Air in Summer is complete. This concludes Air. Ever since starting Doki, it has been my ambition to sub the Blu-ray of this show, and now it is complete. The batch will be available in a few hours.
720p (h264): [Doki] Air in Summer – 02 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [600B64C4].mkv
480p (XviD): [Doki] Air in Summer – 02 (848×480 XviD BD MP3) [D9253B84].avi
quote: “Ever since starting Doki, it has been my ambition to sub the Blu-ray of this show, and now it is complete.”
Does that mean you disband now? xD
I have other ambitions too 😛
I’ll buy Holo as a pet and make him sub shows for me o/
gj finishing this
As this is an “All praise HOLO!” page, so far at least, then who am I to change the overall flavour…
Many thanks for doing all my favourite animes: Clannad, Air, Kanon. Could not have been better. Except of course, “After Story” when it comes out in High Def.
And, for those who want to call me sad for liking these Key animations in particular, so be it… 😉 I can live with it.
Without Doki and Holo, I couldnt have enjoyed or discovered any of these wonderful animes. Thank you, once again, from the bottom of my heart! <3
Gracias !!! Gracias !!! Gracias !!!
Without Doki and Holo, I’d still be enjoying Clannad and Kanon in 1024×576 resolution from SS-Eclipse 😀
The OP(720p) at 00:45 is distorted, is my file corrupt? Other episodes work fine though. Thanks 4 reply.
same here.
I came across this file on nyaatorrents:
[Doki] Air in Summer – 02 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC rev2) [83CCF24D].mkv
Official or not?
I am not aware that there any issues with my release. So no, that is not official.
As you have seen, the uploader on nyaa claims the v2 fixes video issues.
I also get mangled video between about 00:45 & 00:49 (using CCCP & Core AVC). I have yet to watch it fully so can’t say if that’s the only occasion.
is there another link for the torrent on this anime?
i don’t think so. u have to grab it from FS link or XDCC bot 😉