1 link to a banner per reply.
And here are the technical criteria for the submitted banners:
- 1240px x 250px
- .jpg or .png (preferred)
- Filesize should be reasonable.
And here are the criteria for characters/shows:
- Character(s) should be female.
- Banner must be SFW. No nudity/genitalia/hentai/etc.
- Character(s) should come from a show that Doki has done/is doing/plans to do. This includes the wishlist.
- The banner should include the words “Doki Fansubs” somewhere on it.
Good luck.
Some excellent banners! Just some advice, the best banners not only has good design, but the logo “Doki Fansubs” also “fits” the banner, ie, it doesn’t stand out. I’ll keep this open til the weekend, i think. Keep them coming!
Koe de Oshigoto
Lucky Star
Mayoi Neko Overrun!
Well, I’ve got to post one, don’t I? Never did a banner before, figured I’d give it a shot. I just got Adobe CS5 so this competition gave me an opportunity to try out a new version of Photoshop. I like banners with minimal clutter, so I hope this reflects that. I didn’t even make a banner for my beloved Nagisa, Kyou, Kotomi, or even Ushio… there simply wasn’t enough love for the representative of the new VN devision of Doki. Love it or hate it, let me know if the design looks odd so I can learn something new.
As far as minimal goes, you really got that through. I think it could have been better though. It just seems to be such an odd angle. Also your typography is fine, but I’d change it a bit.
This isn’t a tutorial so say, but it does help give you a concept on how typography works and how to apply it.
Thanks for the link. I wanted to use fonts & colors used for Tomoyo After’s cover, but didn’t want them to take away from the focal point of the picture (that being Tomoyo herself). Because this was supposed to be a summer competition, I felt something needed to be added to counter the cool feel of the bed sheets. Since the colors used on the title color were beige & a mellow (?) green, I figured the beige could be seen as sun shining down onto the scene. I was unable to find the font for Tomoyo After’s cover, so I chose one that was a mix between TA and Clannad. As for the ‘tomoyo’ on the left side, I really wanted that to fade into the background. Hints of pink seemed to go well with Tomoyo’s steel colored hair, so I placed it in the background to take up empty space.
Which typeset do you have a bigger issue with? Also, what angle do you see as being odd? Tomoyo’s position is similar to the one found on the VN cover, just rotated.
*Correction: ‘tomoyo’ on the right side.
Ano Hana
I just made an account to repost this banner. I am Dale. From above look. this is just my made account, the one before was when i didnt have one.
Ano Hana
This would be good… but the images are out of proportion. Big no no. :<
Umm.. how about mine…
Yours is alright too. Unless you’re talking about the comment I made about proportion. Both banners are the right size, except Dale’s banner has images that were badly proportioned.
Because he didn’t ‘lock’ aspect ratio, teehee.
“‘lock’ aspect ratio”…is that like a new anime being subbed by Doki?
it does have a nice ring to it..LOCK-ASPECT-RATIO
Maybe we can write of light novel using that title!?
Not a bad idea!
The female protagonist would be named ‘LOCK’ and in her world you can only acheive your full proportio…I mean potential by having a perfect aspect-ratio and well let’s just say she is the best at doing that hence – ‘LOCK’
PS A side effect of not having a perfect aspect-ratio when improving one’s skills is permanent distortion..:)
Try 2 Nichijou Banner
Looks scary
Here is another submission of mine.
It’s a banner of our self-proclaimed female alien, hehe.
I like man meat .
I like タマキン more
Another Nichijou banner
Msyu from [C] ^^
Dewm, no new banners have been submitted. :<
This is definitely not a summer feel banner, but I felt inclined to make this banner.
Nicely done.
Congrats to those who got their banners selected.
woots atleast one of my banners got chosen =O
how many were selected? 24? after refreshing so many times i found 24 new ones =P
I take is it over?
Yay i got 2 out of 6 not bad
24 refresh?
You sure are diligent.
I don’t really bother, but the retro-style Hidan no Aria is really good! It’s the only one who caught my eyes~