
Bungaku Shoujo (BD)

Bungaku Shoujo (BD)

Bungaku Shoujo, a.k.a Literature Girl or Book Girl. I came across this series after watching one of the many OVAs under the title. They are adapted from a complete set of 8 light novels. There are a total of 13 in the series, the others are side stories so there is real plot in this show. The movie is largely based on the 5th volume and takes the end scene of the final novel hence giving it a true ending.

The series revolve around a boy, Inoue Konoha, and his interactions with different characters (girls). The entire story is pieced together starting with how he found his ambition to write, and the eventual release of his book which got widespread success. Eventually it  inevitably caused a rift between his childhood friend; Asakura Miu, as well as an encounter with Amano Touko who changed his life forever. It has typical drama elements of teenage angst, relationship issues and suicide.

Preferred Sequence of Watching:

1. Kyou no Oyatsu ~Hatsukoi~ (2009)

2. Bungaku Shoujo Memoire (2010)

3. Bungaku Shoujo Movie (2010)


1. Inoue Konoha (Irino Miyu)

2. Amano Touko (Hanazawa Kana)

3. Asakura Miu (Hirano Aya)

4. Kotobuki Nanase (Mizuki Nana)

Bungaku Shoujo is strongly recommended for people who like drama and romance. There are no fanservice of any kind given it’s done by Production I.G. The ED is “Haruka na Hibi” by Eufonius. These are the same cast for the OVAs.

Project Staff

1. ZeroYuki (TL/Time)

2. nt (Edit)

3. Badskater (TS)

4. Pahndamonium (K-Time)

5. Jecht (QC/Release)

6. kokus (Encode)

Version 1 (Pre-encoded raws):

1080p (h264): [Doki] Bungaku Shoujo (1920×1080 h264 BDv2 FLAC) [52D495EF].mkv

BD Movie v2

720p (h264): [Doki] Bungaku Shoujo (1280×720 h264 BDv2 AAC) [39DCBBEF].mkv

BD Movie v2

126 comments to Bungaku Shoujo (BD)

  • chronology

    btw, i’m thankful of course, but 720 release has fabulous macroblocking

  • Aj

    Haha, what an awesome surprise :p Didn’t even know the movie was out.

    Still 120 days till the next novel is published in English (checks daily), and god knows how many more till the 5th novel is.. So I’ll gladly watch this now.


  • Xasew

    The subbing was below average at best(and I only had to watch the first 15 minutes). I’ll wait for better subs.

    A pity it didn’t measure up to your standards. I just want to point out that any fansubber out there, no matter how much they deny it themselves, care about the show they picked up. By fansubbing, they want the show to be conveyed to others.

    In any case, in the spirit of the show, Monokage will be releasing their version if you find our version to be below par. I’m quite sure by waiting for better subs, you mean them.

  • Paxton

    Why wait for subs when you seems to understand Japanese and can tell the level of subbing ?

  • Iron Sand G

    Will there be a series for this one? And Thanks for the 720 😀
    -So how about the Scanlations and Light Novels since you’ve done all there is in the Fansubbing Realm hehe 😀

  • Trashcleaner

    @ Xasew: Look, we all know that Doki probably isn’t “the best” fansubs out there, but we still appreciate their work. Through watching this I happen to understand enough japanese to pick out a few mistakes here and there but I, as well as many others that understand the mistakes, am courteous enough not to belittle their efforts like you did.

    There’s been a decline in fansub groups and I believe a major contributing factor is condescending trash like you. Take your comments and stick it up behind you where the sun doesn’t reach.

  • Although I may not couch it in quite the flowery manner just used, I have to agree that if it were not for fansubs making the effort poor mortals with little if any Japanese would be left wanting. So, thank you Doki! It is all appreciated, and keep up the good work.

  • @Trashcleaner – I am in complete agreement by the way.

  • hunter

    Thanks a lot for doing this movie 🙂 I hope that you can release all the ovas when you have time, greetings.

  • The G-Man

    Hey thanks for the release! Just wanted to let you guys know that AnimeSuki has this listed as Bungaku Shoujo: Kyou no Oyatsu – Hatsukoi OVA not as the movie. Was a little confusing to me at first;)

    • Paxton

      I was about to post the same thing, had me check the size and time of both Bungaku Shoujo videos I have on my HDD, but it’s just a bad descritpion at AnimeSuki.

  • Tlevis

    YES! YES! YES! Thank you very much, Doki!

  • IC DeaDPiPoL

    thanks for the release ^_^

  • kaze

    I always appreciate all the effort Doki puts in releasing so many anime… Yes, sometimes I can see some mistake with the translation, but still Doki’s work is always appreciable… you can seriously sense some kind of “love” for the show and you cannever find a sloppy work, like, let’s say it, a LOT of group… and I’m not (just) talking about horriblesubs &co., but also the gg of few months ago…

    Btw, after all this praises, I must criticize something.
    In this movie you’ve completely missed the meaning of the last sentences!

