Bungaku Shoujo, a.k.a Literature Girl or Book Girl. I came across this series after watching one of the many OVAs under the title. They are adapted from a complete set of 8 light novels. There are a total of 13 in the series, the others are side stories so there is real plot in this show. The movie is largely based on the 5th volume and takes the end scene of the final novel hence giving it a true ending.
The series revolve around a boy, Inoue Konoha, and his interactions with different characters (girls). The entire story is pieced together starting with how he found his ambition to write, and the eventual release of his book which got widespread success. Eventually it inevitably caused a rift between his childhood friend; Asakura Miu, as well as an encounter with Amano Touko who changed his life forever. It has typical drama elements of teenage angst, relationship issues and suicide.
Preferred Sequence of Watching:
1. Kyou no Oyatsu ~Hatsukoi~ (2009)
2. Bungaku Shoujo Memoire (2010)
3. Bungaku Shoujo Movie (2010)
1. Inoue Konoha (Irino Miyu)
2. Amano Touko (Hanazawa Kana)
3. Asakura Miu (Hirano Aya)
4. Kotobuki Nanase (Mizuki Nana)
Bungaku Shoujo is strongly recommended for people who like drama and romance. There are no fanservice of any kind given it’s done by Production I.G. The ED is “Haruka na Hibi” by Eufonius. These are the same cast for the OVAs.
Project Staff
1. ZeroYuki (TL/Time)
2. nt (Edit)
3. Badskater (TS)
4. Pahndamonium (K-Time)
5. Jecht (QC/Release)
6. kokus (Encode)
Version 1 (Pre-encoded raws):
1080p (h264): [Doki] Bungaku Shoujo (1920×1080 h264 BDv2 FLAC) [52D495EF].mkv
720p (h264): [Doki] Bungaku Shoujo (1280×720 h264 BDv2 AAC) [39DCBBEF].mkv
Seconded. Too many idiots hating on Doki in *ggs* comments section talking about this. Even in the face of overwhelming failure from *ggs* comment section. Doki maintains an air of class. Well played Sirs.
Agreed. I guess that’s why they have their pointless golden phrase “You can’t spell faggots without us” Since they have the mouths of faggots :S On the other hand, Doki does maintain an air of class.
Thanks, really enjoyed this movie 😀
Thanks Doki for releasing this awesome movie! I also love the styling by the way~ 🙂
@NomNom:That’s probably because Hologram is an English Gentleman,one of the few remaining ones 😛
Good movie~ Hirano Aya got on my nerves at a few points, but that was her role I guess. In life and in this anime. Thanks a million for this great movie. Good work to all who did this(never read the credits). ^_^ waiting for next bungaku shoujo ova/movie.
For this, I thank you. I’m hoping you’d sub more movies of this genre. Thank you, much appreciated.
Thanks for subbing this 🙂
this was a nice movie . i dont normally watch movies because they are so short . prefer long period series . but this one was just too good to ignore .
yes!!! i watched a couple of memoires and i really liked it!! xD
Thanks a lot for subbing this movie! ^^
Thanks a lot !
Thanks for the release of Bungaku Shoujo, Doki.. :3
Also just wanna say that I’m impressed to know that you, Doki, aren’t going to troll back to gg.. I mean, if that were to be me, I would’ve did that a long time ago (though I might just get a countertrolled instead of trolling back to them)
Anyhow, great patience is great mate and I believe you guys’ are the best.. /thumbs up/
Why is there no Xvid version of this movie?
I mostly download Xvid because it is hardsubbed=no hassle to get subs on my iPhone.
I download a lot from Doki coz they always have Xvid’s out, but dissapointed on this one.
Is there a possibility that this will have an avi (xvid) version?
That will depend on our encoder if he is willing to encode an XVID version or not. Perhaps he’ll encode one once our script has been fixed though. As you’ve read on the post, we had a couple of mistakes in the script.
I really encourage you to at least get the 720p version. A slow PC should still be able to run the 720p version with CoreAVC decoder because the processor heavy kara is hardsubbed. That’s also the main reason why we can’t change the typo in the video.
CoreAVC: http://www.mediafire.com/?niuyvyjddtj
If you don’t want to use CoreAVC, which I think makes sense to use since most group don’t do XviDs, feel free to download an unofficial XviD transcode.
Only now have I felt the need to ever comment on a release for any fansubbing group for that matter.
I absolutely loved this movie. It really got to me. I myself am an aspiring writer, but I’ve been slacking on all of my ideas and have barely pursued any of them
Thanks for the release doki. I guess its time for me to take up the pen once more.
yes, well I wish you best of luck on your journey to becoming an aspiring writer. ^_^
where’s my 1080p patch? ლ(¯ロ¯ლ)
LOL, just wait for it.
lol, i know that…. XD
The best movie I’ve seen this year. Thanks for the hard work to get this out, I really do appreciate the effort.
Thank you for your hard work.
I hope it gets licensed in the west, definitely worth to buy it!
guys, I’m not a part of Doki, and I don’t have the 1080p file, so I won’t be making the patch for it. Maybe a Doki staff or someone with the 1080p file will make it.
(PS, you can find the 720p patch that I’ve made by clicking my name 0.o
Thanks for the sub. This movie was great!
while this movie couldve been very good, the simple fact that the male lead is the most pathetic thing to ever grace the world of animes completely drags the entire movie down to a world of darkness, so to speak.
i did have some hopes this movie would be good so for me it was a complete letdown.
I always get this error when running the patch 720p :
xdelta3 target window checksum mismatch XD3_INVALID_INPUT
I already rename the mkv file. And i always got 640MB video size.
well, do you have the 720p version? It’s not going to work on the 1080p…The CRC of your file (before it has been patched)has to be “876D0AF7″….If it’s not, you have a corrupted file.
It was an awesome movie, love it
Great movie. Thanks for subbing it Doki!
ah, MU died, so I’ve re-upped it,
Since no one has the 1080p patch up yet, I tried to create my own. This is my first time making one and it is an unofficial patch so I guarantee nothing.
Gracias, mi amigo…. 😀
ur patch really help us ( of course me, too ) 😛
error when running the patch 720p :
xdelta3 target window checksum mismatch XD3_INVALID_INPUT