1 link to a banner per reply.
And here are the technical criteria for the submitted banners:
- 1240px x 250px
- .jpg or .png (preferred)
- Filesize should be reasonable.
And here are the criteria for characters/shows:
- Character(s) should be female.
- Banner must be SFW. No nudity/genitalia/hentai/etc.
- Character(s) should come from a show that Doki has done/is doing/plans to do. This includes the wishlist.
- The banner should include the words “Doki Fansubs” somewhere on it.
Good luck.
Some excellent banners! Just some advice, the best banners not only has good design, but the logo “Doki Fansubs” also “fits” the banner, ie, it doesn’t stand out. I’ll keep this open til the weekend, i think. Keep them coming!
Someone better make a Denpa Onna one.
erio o/
Obviously. Who else is Denpa Onna about? =D
Although it is a pretty derpy screenshot, and It’ll probably get disqualified for having Makoto in it. Oh well, I might try to make a better one tonight.
Gotta love that one! xD
Someone better include the header picture in one of them. :3
… o,o Rewards? x]
Can we submit multiple banners, or just one per person?
as many as you want.
Aight, kool beans.
gonna miss the oreimo banner, really like it xD
it´s Mio
Redone from scratch.
I seriously want all well constructed Clannad banners auto-approved. Key & Kyoto Ani. in general, everyone, go for it!!!
Hi, here’s mine : [deleted – NSFW and stupid]
have fun, i hope you like it ^^
oh god what the hell is this??? XD
best banner ;o
LOL haha! i ….caant…. stop…. laugthing….!
How dare you say Clannad is shit!
is that a shit?
try eating it then ~
Here’s my first one.
Hau~ Kawaii~ Omochikaeri.
do like now i feel like watching some psycho rena
Here’s another Clannad one
Liking this one, but perhaps in a more Clannad font? The Clannad logo font isn’t very cursive.
hows that, i wasnt really sure wat font it was
I like this one. Clannad FTW!
After uploading for tons of hosters, only tinypic who doesn’t resize it.
this has my vote o/
Never really tried this though~
That’s actually p.kool, yo.
I givety thou props :3
Wow! This one is amazing!! <3
Denpa Onna featuring Erio and inadvertently Makoto. Hopefully it’s fine since the Oreimo picture has Kyousuke in it.
By the way, I’m liking that Nichijou banner.
Soo far this:
But i feel something is missing =(
so i might make a V2 of it
Hmm nothing is missing xD is just i put to much things on it x-X … V2 coming…. i guess..
Keep up the good work!;D
Doode, noice :3
iLike it.
Heres my enry.
Dat Shaft Head Tilt.
hi, it’s me again. I was joking ^^
here’s my real banner : http://s3.noelshack.com/uploads/images/6500236201371_rc4.png
I hope you like it. tell me if you see something wrong with it.
It’s good! I like it!
But there is a male character there. It’s dq.
hmm i forgot, my real nickname is “blackswars” ;o
looks so shaft. You have my vote
Entry #1
This is it!!
Simple, but win.
Nice banner!
do i get cookie?
does anyone else see my pic? or is my webserver pmsing?
I see it. P.cute :3
Here is mine. Sprites are not very clean but at least something is better than nothing. http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h216/walo00/banners/anohanabanner.png
5 pages of banners and no one else has any love for Ano Hana? Menma is gonna cry.
v2 with a little joke. http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h216/walo00/banners/beatggandutw.png