1 link to a banner per reply.
And here are the technical criteria for the submitted banners:
- 1240px x 250px
- .jpg or .png (preferred)
- Filesize should be reasonable.
And here are the criteria for characters/shows:
- Character(s) should be female.
- Banner must be SFW. No nudity/genitalia/hentai/etc.
- Character(s) should come from a show that Doki has done/is doing/plans to do. This includes the wishlist.
- The banner should include the words “Doki Fansubs” somewhere on it.
Good luck.
Some excellent banners! Just some advice, the best banners not only has good design, but the logo “Doki Fansubs” also “fits” the banner, ie, it doesn’t stand out. I’ll keep this open til the weekend, i think. Keep them coming!
hears sum thing i thew togeather
Here’s a Hanasaku Iroha banner.
Loving this one.
<3 Iroha, this one is great
Wow! I like your banner. <3
Also, a v2 that’s a bit more simple if it’s preferred:
I was just about to write a comment to the above one on how I’d like it a lot better this way XD
I’m loving this one
<3 <3 <3
heres an A Channel banner
Sweet banner! <3
the pic in my other link got resized…
heres the actual sized one
better quality picture
sorry for spamming this banner
Hello. My banner, dedicated a Pi-chan and Ku-chan.
♥ I’ll just leave this here
Like it

Yeah, this one is great. I liked the font.
Sorry!!! I type “fansub” instead of “fansubs”. I leave the version 2.
Thanks. Bye.
Here’s my second banner dedicated to Ushio <3
I must say, I be proud of et.
I came oceans.
I tend to hear that far too often.
Adorable! <3 I really like this one! Btw, shouldn't this be a SPRING Banner Contest rather than a SUMMER Banner Contest? :-/ It IS Spring right now right?…right? :-/
Soooo sweet!! <3
I did two. Can I post both of them or we’re only allowed to submit one from each?

Holo told me we can post as many as we want.
Here’s one of mine
ahh just realised I cut the trail out D:
♥ and here too
Man, I love that one! xD
From some previous post I read, old submissions put into the new resolution would be accepted. Here’s the resize of chibi san from the last comp
Here’s a simple one of Erio from denpa onna >.<
Here’s a C banner:
Capitalised the lowercase f
Hidan No Aria
Mmmm, nom, nom, nom….I LIKE this one. X3
Aw, where’s the love for Ano Hana?
I love this one!
Love it! <D
Wow, this looks really nice
good job~
Off Topic: For some reason when i look at this banner it seems like:
Poppo + Menma= a happy couple
Yukiatsu + Anaru = having troubles with their relationship
Jin + Tsuruko = a new love?
lolz what do you guys think about these pairings that i made do they seem accurate? XP
Verr’ nice :3
Awesomeness! <3
Since you guys are awesome, I decided to try making something to show my thanks for all of your hardwork!
Main focal is A-Channel but I also added something from other airing anime this season. It will probably be my only entry since I am kinda procrastinating on school assignments right now. ;P
Without further ado here it is: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8277/dokifansubsbanner.png
ok this one should win
This one’s great! Very nice blending there. That and A-Channel is great of course! =)
This one is really good. Features characters from multiple shows you are doing this season.
This one will probably win
Another good one, but probably the best
Here is my Attempt : http://i55.tinypic.com/2q9zxpe.jpg
Kyou! <3 I love it!
Thanks here is a a Better Version added some Dango
Your fansubs are not worthy of having a banner of my wife
thats funny i thought she was my wife
May 8, 2011 at 3:24 PM
thats funny i thought she was my wife
You really wanna die – give it a shot, fine me on rizon~
I like this Dangos =D
But I believe that ( Nagisa + Dangos = best combination )
That is true maybe ill make another =D
I like cock
this really made my heart doki doki, but it can’t be helped, its so good!
I love it even more!
Oops. Meant to refer to the Kyou one, not the one above. ¬_¬
haha yeah the above one is scary
and thanks 
Here’s a rather simple one I whipped up in a couple of minutes. Maybe I’ll make a more complicated one later if I have the time!
Here you go Doki, thanks for all the releases! Hope you like it! =)
Denpa Onna banner: http://imgf.tw/918145869.png
Simple as it may be, it’s still pretty damn good.
I agree with Daveybear. This is good stuff. Nice work, Onyx.
lol. i made one similar to it before seeing your post