I apologise for last week’s loltypos, my aegisub derped on me. Will be fixed for BD, of course.
720p: [Doki] A Channel - 08 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [DB8545B0].mkv
Torrent Dead | XDCC
480p: [Doki] A Channel - 08 (848x480 h264 AAC) [46DB2529].mkv
Torrent Dead | XDCC
Hey wait! isn’t that the same screenshot you used last week?
Just testing you 😛
Thanks for the release ! =D Itadakimasu!
sure is troll
No, troll is gg with Hidan no Aria 07…
oh please don’t troll me
Oh yeah! Tooru-chan~!
Arigatou Gozaimasu Doki. :3
you spelled run-can wrong
sup troll
“I apologise for last week’s loltypos, my aegisub derped on me. Will be fixed for BD, of course.”
u should take a sleep. gud nite 😉
He can’t, he’s a manager! no one tells him around! xD
He could be like the manager at wagnaria 😉
Typos are bound to happen, especially when release speed is a factor.
Sure is nice when groups accept and even encourage comments that point them out for correction in the batch or BD release rather than tell everyone to go _____ themselves.
I think I speak for most of us when I say we want to release the very best stuff we can, so fixing errors is a given.
i feel like A-channel is the anime i look forward to most in a week.
Thanks Again Guys <3
Haven’t seen any typo ^^
Missing line of Run’s at 15:29. I’m surprised nobody has noticed {or at least said anything) yet.
Time for moar Yuuko!
What about the special? The one that was webcast-ed recently? Are you going to sub them immediately or are you going to wait for a BD version, if there is any? A certain group released the webcast one already but I wanted Doki’s work. Thank you so much for your hard work! 🙂
We will release it, don’t worry.
This ep was fun xD
Thanks Doki!
lol, when I watch it in XBMC the audio plays 30 seconds longer and I can hear some commercials xD
What about the special CD released with DVD/BD vol. 1? I’ve seen you releasing Madoka OST so I secretly hope you’ll release the ED (and the other two songs on that CD) of A Channel as well. 🙂
Missing lines of Nagi and Yuuko at 11:21 overlapping Run’s . Hope they are fixed in the BD.