And it begins. I will probably be releasing this on episode per episode basis, and this should finish in time for Clannad ~After Story~.
Order of release will follow the Blu-Ray order. Check this.
Exclusive to this release are the following features:
- Single Audio releases.
- You will be able to patch all files into Dual Audio versions.
- Each release has 3 .ass streams.
- 1. Edited a.f.k. – Basically means Eastern name order. (Default)
- 2. Original a.f.k. – The a.f.k. script untouched.
- 3. Songs + Typesetting – Self explanatory.
- All songs fully softsubbed.
- All bonus features will be ripped (and subbed if applicable).
- 480p: vs Doki
- 720p: vs Doki
- 720p: Coalgirls vs Doki
- 1080p: vs Doki (2 Shots)
720p (h264): [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 01 – The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Part 1 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [FF762A10].mkv
480p (h264): [Doki] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) – 01 – The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Part 1 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [76E5E923].mkv
Yay! And season 1 of this show starts in BD! Thanks!
Thank you so much!will you also be releasing english audio patch with each episodes?
I will be, yes. Just need to sort them out first.
PLEASE no ordered chapters. Bad tech idea is baaaad.
I wonder where the fuck did this guy read the release is using Ordered Chapters.
Nope. Just making sure. Checked. Rockstars! Full file is perfect.
how lame
It’s cause Coalgirls always pulls that craziness. It’s a bad feature that does not save much help much in the long run.
Not everyone has a pc blah blah computer wars. Etc…
Thank you for your work on this.
Haruhi will be done before After Story just like Seto was done before Haruhi, right guys ?
Shit happens, it can’t be helped. Be grateful it’s getting done.
any font comparisons?
Coalgirls never did this in 1080 only 720. Do you recall the frame used for your 720 version? I’ll make and share the comparison. Thank you for 1080 (picking it up) and the dual audio patch 6 ^
08:43 in episode 2, don’t ahve the exact frame
Holo… are you sure you didn’t meant to say “eastern name order” instead of “western”?
Yea, you knew what i meant -_-
so it’s really westernized one w/o honorifics, bla bla bla ?
didn’t read it that it’s changed already -_-
i think i have to drop Macross just to get the 1080p….
sigh… bandwidth this days sure becomes more and more tight =_=
Thanks a lot =)
Could we get some 1080p screenshots?
Check the 1080p comparison link
Yatta! (^^) Will download and seed forevah! (Until like maybe late Marchish when you have them all done and release the batches) No, I’m not picking a fight, I’m just assuming you’re a normal human being, with about enough time to release twice a week, and if your doing all 28 episodes it would take 14 weeks.
Still, the point is, umm. What was I babling about?
Wow, this is just one step on a long way. I’ll be praising you guys when you manage to finish it!
Alright 720p Coalgirls v Doki:
You tell me.
To the others complaining about compression. Oh give it up. They both look fine. Just rewatch it. It’s goooood.
As for Kyoto Animation Company. Really. 480 was your master. Really. Arrrgggg..
Future proofing. But noooo 480 was your master…
Yaaaaa. It’s about the same. I kind of like Doki better though. Always like the lines to be more pronounced and this has that. But whatever since I’m taking the 1080 anyway ^ ^
If you watch anime Blu-rays where the source material is HD the lines usually aren’t especially pronounced. It’s fine if you just like them more pronounced, but one of the strengths of 1080p is that you can actually see the more fine lines and details.
From that Coalgirls looks noticeably better, but hey, if you throw huge bitrate at it of course it’s going to look better. Also when I say “noticeably better” that probably only applies to those with 42″ or larger high contrast ratio HDTVs where those artifacts will be more obvious, i.e. the same people who will be far more annoyed that this show was only 480p to begin with.
I fit in that “applies to” category ; )
It’s like we have both said now…you have to want to see the difference. The major differece, coalgirls is 720 only and Doki offers a 1080. And I’m pleased with the latter’s quality at that resolution.
I wouldn’t quite go as far as to say you have to want to see it. That color noise on Kyon’s jacket will stick out like a sore thumb on a good Plasma or LED TV, and ironically none of that noise would be there if you just played back the original DVDs and upscaled them.
I do agree though that on the setups most people will be watching on I doubt they’ll notice or care. Especially when it’s in motion rather than just a static frame.
“3. Songs + Typesetting – This stream becomes default after patching into Dual Audio.”
So when one applies the patch, the English dub will be the default audio track (to match with the sub track default)? I thought it was decided that even with the patch, the Japanese audio would still be the default, which means that the default for the sub track would remain unchanged…
hmm, good point.
With all these sub streams I was half expecting you to copy out subtitles for the dub as well XD
Do I look like I have time lol
That’s weird, I didn’t want to reply there. Back to bed for me I guess.
Is it possible to put patch to Megaupload or Mediafire. When i download at FS, it’s really too slow. And also sometimes, the file will stop and only donwload in halfway. FS cannot continued download the file. Thanks.
Maybe someone can upload the patch elsewhere. If no one does it in a few days, I’ll do it.
I do have another problem. It seems like torrent isn’t working at all to me. It won’t start download. Seem like i can’t download using torrent and FS. I think this is really bad to me right now. Where else can i find it to download? I think all the download at Doki isn’t working for me. But to others are okay.
The torrent should be working fine.
Font and styling make this the best release by far.
“should finish in time for Clannad ~After Story~”
Are you serious? It’s releasing 20th April 2011 and it only “should” be finished by then? How long does it take until one episode is finished encoding? I thought I could reckon that a full season release would come within the next days, but all I get is a single episode?
Don’t misunderstand me, I am of course grateful for your release, but why are you so slow while CoalGirls can release the full series faster than you can one episode?
It’s probably safe to say that Holo has no time because of school/work/life. Still, 3 months is a long time, even when taken all that into account.
If you’re not happy with the long time frame, then just go and get either the or ColaGirls release.
I second that. As a freelance writer/college student/otaku I know that whenever class starts, your side projects suddenly become way harder to work on and keep up with.
Thanks so much, indeed.
I don’t know why I didn’t watch this show two years ago, I missed my chance. Now, I can! Once again, you have my thanks! A million thanks!
My internet be damned…So many awesome things to download in such a short time period.
thanks for doing it the release dual audio i really apreciate it
For the sake of completion + archiving, i’ll download 1080p + patch, even there’s a possibility my laptop can’t play it well…. XD
guess it’s time for me to watch the dvd version of chihiro that long-long ago i had downloaded it XD but i haven’t watch it until now XD
Lazy me….. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
lol.. I have yet to watch the English version. I wonder how bad it is. XD thx doki!
Kyon is great, Yuki is solid, Koizumi is decent, Taniguchi is alright, Haruhi is tolerable (until she sings), Tsuruya is annoying, Kunikida is pathetic and Mikuru is woeful.
Yeah that about sums it up.
Personally, I think the Coalgirls 720p encode looks better (as well as better x264 settings), even though the video bitrate of both the very close. The problem is that Coalgirls included TWO flac streams (jpn and eng), bloating the filesize. In addition, they didn’t even do ordered chapters properly (at least not for the first ep). But oh well, i’ll be removing the eng audio, and reencoding the jpn one to AAC, so i’ll have to redo the ordered chapters anyways.
overall, Doki > Coalgirls if the slight color graining won’t bother you.