Late but can’t help it. I will spend the next days slapping the fuck out of the staff because they will most likely feel like playing SC2 instead of working on the shows. >.<
HD (h264): [Doki] Asobi ni Iku yo! – 02 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [1ACE32E9].mkv
SD (XviD): [Doki] Asobi ni Iku yo! – 02 (848×480 XviD MP3) [74E91222].avi
First? Waited and rewarded.
but come on SC2 will be such a sweet game i only wish i had the cash to pick it up but sadly it will be a few weeks for me 🙁
I hope this doesn’t mean Campanella & Seitokai aren’t stalled *keeping both fingers crossed*
I’m asking this question too, it’s been stucked at edit and no one wants to do it. You can actually tell how much it means to a tler to get his show out as fast as possible…
it can’t be help. ITS starcraft
wow episode two of a series…. making some progress ><
Starcraft 2 sucks balls man its a pathetic milking by blizzard of more funds from the franchise.
Bring on Fallout New Vegas.
Is this uncensored version?
There is no uncensored version. Wait for the DVD.
Putting that aside, where is Campanella 4 ? It aired like 4 days ago.
It’s been stucked at edit since god knows how long. Main editor unable to edit, other editors stay at the staff chan like decorations.
Sure Star Craft 2 is a fine and dandy game, but no slackers who wants to play Blazblue Continuum Shift? :3
You don’t have to slap them. Since, we’ll most likely feel like playing sc2 instead of watching the shows 😀
Is it me or there is no ED karaoke?
I’m liking this show, it has an interesting new take on the harem genre.
We’ve had week/shy/kind guys in harems before but these strong/confident females are a new strange species.
Can you blame them? It’s StarCraft 2 we’re talking about.
Yeah, you’re right. We should drop all projects and play SC2.
Yeah, everyone should start playing StarCraft 2 and stop watching anime.
Sounds good to me, lol ._.
My vote is we all stop watching Anime once Halo Reach comes out. Who’s with me?
I’m sure Obama is with you.
will wait for avi plz thx
Xvid version?
What’s this StarCrap anyone’s talking about?
You must be really bored to play that…
Patiently awaiting the xvid
I guess I’m just stating the obvious, but this show needs uncensoring really badly…
can i get a ddl for the avi
This. show. is. awesome!
Those are some ridiculous powers you have there Eris.
can i get a hotfile ddl for this
i agree can i hav an avi ddl plz thx
hehe, I was scratching my head thinking SC2 meant Soul Calibur 2. It’s all I’ve ever known SC2 to mean, and that’s all it’ll ever mean to me. 😛