1 link to a banner per reply.
And here are the technical criteria for the submitted banners:
- 1240px x 250px
- .jpg or .png (preferred)
- Filesize should be reasonable.
And here are the criteria for characters/shows:
- Character(s) should be female.
- Banner must be SFW. No nudity/genitalia/hentai/etc.
- Character(s) should come from a show that Doki has done/is doing/plans to do. This includes the wishlist.
- The banner should include the words “Doki Fansubs” somewhere on it.
Good luck.
Some excellent banners! Just some advice, the best banners not only has good design, but the logo “Doki Fansubs” also “fits” the banner, ie, it doesn’t stand out. I’ll keep this open til the weekend, i think. Keep them coming!
Uncensored version of one of my submissions!
Ah! My Goddess!
Belldandy loves her sister’s wings!
Here’s a Clannad banner:
Your banners are really lovely man. I’m totally digging them! ^^
I’m with Rokudaime. You got some nice stuff.
Thank you guys. I take pride in my work. ^^
Lol. That’s good. Just don’t take [i]too[/i] pride in it. Too much o’ sumthin’ ain’t always uh good thang, y’all.
Feldt Grace
A-Channel #1
A-Channel #2
A-Channel #3
A-Channel #4
^ this a channel banners are good!
Not as good as my other ones (especially my first one submitted), however I think this will be alright.
Proceeding to work on a Shana banner as ReimuHakurei has requested.
Shana banner. I liked it at first, but I’m starting to have second thoughts. Two things that are getting me: the emphasis in front of Shana and the typography.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
The text seems out of place, but sadly I don’t know what would make it better!
I actually like the Clannad/Nagisa one you posted as well, but the Shana one seems very different in style to me…I like the others better. That said, I think your submissions are among the better in this competition.
Ahaha, the middle 3 that I made were merely just placing an extract on top of a background and then placing adjustment layers. The first and last one I actually had to do a little more work than just that. Anyway, thank you Rokudaime.
dimensions need fixing should be 1240 x 250…concept looks interesting…an s is mi”SS”ing on the fan’s sub….
Hanasaku Iroha
and v2 with different bg
The only thing that bothers me about this (because it’s potentially a good banner, the first one I mean), is that the scanlines are all over their face. At least get it off of their face if you can.
I appreciated ur comment
This one is excellent. Good work.
And v2
Hope U Like It ^^
Hahaha, very nice xD
Only things that need changing (in my opinion) are the link at the bottom-right corner and the resolution. It’s only “doki.co,” not “www.doki.co,” and the res should be 1240×125.
Just change thse, and all shall be well :3
But about the res i think im on the safe side
coas Hplp said “1240px x 250px” Dunno!!
This is a V2 Hope U like it
Srry its Holo ;p
Dunno about you, but it’s still showing up as 1,022px × 206px. I like the banner though.
Try uploading it elsewhere. For some reason, Photobucket resizes everyone else’s banners.
Done …
LMFAO! Epic submission
w00t! Success :3
I love it xD
5/5! XD
Sun was in wrong position!
I like the saturation and vibrance of the colours you used in this one. Not sure if you were the one that made the sun ray effect, but it just seems a bit off.
Otherwise, I really like this one.
The AIR one should win, even though I’m not that much of an AIR fan. But it looks too awesome.
Ika Musume! :3
Also, I rly like the Air one.
I think the Mayoi Neko Overrun one is a tad bit plain. Maybe a little something in the BG would work with like a 20-30% opacity maybe? I dunno, that’s just me :p
Main point, sick banners you got there.
Pity that i can’t find better quality of Ika Musume for my 1st banner
I will try do something with this Mayoi Neko Overrun but i can’t promise, for now i made 2 new banners
And of course i’m very glad that someone likes my works, thank you ^^
I really like the Air one.
Lol, you would make for a really nice logo maker for the episodes, bro. Epic banners
to love ru banner (-O-O)b
Use or scared.
I lol’d.
Do I still have time to make one or have you gotten a sufficient amount of banners already?
I have exams, keep the banners coming.
Very nice o:
Did you make the BG yourself? If so, very nice. I’m p.jelly of this banner.
wow, another great BRS banner!
Why you make awesome banners?
Nicely done on the typography.
I am Ma15 and I have a permanent hard-on for Doki.
Holo, you mad?
why would i be mad?
だって ホロっち チェンジ マイ コメント
If no mad, u reary reary mad??
More Kanon
Alternate of More Kanon
Hm, I don’t remember seeing any stock images with Shiori in it like that. Where did you get it if you don’t mind sharing? Unless you put in an extract… Though I would refrain from doing multiple subjects (in that manner). It usually makes it visually uneven.
Also, I prefer the first version of “More Kanon”. There’s a bit too much negative space in the alternate version.
Nicely done.
And one more time my banners
I love the little Kanon logo integration that you did there. I remember doing something similar for my Japan Club back when I was in high school.
Question: Is there a limit to how many banners can be accepted for a single show? For example, many Clannad banners were submitted. Will multiple Clannad banners be allowed to rotate up top, or is there a limit of 1 per show? As much as I would like to see more submissions from certain anime, if only 1 will be allowed per show, a lot of effort may be redistributed to banners for different shows. A person who wants to submit something from Kyoto Ani may then decide to choose something from Angel Beats (hint hint, Photoshoppers) or Lucky Star instead of submitting a Clannad banner which may be very well done, but not the best.
Does my question make sense? I would love to see an epic Clannad border selection, but I would feel disappointed to see the others go to waste.
And yes, I realize P.A. Works animated Angel Beats and not Kyoto Ani. Mea Culpa
There’s no limit. Go crazy.