No excuse for the lazyness that is Endless Eight really.
And for anyone spouting the brutally obvious at me(Not you moons)
They weren’t doing it out of laziness. They did it to troll.
Blick is totally right, troll is the one explanation here.
Because “we just trolled you” is such a better excuse. The fact they used the budget of 8 episodes to basically animate the same thing over and over is enough to drive you mad ( if they’d actually cut corners with them that money can go somewhere else, probably to another project that actually needed it).
Wait, so they animated each episode again and again reusing nothing?
Isn’t that kinda erm stupid? Or didn’t they have anyone doing decent storyboards for each episode. I think most people here would be able to make Endless Eight better than what it was and we’re not involved in the industry
Yeah, that’s basically it. I have no idea why they thought they needed 8 whole episodes to solve a loop that the light novel solved in 30 pages.
Maybe they didnt realise the light novels had a few stories they could of used to pad the season out?
If like that…
The name not ENDLESS EIGHT…
Each episode endless eight have different and that different is a clue for final episode of endless eight…
lol, I already know the CRC for ep. 18 & 19 even before they’re released.
At least someone realised what the CRCs were
It’s my first time watching the series, so I gotta ask.
MAL says it’s 14 episodes, and Doki have released more than that, so I presume MAL is trolling with me again.
Can anyone give me an explanation?
All the 1st series episodes are also part of the 2nd series. MAL presumably didn’t include them in their count.
The 2009 version has 28 episodes, but 14 of them were the new episodes mixed in with 14 older episodes(from 2006) in chronological order. Well, I suppose they decided to make it only 14 episodes on MAL as to not have the redundant episodes count.
Oh, now I get it, Thanks panama and Thewingless.
endless 8? endless downloading for most of us. fileserve downloads keep stopping at 10mb.
Have you ever used xdcc? Check Doki’s faq if you haven’t and download it like that. Otherwise just wait for the torrent batch, which they release once the whole volume is finished.
XDCC can be a little confusing the first time you try it, but when you learn how it works, I can even assume it works better than torrent in some occasions. I really recommend.
Also, I recommend to set a directory to automatically download to, then in your DCC filter (xchat or mIRC has this, not sure about others), accept only *.avi and *.mkv, each on a new line.
Then, open a new window with a bot, and use the xdcc parser, – type “xdcc send ” to it, then all you have to do is press up on the arrow keys, then type in the number. A majority of the bots will give you full speed, even on a 100Mbit line, lol
I have yet to watch Haruhi, downloaded a most of the episodes including over half of endless eight. But never got round to watching because I didn’t know if the episodes I downloaded were already redone to be the correct order or if they were the reshuffled order the original season was, and this endless Eight which had me thinking i’d downloaded the same episode multiple times.
I wonder if they’d just given this endless loop 3 spisodes like previous comments there would have been a season three…because didn’t this anime achieve like godly status shooting the female lead to superstardom.
Anyway just to get clear because I was really confused first time. When Haruhi 2009 was released was it a standalone season and the reshuffle of the first season released seperately, or were they all mixed into one season of 24 episodes or something?
“I wonder if they’d just given this endless loop 3 spisodes like previous comments there would have been a season three…because didn’t this anime achieve like godly status shooting the female lead to superstardom.”
Yes, and it’s still incredibly popular.
– The movie sold phenomenally well and got an almost universally positive reception.
– The BD boxset (what Doki is doing) is by faaaar the best selling TV anime BD boxset ever, moving 34,000 units, with most BD boxes being considered a success at even one tenth that.
– The first week sales of the recent re-start of the original light novels were the highest ever for a light novel, to my knowledge, and it was a more expensive double release at that.
So whether we get a third season has nothing whatsoever to do with how long Endless Eight was. It’s just a matter of making the time to do it, and maybe waiting to see what the novels do before deciding what to animate.
“When Haruhi 2009 was released was it a standalone season and the reshuffle of the first season released seperately, or were they all mixed into one season of 24 episodes or something?”
All 28 episodes were broadcast in chronological order for the expanded 2009 airing. The 14 episodes new to 2009 are not meant to stand alone per se, they’re part of the overall narrative. So they were all broadcast together.
You guys should just release the torrent when its ready, but I still need to download the previous batch.
uhh, we do that anyway, per volume.
I can’t get enough of seeing Kyon-kun being “abused” by Haruhi in the loops. Well, I think it’s just how it is.
Humm… What ep is the concert ep at cultural festival. I could swear in was in ep 12.
^ That was in 2006 version. In this version (2009) it’s ep 26 (Live a Live)
well, Live Alive is reaaaally a highlight. Too bad it’s not the last episode.
Ohh a cool way to relax Yuki Nagato.
That’s the way to go lol…
One of the best screenshots from the show.
Any news on Seikon no Qwaser BDs?
Suzumiya ep 20 11:23 “Every world I say” should be “word”.
On the list of things i will fix for batch.
then also add episode 19 at 14:58
“People who are close to Suzumiya san…”
should be “People who are close to Suzumiya-san…”
I’ve a small question though.
episode 21 06:20
where is the original japanese casts table?