Spring Show #3.
The censorship is a bit lol, but there you go.
OP is subbed, but as we haven’t quite finished the ED, that is unsubbed in this ep.
720p: [Doki] 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [2B44FC62].mkv
Torrent Dead | XDCC
480p: [Doki] 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku - 01 (848x480 h264 AAC) [EBD92948].mkv
Torrent Dead | XDCC
weird anime
The censorship here is really a wat
Hmm if you guys haven’t quite finished the ED, why didn’t you spend a little extra time finishing it? Releasing an hour later won’t make much of a difference, but it’s good to do a finished job.
Btw, weird release picture.
did it occur to you that tl tried his best? Cos he struggled to hear the singing? Tling songs isn’t easy you know. he already spent like all night trying to do it.
Oh is that what you meant by not finished, I just thought that you didn’t put it in or something. Sorry, my internet is crap and I haven’t actually watched it yet.
Yeah that’s all right then.
So I heard there’s an annoying amount of censorship in this, so I think I’d rather wait. Are you guys going to do the BDs?
I think the censorship in this is done deliberately as a joke.
It’s just not a terribly funny joke, if you ask me.
Even it is censored… Its ok to watch… Thanks! 🙂 Will wait for the BD…
Figured it’d be censored to hell and back, but I’ll give it a try anyway. If worse comes to worse I’ll just wait for the BDs.
Thanks for the release!
the censorship makes the whole show even funnier XD
even i’d prefer a godess of sex instead, what really spoils it is this excessive censorship
however it was fun, thank you
Hoping that AT-X will air it without censorship next week.
This is one of those series that you really need to wait for DVD or BluRay version..
Censorship is too extreme.
But the series looks good. LOL
Everything about this show is weird.
LOL, you actually bothered to sub this censored mess, huh?
Also, Seto no Hanayome batch on 07/04/2011. ORLY?
Be grateful you’re getting XviD still.
really grateful
thanks for doing two versions (HD-SD)
i know it is difficult
but really appreciate it
I actually found it funny with the censorship, if only for the crudeness.
uhhh….the SS is just to….mehhh…
excessive boobs XD
AT-X (2011-04-13)
Next week at-x will broadcast the same show, hope will be uncut. Bored to wait BD.
Seems like it could be a really fun show…..but the excessive censoring kinda ruined Love-Ru for me so I think I’ll wait for the BluRays
Am I ineligible to watch this because I’ve had sex?
what’s sex?
No, but you are welcome to shut up and stop gloating.
This was originally aimed at people who did not yet have had sex.
Does she really have such big breasts in the whole show? If she does, then I’m definitely not watching it, ’cause I dont like ’em so big. (And don’t think I’m a lolicon now)
No, her breasts are not that big.
Hopefully AT-X will play it uncensored, so that I can re-translate the censored bits.
Now this is just sad.
So if it airs uncensored, will you guys release it?
That’s a big if. I doubt it will air uncensored. If it does, we will stop releasing the censored ver and only released the uncensored one, with 01 getting a v2.
In the screen cap why is there a black line between her head and her torso?
Watch it and find out, that’s the whole point of the joke.
Thank You
good show and all…
script pls!
thanx guys 🙂