
Nichijou – 02

Nichijou - 02

Just what is Keima doing in Nichijou?

Note: If the subs aren’t displaying, press “S” in your player.

Holo edit: v2 patch coming up to fix certain :issues: in this script. Also, to ensure this fiasco does not repeat itself, we delay release for 12-18 hours as of next week. Nichijou is tough and more time needs to be spent to make sure that the release is done to the best of our ability. Thanks for your continued support.

[Doki] Nichijou – 02v2 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [C253763C].mkv PATCH

[Doki] Nichijou – 02v2 (848×480 h264 AAC) [CF280D2B].mkv PATCH

  1. Unrar the patch.
  2. Place v1 into the folder.
  3. Double click on “Apply Patch.bat”.
  4. ???
  5. Profit

HD (h264): [Doki] Nichijou – 02 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [834A96B6].mkv

Torrent |

SD (h264): [Doki] Nichijou – 02 (848×480 h264 AAC) [FB2F94FB].mkv

Torrent |

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