Edit: Shitty upscales, not doing season 1 and 2.
Season I
Release date: 22/06/2011
Subs: Eclipse
Resolutions: 1080p if not upscale, 720p, 480p
Season II
Release date: 22/09/2011
Subs: Eclipse
Resolutions: 1080p if not upscale, 720p, 480p
Release date: 27/07/2011
Subs: Eclipse
Resolutions: 1080p if not upscale, 720p, 480p
you know how long I’ve been waiting for a bluray of season 1? 3 years. >.>
Another good news:
Season II Blu-ray to be released on 22/09/2011 ;D ;D
Holo and Doki Staff – we’re counting on you
Sorry for double comment.
Holo – are you planning to release Shana Movie?
It’ll be released on 2011/07/27.
It’s Shana, the waifu of many posters here. I doubt Doki wouldn’t do it.
Yay! Season 1, season 2, and the movie! Can’t wait.
WOOOOOOOT!! Now it’s both seasons, and even the movie! XD Now all that’s missing is Shakugan no Shana S, I guess, but I don’t know if that’s really worth releasing in BD…I heard it was pretty mediocre compared to the two regular shows (haven’t watched it yet).
I personally really liked Shakugan no Shana S. I would recommend it if you are a fan of the series.
I’m going to watch it, I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s on my harddrive. ; ) But glad to hear that it’s good. Looking forward to it.
Shana S was originally released on BD.
This is pretty frickin’ exciting. Way to go Doki!!!
I will enjoy rewatching Shana~ Reminds me of a simpler time where Eclipse was still around…
*cries like a baby*
I was considering buying the first season simply because there were no good quality rips around. I love you guys.
I just pretty much jizzed my pants after I heard this news.
I just wanted to give a little advice.
It’s a bit annoying.
Can you guys change the font for each anime? (Especially karaoke)
I feel a little bored.
Not that I want to hardsub cool, I just wish there softsub variation. And if you guys can, I want a font that fit the theme.
Like anime nichijou, I think the font used has been widely used in the anime before, and less fit with theme.
I think this will make the release more worth.
I choose fonts for readability.
If that’s the problem, how to choose a font that is easy to read. And another thing, what if softsub anime karaoke without using effects. Like Coalgirls, it will make the release faster, and more lovely.
This advice may be made poll.
Sorry for the bad english.
I only use kf most of the time. I am not into doing karaoke. Most of Doki’s releases dont have fancy karaoke.
Anyone herd any news on Shana 3 yet? I would be expecting it to come out summer or fall, But i havent herd anything for awhile, Just some floating rumor’s and thoes were awhile ago.
PS. Hope Doki does it when it is released.
Looking forward to the Blu-rays
Shana 3? I heard it was out December 21, 2012..
(Guess what that date is)
do you mean December 12, 2012? …….. :p
Well Shana 3 is supposed to air October 2011.
Ahh finally! Glad to hear you guys will be doing it. I hope the blurays will include all the specials and OVA’s. They’re all over the place it’s hard to keep track of them all…
Shana is my waifu!! don’t steal her!
I got Shakugan no Shana S BDs from Elsium. Very gewd quality in my opinion. :3
it’s JC Staff we’re talking about :/
I know this may seem sacrilegious, but would you guys consider adding the R1 subs as an alternate track? It’d give people a choice between Eclipse’s competent-but-undertranslated subs and a more accessible version that works better as a piece of English text (e.g. how the meaning of “Reiji Maigo” actually becomes plot-relevant in SnS II). Plus, there are some TL differences that tilt in favor of the R1s, like “Chanter of Elegies” (R1) vs. “Interpreter of Condolences” (Eclipse).
Not a lot of extra effort to do so, don’t see why not.
so you’ll release the SnS BDsonce they come out?
I didn’t find SS-Eclipse subs under-translated. I prefer them to official subs. The main reason for this is that a lot of the official terminology is terrible. Unrestricted Spells become Unrestricted Methods. Kings of Guze become Crimson Lords. The Tomogara become “denizens” for some reason. Seriously… wtf. There’s also such a thing as over-translation, and I think it is EASY to over-translate Shana. So in this case, I’m glad SS-Eclipse went the safe route and left certain things intact, so that we can listen for certain things. Like when they imply that the Guze no Ou and the Guze no Tomogara are the same race. It’s so much easier to pick up on. I dunno. Just my two cents.
please do hurry with shakugan no shana I, II and S and (ovas?), i cant wait any longer to see this in 720p :S
Any word on when you guys are going to get started on this? ^_^ I am excited about rewatching this series in non-blurry HD, and it supposedly was released last week.
Isn’t the season 1 box have released already?
no BDMV uploaded
Will Shana-tan be included?
yes :>
The raws are already out.
[BDrip] 灼眼のシャナ (Shakugan no Shana) [@白井黒子] 14.94G
Awwwww some
I found the blu ray dual audio on a forum I visit daily. I was wondering if I should just download theres or should i wait for your guy’s release. The description says unstyled subs and episode 1’s filesize is 527MB (720p w/commentary)
I’m a newb, so not sure if I got this right, but felix516 just uploaded “[SomeGuy]_Shakugan_No_Shana_1-24_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)” to Nyaa. (Torrent description: 1080p Raws muxed with Eclipse’s subs + OP and EDs)
I’m still wanting the Doki’s, but this might fend off the hunger pangs till then.
Link would be nice: http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=229400
no RAW, please…..
Yeah. And I found some raw too. http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=229257. Also it have been a month since the box’s release. Why Doki haven’t released it? Is there a problem? Maybe one of us your readers can help. I’m sure a lot of people are waiting for this. Season 3 will be out soon. I’m really hype.
Thanks for the hard work, Doki.
We don’t need a crappy raw encode, we need BDMV.
Box came out a month ago, but it didn’t appear on share till last week, can’t release what we can’t download, ne?
Can’t wait to rewatch my Shana in high quality