Bungaku Shoujo, a.k.a Literature Girl or Book Girl. I came across this series after watching one of the many OVAs under the title. They are adapted from a complete set of 8 light novels. There are a total of 13 in the series, the others are side stories so there is real plot in this show. The movie is largely based on the 5th volume and takes the end scene of the final novel hence giving it a true ending.
The series revolve around a boy, Inoue Konoha, and his interactions with different characters (girls). The entire story is pieced together starting with how he found his ambition to write, and the eventual release of his book which got widespread success. Eventually it inevitably caused a rift between his childhood friend; Asakura Miu, as well as an encounter with Amano Touko who changed his life forever. It has typical drama elements of teenage angst, relationship issues and suicide.
Preferred Sequence of Watching:
1. Kyou no Oyatsu ~Hatsukoi~ (2009)
2. Bungaku Shoujo Memoire (2010)
3. Bungaku Shoujo Movie (2010)
1. Inoue Konoha (Irino Miyu)
2. Amano Touko (Hanazawa Kana)
3. Asakura Miu (Hirano Aya)
4. Kotobuki Nanase (Mizuki Nana)
Bungaku Shoujo is strongly recommended for people who like drama and romance. There are no fanservice of any kind given it’s done by Production I.G. The ED is “Haruka na Hibi” by Eufonius. These are the same cast for the OVAs.
Project Staff
1. ZeroYuki (TL/Time)
2. nt (Edit)
3. Badskater (TS)
4. Pahndamonium (K-Time)
5. Jecht (QC/Release)
6. kokus (Encode)
Version 1 (Pre-encoded raws):
1080p (h264): [Doki] Bungaku Shoujo (1920×1080 h264 BDv2 FLAC) [52D495EF].mkv
720p (h264): [Doki] Bungaku Shoujo (1280×720 h264 BDv2 AAC) [39DCBBEF].mkv
I love you.
Thank you guys SO much! I had no idea you were going to do this. A great surprise!
Was currently looking for a translator to work on this with me, but I’m glad you picked the show! It seriously needed some fansub love.
Bizounours says thanks!
I’m surprised you guys subbed this and thanks for subbing it. I actually expected GG to do it first (well, probably never).
[…] (15/09/2010) : Doki Fansubs has just released Bungaku Shoujo in both 720p and 1080p. I can only recommend you to watch […]
thanks been waiting for this
So… do I watch this one first or the prequel OVA series? Thanks in advance.
ty for the release…
2nd question… will you sub the ovas?
my mistake i didnt read the little description…
God you guys are terrible: http://i56.tinypic.com/24b9pxs.png
Learn how to fansub before releasing anything, you should learn from Thora and coalgirls. — The goat
HRZ Sir, you should learn not to be a giant douche. One mistake doesn’t equal a bad group. It’s called being human.
And on top of that, Thora and Coalgirls are not sub groups.
Well goat, you should go teabag a got, and then release your own sub, you whining worthless leach.
Sounds interesting, hopefully we won’t have to have any prior experience with the series to enjoy the movie.
Should we ideally watch something before this? Or is it good stand-alone?
And thanks, seems like fun.
True true but we are humans so we are bound to make mistakes. You on the other hand need to learn some manners.
waw…Bungaku Shoujo….actually i don’t know anything about this movie…..but i’ll give a try…..beside, i love drama, too 😀
This sounds intriguing. In Doki I entrust my bandwidth.
For some reason I knew this was going to be the movie you guys were working one. THanks a ton for the release. I just read the first novel last month and immediately fell in love with the series and recommend it to everyone. Again thanks for the release, you guys are awesome!!
Are you considering subbing the new Space Battleship Yamato Movie?
Someone subbed it. Joy! 😀
Thanks a lot, guys.
I’ve been wanting this so bad, just got done reading the first novel. Thank you so much Doki!!!! I love you guys.
Thank you, your efforts are deeply appreciated.
(So, yeah, work on the OVAs sometimes, okay? And if it’s possible, translate the light novels, too, okay?)
Will you be releasing Xvid avi? I guess this question applies to all future movie releases too 0.o
I also would like to know this. Should I wait for a 480p or go look for another group/re-encode/whatever ?
don’t worry….there’s a big chance for Xvid if there are enough demand for it….:D
@silver:HRZ is not posting,its the guys on the bakabt offers failgirl aka solva @ shimeji subs/ http://shimeji-subs.blogspot.com/ & raven2000/ http://www.bakabt.com/user/864559/raven2000.html%5D spamming in his name .
No way… I was about to spamwhore Holo into doing this as soon as he’d come back…
This is why I love this group :3
Sounds like an interesting release. I’m kind of surprised with the file size for this though. 1.35GB for 1080p seems kind of low for a 1hr 43min long movie, especially considering all of the other releases you guys have done. I guess the movie is high on stills.
Regardless, thanks for this.
Btw, when is the next Seto no Hanayome release coming? No rush, just curious is all.
Um, supposedly if want to mux the FLAC audio from the 1080p into the 720p version, will it mess up anything (like timings and such)?
You would be wasting your time, since you’d never be able to tell the difference anyway.
I didn’t expect Doki to do this, and missed the post that said so. Anyway, good surprise, thanks for the release :]
I’m a bit lost in the order of things : movie > OVA ? OVA > Movie ? Looks like Hatsukoi is the prequel to the film, so i’ll watch this first 🙂
movie starts where memoir #1 ends, then hatsukoi