    Inoue Miu-sensei no shinsaku yonde morau-n-deshoo?
    Your translation: You’re going to read Inoue Miu-sensei’s new novel, right?

    Should be…
    “Someone is coming to read Inoue Miu-sensei’s new novel, right?”
    “someone is coming” obviously isn’t written in japanese, but the little sister ask if “he is going to receive his book being read”… Konoha can’t be the one reading the book unless the sister is subject of morau… and that’s impossible ’cause she’s not some child who ask for a goodnight story!
    Who’s going to read the new (3rd) book, isn’t clear, but it’s obvious… The publisher usually sends someone to take charge of the authors and valuate their works…

    ki ni itte kureru to ii kedo…
    Will I be able to take a liking to her?

    The sister can’t be the subject of kureru!
    Correct translation is “I hope she will like it (the book)”
    ki ni itte kureru yo, ano hito nara
    …becomes “if it’s her, she will like it”

    Well, long story short, Touko senpai now works for a publishing company and will work with Inoue-sensei from now on.

    It’s not really important, but you’ve misread a kanji on the “mailbox”: “if there’s anything” sounds weird to me…
    That’s why I think you’ve read “goyou no hou wa…”, while it should be read “goyou no kata wa…”, which means it’s “Those who want (to use this), should write a letter, please”… or something like this.

  • ZeroYuki

    I’ll try to get a patch to be released to correct the last few lines. It’s definitely a mistake on my part it’s quite important to the show as well. Ah jecht, if you’re reading this please make a patch for it. I need to go to school. Thanks.

  • gamerz

    *Clicks on 1080 FS link*

    Been waiting for ages for this one 🙂 Thanks Doki!

  • Xasew

    @ Trashcleaner:
    “There’s been a decline in fansub groups and I believe a major contributing factor is condescending trash like you. Take your comments and stick it up behind you where the sun doesn’t reach.”

    You think I’m just trying to be an asshole? You know people actually read these comments to figure out if they should go with this or that fansub, so by telling what I think I’m conveying information to others who don’t know which group to choose. I might’ve been tactless, but I wasn’t trying to be mean. I do respect Doki’s work, otherwise this site wouldn’t be one of my constant tabs.

    • thewizardninja

      Then instead of complaining about it, how about you take the time to point out these mistakes like Kaze did? That way you stop looking like a whiny little bitch and actually look helpful. I’m sure Holo and the rest of Doki would appreciate it a lot more if you bothered to correct them rather than just telling everyone how sub-par the job is.

  • Pa®adin

    *another request for a SD*
    ( ^^)

  • anon

    Thanks for the efforts i appreciate it unlike the guys who spammed here with rude comments and used a false name

  • kaze

    Thanks for your offer, I’d really like to, but unfortunately, being italian, my english should always be checked (mendoukusai deshou?) …moreover I’m already a translator for an italian group and I really haven’t enough time… sorry.
    Well, occasionally I write post like this one, just for the groups I like (i.e. I’d never do this for the guesslator of subdesu^^) and, if it’s not a bother, I’ll keep on doing it here too… just when I spot big mistakes… rest assured I don’t want to be one of that bothersome nitpicker ^^;;

    • a random fan

      As long as you can write in English, there shouldn’t be any problems. That is why there are editors.

    • Holo

      The Italian thing isn’t an issue, it’s fine as long as you can type coherent English, which you clearly can.

      I guess you may not have time as you work for the Italian group, but if you do find spare time, I would greatly appreciate it.

    • Bostonmarriage

      Out of curiosity, which of SubDesu’s shows are guesslated? I understand that they had some problems last season with a J->Fr TL, but I haven’t been able to find any real problems with their subs for this summer season as far as translating goes.

      Perhaps, it’s just me but some of these errors seem pretty egregious. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the work being done, it just seems like it could benefit from a comprehension check or something.

  • Elvin21

    Its a movie, so there will be a possibility of some errors due to the length (time) of the project. But it will not affect the whole movie. And its the first for Doki to do a project like this.

    Anyway, thanks for this movie! 🙂 Greatly appreciated!

  • :: waits for Seikon no Qwaser BluRay episodes ::

  • justinefremlouw

    720p v2 patch to correct mistakes made by me 🙂
    mistakes pointed out by Kaze@Doki Comments


    MF Mirror

  • itsmeMARIO

    I just wanted to thank everyone at Doki for having the best attitude towards criticism I have ever seen. Most other groups are always slinging crap around at everyone to make themselves feel better and superior. Many commenters are no better, always cutting people down and taking sides. I have been around long enough to grow up past this childish behavior and respect anyone who takes the time required to a do a project like this while handling haters with grace. I salute you for your efforts and thank you for the release!

    • Holo

      If I go and troll other groups, I’d just sink to their level.

      I started a fansub group to fansub, not to troll other groups.

      • NomNom Delcious Cake

        Yeah but *gg*s comments are pretty farciscal at best, pointing out minor errors that the average fansub viewer wouldn’t even notice. Surprised you’re not annoyed at them shitting on your efforts.
        Thus why their efforts at shitty on you pretty much fail.

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